4 research outputs found

    Learning to grasp in unstructured environments with deep convolutional neural networks using a Baxter Research Robot

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    Recent advancements in Deep Learning have accelerated the capabilities of robotic systems in terms of visual perception, object manipulation, automated navigation, and human-robot collaboration. The capability of a robotic system to manipulate objects in unstructured environments is becoming an increasingly necessary skill. Due to the dynamic nature of these environments, traditional methods, that require expert human knowledge, fail to adapt automatically. After reviewing the relevant literature a method was proposed to utilise deep transfer learning techniques to detect object grasps from coloured depth images. A grasp describes how a robotic end-effector can be arranged to securely grasp an object and successfully lift it without slippage. In this study, a ResNet-50 convolutional neural network (CNN) model is trained on the Cornell grasp dataset. The training was completed within 30 hours using a workstation PC with accelerated GPU support via an NVIDIA Titan X. The trained grasp detection model was further evaluated with a Baxter research robot and a Microsoft Kinect-v2 and a successful grasp detection accuracy of 93.91% was achieved on a diverse set of novel objects. Physical grasping trials were conducted on a set of 8 different objects. The overall system achieves an average grasp success rate of 65.0% while performing the grasp detection in under 25 milliseconds. The results analysis concluded that the objects with reasonably straight edges and moderately pronounced heights above the table are easily detected and grasped by the system

    Review of deep learning methods in robotic grasp detection

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    For robots to attain more general-purpose utility, grasping is a necessary skill to master. Such general-purpose robots may use their perception abilities to visually identify grasps for a given object. A grasp describes how a robotic end-effector can be arranged to securely grab an object and successfully lift it without slippage. Traditionally, grasp detection requires expert human knowledge to analytically form the task-specific algorithm, but this is an arduous and time-consuming approach. During the last five years, deep learning methods have enabled significant advancements in robotic vision, natural language processing, and automated driving applications. The successful results of these methods have driven robotics researchers to explore the use of deep learning methods in task-generalised robotic applications. This paper reviews the current state-of-the-art in regards to the application of deep learning methods to generalised robotic grasping and discusses how each element of the deep learning approach has improved the overall performance of robotic grasp detection. Several of the most promising approaches are evaluated and the most suitable for real-time grasp detection is identified as the one-shot detection method. The availability of suitable volumes of appropriate training data is identified as a major obstacle for effective utilisation of the deep learning approaches, and the use of transfer learning techniques is proposed as a potential mechanism to address this. Finally, current trends in the field and future potential research directions are discussed

    Robotic grasp pose detection using deep learning

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    Recent advancements in Deep Learning have accelerated the capabilities of robotic systems in terms of visual perception, object manipulation, automated navigation, and human-robot collaboration. This paper proposes the use of a transfer learning technique with deep convolutional neural networks to learn how to visually identify the grasping configurations for a parallel plate gripper that will be used to grasp various household objects. The Red-Green-Blue-Depth (RGB-D) data from the Cornell Grasp Dataset is used to train the network model using an end-to-end learning method. With this method, we achieve a grasping configuration prediction accuracy of 93.91%

    Review of Deep Learning Methods in Robotic Grasp Detection

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    For robots to attain more general-purpose utility, grasping is a necessary skill to master. Such general-purpose robots may use their perception abilities to visually identify grasps for a given object. A grasp describes how a robotic end-effector can be arranged to securely grab an object and successfully lift it without slippage. Traditionally, grasp detection requires expert human knowledge to analytically form the task-specific algorithm, but this is an arduous and time-consuming approach. During the last five years, deep learning methods have enabled significant advancements in robotic vision, natural language processing, and automated driving applications. The successful results of these methods have driven robotics researchers to explore the use of deep learning methods in task-generalised robotic applications. This paper reviews the current state-of-the-art in regards to the application of deep learning methods to generalised robotic grasping and discusses how each element of the deep learning approach has improved the overall performance of robotic grasp detection. Several of the most promising approaches are evaluated and the most suitable for real-time grasp detection is identified as the one-shot detection method. The availability of suitable volumes of appropriate training data is identified as a major obstacle for effective utilisation of the deep learning approaches, and the use of transfer learning techniques is proposed as a potential mechanism to address this. Finally, current trends in the field and future potential research directions are discussed