71 research outputs found

    Fully convolutional neural networks for polyp segmentation in colonoscopy

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common and deadliest forms of cancer, accounting for nearly 10% of all forms of cancer in the world. Even though colonoscopy is considered the most effective method for screening and diagnosis, the success of the procedure is highly dependent on the operator skills and level of hand-eye coordination. In this work, we propose to adapt fully convolution neural networks (FCN), to identify and segment polyps in colonoscopy images. We converted three established networks into a fully convolution architecture and fine-tuned their learned representations to the polyp segmentation task. We validate our framework on the 2015 MICCAI polyp detection challenge dataset, surpassing the state-of-the-art in automated polyp detection. Our method obtained high segmentation accuracy and a detection precision and recall of 73.61% and 86.31%, respectively

    Biomarkers in post-reperfusion syndrome after acute lower limb ischaemia

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    Ischaemia reperfusion (I/R) injury refers to tissue damage caused when blood supply returns to the tissue after a period of ischaemia. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and cytokines are biomarkers involved in several vascular complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of MMPs, NGAL and inflammatory cytokines in I/R syndrome. We conducted an open label, multicentric, parallel group study, between January 2010 and December 2013. Patients with acute limb ischaemia were enrolled in this study and were divided into two groups: (i) those subjected to fasciotomy and (ii) those not subjected to fasciotomy, according to the onset of compartment syndrome. Plasma and tissue values of MMPs and NGAL as well as plasma cytokines were evaluated. MMPs, NGAL and cytokine levels were higher in patients with compartment syndrome. Biomarkers evaluated in this study may be used in the future as predictors of I/R injury severity and its possible evolution towards post-reperfusion syndrome

    A model for pushover analysis of confined masonry structures : implementation and validation

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    Confined masonry (CM) is a typical building technique in Latin American countries. This technique, due to its simplicity of construction and similarity with traditional practices of reinforced concrete building, presents a potential of use in European regions with moderate-to-high seismicity. However, most of the procedures for seismic design in codes for Latin America are force-based, which appears to be inadequate due to the high dissipative response observed for CM. This paper presents a simplified numerical-analytical approach to model CM structures using pushover analysis, aiming to apply performance-based design procedures. First, a data mining process is performed on a database of experimental results collected from lateral tests on CM walls to adjust prediction models for the wall shear strength and to determine the input relevance through a sensitivity analysis. Then, an analytical model of CM structures for pushover analysis is proposed with basis on a wide-column approach that employs an adaptive shear load-displacement constitutive relation. The proposed method is compared with a discrete element model that represents explicitly the confinements-masonry interaction, against the experimental results obtained in a quasi-static test of a full-scale tridimensional CM structure. The accuracy of the predictions from both methods is very satisfactory, allowing to capture the base shear-displacement envelope and also the damage patterns of the structure, thus, demonstrating the ability of the methods to be used in performance-based seismic assessment and design of CM buildings.The first author acknowledges the financial support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Ph.D. Grant SFRH/BD/41221/2007

    An Interdisciplinary Approach for the Experimental Assessments of the Seismic Safety of Artworks

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    Recent seismic events occurred in areas rich of ancient remains and full of cultural and artistic heritage in terms of artworks. Earthquakes may damage buildings, but the vibrations may also induce the uplift and overturning of their content, implying irreparable loss of cultural values. The seismic assessment of objects is usually tackled modelling them as rigid blocks. This paper focuses on statues, which generally present a very complicated geometry, and proposes a general methodology involving different disciplines, for their experimental seismic assessment. The methodology is here applied to the masterpiece of “Paolo Orsi” museum in Syracuse (Italy), that is the “Venere Landolina”. Due to the complexity of statues, traditional techniques cannot be considered reliable for a proper geometry reconstruction; therefore, Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) technologies are here employed to obtain a highly detailed and complete digital model. Aiming at providing a low-cost scaled physical model of the statue, a wooden specimen has been arranged employing a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) milling machine, cutting off disks from flat panels which are then superimposed and glued, progressively reconstructing the actual geometry of the statue. The specimen, able to approximately reproduce the scaled actual geometry, was then tested on a shaking table with ground motions compatible with those expected for the site where the statue is located. The obtained results are finally correlated with those expected for the real scale statue

