132 research outputs found

    Smoking-induced long-lasting modifications of human platelet serotonin catabolism through a MAO epigenetic regulation

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    Postulating that serotonin, secreted from smoking-activated platelets, could be involved in smoking-induced vascular modifications, we studied 115 men distributed in smokers (S), former smokers (FS) and never smokers (NS). The platelet serotonin content was similar in S and NS but lower in FS. This was unexpected because the monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity, which catabolizes serotonin, was inhibited during smoking. However, the amount of platelet MAO was higher in S and FS than in NS. The persistent elevated MAO amount in FS prompted us to study the methylation of its gene promoter in an additional series of patients: it was markedly lower for S and FS vs. NS due to cigarette smoke-induced increase of nucleic acid demethylase activity. This smoking-induced demethylation of the MAO gene promoter, resulting in high MAO amount persisting long after quitting smoking, has cardiovascular consequences and could impact fields such as behavior, mental health, and cancer

    Monoaminergic modulation of photoreception in ascidian:evidence for a proto-hypothalamo-retinal territory

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    Background : The retina of craniates/vertebrates has been proposed to derive from a photoreceptor prosencephalic territory in ancestral chordates, but the evolutionary origin of the different cell types making the retina is disputed. Except for photoreceptors, the existence of homologs of retinal cells remains uncertain outside vertebrates. Methods : The expression of genes expressed in the sensory vesicle of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis including those encoding components of the monoaminergic neurotransmission systems, was analyzed by in situ hybridization or in vivo transfection of the corresponding regulatory elements driving fluorescent reporters. Modulation of photic responses by monoamines was studied by electrophysiology combined with pharmacological treatments. Results : We show that many molecular characteristics of dopamine-synthesizing cells located in the vicinity of photoreceptors in the sensory vesicle of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis are similar to those of amacrine dopamine cells of the vertebrate retina. The ascidian dopamine cells share with vertebrate amacrine cells the expression of the key-transcription factor Ptf1a, as well as that of dopamine-synthesizing enzymes. Surprisingly, the ascidian dopamine cells accumulate serotonin via a functional serotonin transporter, as some amacrine cells also do. Moreover, dopamine cells located in the vicinity of the photoreceptors modulate the light-off induced swimming behavior of ascidian larvae by acting on alpha2-like receptors, instead of dopamine receptors, supporting a role in the modulation of the photic response. These cells are located in a territory of the ascidian sensory vesicle expressing genes found both in the retina and the hypothalamus of vertebrates (six3/6, Rx, meis, pax6, visual cycle proteins). Conclusion : We propose that the dopamine cells of the ascidian larva derive from an ancestral multifunctional cell population located in the periventricular, photoreceptive field of the anterior neural tube of chordates, which also gives rise to both anterior hypothalamus and the retina in craniates/vertebrates. It also shows that the existence of multiple cell types associated with photic responses predates the formation of the vertebrate retina

    Smoking Induces Long-Lasting Effects through a Monoamine-Oxidase Epigenetic Regulation

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    BACKGROUND: Postulating that serotonin (5-HT), released from smoking-activated platelets could be involved in smoking-induced vascular modifications, we studied its catabolism in a series of 115 men distributed as current smokers (S), never smokers (NS) and former smokers (FS) who had stopped smoking for a mean of 13 years. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 5-HT, monoamine oxidase (MAO-B) activities and amounts were measured in platelets, and 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA)--the 5-HT/MAO catabolite--in plasma samples. Both platelet 5-HT and plasma 5-HIAA levels were correlated with the 10-year cardiovascular Framingham relative risk (P<0.01), but these correlations became non-significant after adjustment for smoking status, underlining that the determining risk factor among those taken into account in the Framingham risk calculation was smoking. Surprisingly, the platelet 5-HT content was similar in S and NS but lower in FS with a parallel higher plasma level of 5-HIAA in FS. This was unforeseen since MAO-B activity was inhibited during smoking (P<0.00001). It was, however, consistent with a higher enzyme protein concentration found in S and FS than in NS (P<0.001). It thus appears that MAO inhibition during smoking was compensated by a higher synthesis. To investigate the persistent increase in MAO-B protein concentration, a study of the methylation of its gene promoter was undertaken in a small supplementary cohort of similar subjects. We found that the methylation frequency of the MAOB gene promoter was markedly lower (P<0.0001) for S and FS vs. NS due to cigarette smoke-induced increase of nucleic acid demethylase activity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This is one of the first reports that smoking induces an epigenetic modification. A better understanding of the epigenome may help to further elucidate the physiopathology and the development of new therapeutic approaches to tobacco addiction. The results could have a larger impact than cardiovascular damage, considering that MAO-dependent 5-HT catabolism is also involved in addiction, predisposition to cancer, behaviour and mental health

