1 research outputs found

    Proyecto Nutritime

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    En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un plan de negocio basado en la creaci贸n de un aplicativo que ofrece una alternativa para incentivar en trabajar un estilo de vida saludable en peruanos que quieran este cambio. Mediante este aplicativo, los usuarios podr谩n acceder a una variedad de recetas, rutinas de entrenamiento, asistencia con nutricionistas y psic贸logos, asimismo, contempla el seguimiento a trav茅s de estad铆sticas de los objetivos planteados. Como parte del an谩lisis, se identific贸 una tendencia en aumento, la alimentaci贸n saludable a partir de la toma de conciencia sobre lo que consumen, no obstante, las actividades que desarrollan en su d铆a a d铆a complican la preparaci贸n de una dieta equilibrada y nutritiva. Por ende, Nutritime se posiciona como una propuesta de bienestar integral, con un servicio completo que acompa帽e en el logro de los objetivos que se proponen. Asimismo, se valid贸 el modelo de negocio, para conocer la viabilidad del Business Model Canvas, por ende, se ejecut贸 entrevistas que ayudaron a analizar y evaluar la posibilidad de realizar mejoras. Para validar la idea de negocio, se requiri贸 un an谩lisis a nivel financiero, por lo que para su implementaci贸n se requiere una inversi贸n de S/.58,999.75 compuesta por gastos preoperativos, gastos administrativos y capital de trabajo; en donde el 84.75% es financiado por las accionistas y se opt贸 por el capital 谩ngel como una forma atractiva para financiar el monto restante y que no requiere de altas tasas como lo son los pr茅stamos por entidades bancarias.This project is a business plan for the creation of an application that offers an alternative to encourage and contribute to working a healthy lifestyle in Peruvians who want to make this change. Through this app users will be able to access a variety of easy recipes, training routines, assistance with health professionals: psychologist and nutritionist, belonging to the community and monitoring with statistics of the proposed objective. As part of the analysis, it was possible to identify an increasing trend of healthy eating, because people have become more aware of foods that they eat and want to find a balance. However, the activities that they do in their day to day complicate the preparation of a balanced diet with necessary nutrients. Therefore, Nutritime鈥檚 offer is an integral wellness proposal physically and mentally, providing a complete service that accompanies the user to achieve the goals that have been proposed. Thus, the business model was validated, to validate the viability of the Business Model Canvas, therebefore, interviews were carried out that helped to analyze and evaluate the possibility of making improvements. To validate the business idea, a financial analysis was required, so its implementation requires an investment of S/.58,99.75 composed of pre-operating expenses, administrative expenses and working capital was chosen. 84.75% is financed by shareholders and angel capital was chosen as an attractive way to finance the remaining amount and that does not require high rates such as loans from banks.Trabajo de investigaci贸