    Pain in Multiple System Atrophy a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Individuals with multiple system atrophy (MSA) often complain about pain, nonetheless this remains a poorly investigated non-motor feature of MSA. Objectives: Here, we aimed at assessing the prevalence, characteristics, and risk factors for pain in individuals with MSA. Methods: Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) guidelines, we systematically screened the PubMED, Cochrane, and Web of Science databases for papers published in English until September 30, 2022, combining the following keywords: “pain,” “multiple system atrophy,” “MSA,” “olivopontocerebellar atrophy,” “OPCA,” “striatonigral degeneration,” “SND,” “Shy Drager,” and “atypical parkinsonism.”. Results: The search identified 700 records. Sixteen studies provided information on pain prevalence in cohorts of MSA individuals and were included in a qualitative assessment based on the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) tool. Thirteen studies (11 cross-sectional, two longitudinal) scored ≥14 points on QUADAS assessment and were included in a quantitative analysis, pooling data from 1236 MSA individuals. The resulting pooled prevalence of pain in MSA was 67% (95% confidence intervals [CI] = 57%–75%), and significantly higher in individuals with MSA of parkinsonian rather than cerebellar type (76% [95% CI = 63%–87%] vs. 45% [95% CI = 33%–57%], P = 0.001). Pain assessment tools and collected information were highly heterogeneous across studies. Two studies reported pain treatment strategies and found that only every second person with MSA complaining about pain had received targeted treatment. Conclusions: We found that pain is a frequent, but still under-recognized and undertreated feature of MSA. Further research is needed to improve pain detection and treatment in MSA

    Fortificazioni d’eccellenza nel territorio siciliano. Il caso dell’edificio in opera isodoma a C. da Ossini-S. Lio (Lentini)

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    Il contributo presenta la possibile identificazione di un edificio rappresentato da J.-P. Houel nel corso del suo tour dell’isola fatto nel XVIII secolo: sulla base di considerazioni topografiche e archeologiche, si presenta l’ipotesi della pertinenza del monumento greco di contrada Ossini-S. Lio (Lentini), e la sua identificazione con un edificio fortificato (una balostasis?)

    Le devozioni nella società di massa

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    Il volume analizza i mutamenti del culto dei santi e delle forme devozionali nella società di massa attraverso contributi dedicati ai singoli media, dal teatro, ai settimanali illustrati, dal cinema alla televisione, dal fumetto a Internet

    San Francesco d’Italia. Santità e identità nazionale

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    Nell’ottobre 1926 le celebrazioni per la ricorrenza del settimo centenario della morte di san Francesco d’Assisi davano modo ai rappresentanti della S. Sede e del governo italiano di incontrarsi e mettevano in moto il processo che portò alla “conciliazione” del 1929. A dieci anni di distanza, il 18 giugno 1939, pochi mesi prima dello scoppio del secondo conflitto mondiale, papa Pio XII proclamava patroni d’Italia santa Caterina da Siena e san Francesco d’Assisi, che definiva «il più Santo degli italiani, il più italiano dei Santi». Nel nesso sempre più stretto che si instaurava in Italia fra patria e nazione, la figura del santo di Assisi assumeva, nel periodo compreso tra le due guerre mondiali, un volto alquanto diverso dalla sua riscoperta romantica ottocentesca, e il francescanesimo si inseriva all’interno dei nuovi orientamenti del cattolicesimo. La storiografia, l’arte, il cinema, la radio, in Italia come all’estero, esploravano nuovi volti del Poverello

    San Francesco d’Italia. Santità e identità nazionale

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    Nell’ottobre 1926 le celebrazioni per la ricorrenza del settimo centenario della morte di san Francesco d’Assisi davano modo ai rappresentanti della S. Sede e del governo italiano di incontrarsi e mettevano in moto il processo che portò alla “conciliazione” del 1929. A dieci anni di distanza, il 18 giugno 1939, pochi mesi prima dello scoppio del secondo conflitto mondiale, papa Pio XII proclamava patroni d’Italia santa Caterina da Siena e san Francesco d’Assisi, che definiva «il più Santo degli italiani, il più italiano dei Santi». Nel nesso sempre più stretto che si instaurava in Italia fra patria e nazione, la figura del santo di Assisi assumeva, nel periodo compreso tra le due guerre mondiali, un volto alquanto diverso dalla sua riscoperta romantica ottocentesca, e il francescanesimo si inseriva all’interno dei nuovi orientamenti del cattolicesimo. La storiografia, l’arte, il cinema, la radio, in Italia come all’estero, esploravano nuovi volti del Poverello