    MOL#8268 1 Title Page. The natural mutation encoding a C-terminus truncated 5-HT 2B receptor is a gain of proliferative functions

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    Number of tables, 1 Number of references, 31 Number of words in the abstract, 230 Number of words in the Introduction, 744 Number of words in the Discussion. 1172 List of non-standard abbreviations receptor was identified in one patient diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension after intake of the anorexigen dexfenfluramine. Although reported to generate a lack of function, this C-terminus truncated 5-HT 2B receptor should somehow affect transduction pathways relevant to pulmonary hypertension. In our study, we investigated putative modifications in transduction of the R393X mutated 5-HT 2B receptor. In stably transfected cells, we confirmed the loss of IP 3 stimulation due to the G αq uncoupling, despite conserved ligand affinity between the normal and mutated receptors. We also observed a partial loss of nitric oxide synthase stimulation. However, the truncated R393X receptor presented (i) a strong gain of efficacy in cell proliferation as assessed by mitogen-activated protein kinase activity and thymidine incorporation, (ii) a preferential coupling to G α13 as shown by blocking antiserum, and (iii) an apparent lack of internalization upon agonist stimulation as observed by confocal microscopy. This work demonstrates that, in the 5-HT 2B receptor, the C-terminus including the palmitoylation and phosphorylation sites is absolutely required for proper transduction and internalization. For the first time, we show that the lack of C-terminus can generate a switch of coupling to G α13 , a reduced NO synthase activation and an increase in cell proliferation. All these modifications are relevant in pathophysiological vasoconstriction. MOL#8268 4 Introduction

    Genetic deficiency of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase promotes gut microbiota-mediated metabolic health.

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    The association between altered gut microbiota, intestinal permeability, inflammation and cardiometabolic diseases is becoming increasingly clear but remains poorly understood1,2. Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase is an enzyme induced in many types of immune cells, including macrophages in response to inflammatory stimuli, and catalyzes the degradation of tryptophan along the kynurenine pathway. Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity is better known for its suppression of effector T cell immunity and its activation of regulatory T cells3,4. However, high indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity predicts worse cardiovascular outcome5-9 and may promote atherosclerosis and vascular inflammation6, suggesting a more complex role in chronic inflammatory settings. Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity is also increased in obesity10-13, yet its role in metabolic disease is still unexplored. Here, we show that obesity is associated with an increase of intestinal indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity, which shifts tryptophan metabolism from indole derivative and interleukin-22 production toward kynurenine production. Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase deletion or inhibition improves insulin sensitivity, preserves the gut mucosal barrier, decreases endotoxemia and chronic inflammation, and regulates lipid metabolism in liver and adipose tissues. These beneficial effects are due to rewiring of tryptophan metabolism toward a microbiota-dependent production of interleukin-22 and are abrogated after treatment with a neutralizing anti-interleukin-22 antibody. In summary, we identify an unexpected function of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in the fine tuning of intestinal tryptophan metabolism with major consequences on microbiota-dependent control of metabolic disease, which suggests indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase as a potential therapeutic target

    Genome-wide association of multiple complex traits in outbred mice by ultra low-coverage sequencing

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    The authors wish to acknowledge excellent technical assistance from A. Kurioka, L. Swadling, C. de Lara, J. Ussher, R. Townsend, S. Lionikaite, A.S. Lionikiene, R. Wolswinkel and I. van der Made. We would like to thank T.M. Keane and A.G. Doran for their help in annotating variants and adding the FVB/NJ strain to the MGP. We thank the High-Throughput Genomics Group at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute for the generation of the sequencing data. This work was funded by Wellcome Trust grant 090532/Z/09/Z (J.F.). Primary phenotyping of the mice was supported by the Mary Lyon Centre and Mammalian Genetics Unit (Medical Research Council, UK Hub grant G0900747 91070 and Medical Research Council, UK grant MC U142684172). D.A.B. acknowledges support from NIH R01AR056280. The sleep work was supported by the state of Vaud (Switzerland) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF 14694 and 136201 to P.F.). The ECG work was supported by the Netherlands CardioVascular Research Initiative (Dutch Heart Foundation, Dutch Federation of University Medical Centres, Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences) PREDICT project, InterUniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands (ICIN; 061.02; C.A.R. and C.R.B.). N.C. is supported by the Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Graduate Academy. R.W.D. is supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust (097308/Z/11/Z).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Le Champix® (varénicline), médicament d'aide au sevrage tabagique

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Diabète de type 2 et thérapeutique par les incrétinomimétiques

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF