3 research outputs found

    Development of a computer programming and management system for a rabbit production farm

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    Anteriormente, la unidad productiva de cunicultura de la granja Román Gómez Gómez, ubicada en la sede de Marinilla (Antioquia), contaba con una organización y una programación tradicional, lo cual no era muy eficiente. Viendo esta falencia se desarrolló el proyecto que inicia con el acondicionamiento de las instalaciones y selección de un pie de cría enfocado en la producción de carne. El objetivo del proyecto fue modernizar la recolección de datos de la unidad cunícola, haciendo uso de un manejo en bandas para hembras y machos reproductores, luego de esto se desarrolla el aplicativo web, llamado ‘CUNIDAT 1.0’, haciendo uso de la metodología Unified Modeling Language (UML) y obteniendo como resultado la sistematización de actividades desarrolladas dentro de cronogramas establecidos.Previously, the breeding rabbit production unit of Román Gómez Gómez farm, located at the facilities of Marinilla (Antioquia), had a traditional programming and organization, which was not efficient. Upon observations of this flaw this project was developed starting with the facilities equipping and selection of breeding rabbits focused on meat production. The main aim of the project was to improve data collection of the production and breeding unit, using bands handling of male and female breeding rabbits. Then a web application called 'CUNIDAT 1.0' was developed, using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) methodology and the result was systematization of production tasks under the established schedules

    Implementación del sistema globalmente armonizado (SGA) para el etiquetado de sustancias químicas, empleando códigos quickly reaction

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    Descriptive research work was carried out, according to the guidelines of the Globally Harmonized System, applicable to the inventory of reagents of the Biochemistry Laboratory from Politecnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid in Medellín, Colombia, performing a new method applied to the new information technologies and quick access for mobile devices, used for the elaboration of labels and safety sheets by generating a QR code (quick response code). This methodology of integration of new information technologies allows observing from any mobile device the chemical characteristics of the supplies used in the laboratory, the potential health risks due to exposure or accidental contact, the effects on the environment in case of involuntary dumping, the neutralization of the substance in the event of an accidental spill, the first aid medical indications and the final disposal of the waste generated by their use. All this represents some of the advantages provided by the integrated information system with the technological tools that allow agile and fast communication today.Se realizó un trabajo de investigación basado en el Sistema Globalmente Armonizado (SGA), aplicable al inventario de reactivos del Laboratorio de Bioquímica del Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid de Medellín; creando un sitio web empleado para la elaboración de las etiquetas y hojas de seguridad facilitando su lectura mediante un código QR. Esta nueva tecnología de información permite observar desde cualquier dispositivo móvil las características químicas de los insumos del laboratorio, los riesgos potenciales para la salud por exposición o contacto accidental, las afectaciones al medio ambiente por vertimiento involuntario, la neutralización de la sustancia en caso de derrame accidental, los primeros auxilios y la disposición final de los residuos generados. Este proyecto presenta ventajas aportadas por el sistema integrado de información, con las herramientas tecnológicas que permiten hoy en día una comunicación ágil y rápida, además de estar inscrito dentro del Plan de Desarrollo 2022-2025 “Calidad Académica y Humana”. A research work was carried out according to the guidelines of the Globally Harmonized System - GHS, applicable to the inventory of reagents of the Biochemistry Laboratory from Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid of Medellín, Colombia; performing a website used for the elaboration of labels and safety data sheets facilitating their reading through a QR code (quick response code). This new information technologie allow to observe from any mobile device the chemical characteristics of the suplies used in the laboratory, the potential health risks due to exposure or accidental contact, the effects on the environment in case of involuntary dumping, the neutralization of the substance in the event of an accidental spill, tthe first aid medical indications and the final disposal of the waste generated by their use. This investigation represents some of the advantages provided by the integrated information system with the technological tools that allow agile and fast communication today. In addition to registering within the Development Plan 2022-2025 "Academic and Human Quality"

    Evaluación zootécnica de alevinos de tilapia roja Oreochromis sp suplementados con botón de oro Tithonia diversi-folia

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    The general objective was to evaluate the zootechnical parameters of red tilapia fingerlings Oreochromis sp, in the rearing stage, supplemented with buttercup Tithonia diversifolia. The trial was carried out in the laboratory of the Centro Experimental Piscícola in San Jerónimo, Antioquia (Colombia). The 135 fingerlings were collected and placed in nine aquariums of 63 L of water. T1 - 15% supplementation, T2 - 20% supplementation and a Control - without supplementation, were evaluated for six weeks. The number of fingerlings, the initial and final weights and sizes and the physicochemical parameters of the water were recorded and statistically evaluated. The results showed a significant difference (p<0.05) for T2 compared to T1 and Control. Greater final weight and height (1.0±0.4g and 3.9±0.4cm), K>1, TEC=2.1%/day and survival (100%). The physicochemical parameters of the water maintained the optimal average values ​​of temperature (Ẋ=25.0±0.3 °C), oxygen level (Ẋ=7.0±1.3 mg/L) and pH (Ẋ=7.8±0.3).El objetivo general fue evaluar los parámetros zootécnicos de alevinos de tilapia roja Oreochromis sp, en etapa de levante, suplementados con botón de oro Tithonia diversifolia. El ensayo se realizó en el laboratorio del Centro Experimental Piscícola en San Jerónimo, Antioquia (Colombia). Los 135 alevinos fueron colectados y ubicados en nueve acuarios de 63 L de agua. Se evaluaron T1 – suplementación 15%, T2 - suplementación 20% y un Control - sin suplementación, durante seis semanas. El número de alevinos, los pesos y tallas, inicial y final, y los parámetros fisicoquímicos del agua fueron registrados y evaluados estadísticamente. Los resultados mostraron una diferencia significativa (p<0.05) para T2 respecto a T1 y Control. Mayor Peso y Talla final (1.0±0.4g y 3.9±0.4cm), K>1, TEC=2.1 %/día y sobrevivencia (100%). Los parámetros fisicoquímicos del agua estuvieron dentro de los valores promedio óptimos de temperatura (Ẋ=25.0±0.3 °C), nivel de oxígeno (Ẋ=7.0±1.3 mg/L) y pH (Ẋ=7.8±0.3). The general objective was to evaluate the zootechnical parameters of red tilapia fingerlings Oreochromis sp, in the rearing stage, supplemented with buttercup Tithonia diversifolia. The trial was carried out in the laboratory of the Centro Experimental Piscícola in San Jerónimo, Antioquia (Colombia). The 135 fingerlings were collected and placed in nine aquariums of 63 L of water. T1 - 15% supplementation, T2 - 20% supplementation and a Control - without supplementation, were evaluated for six weeks. The number of fingerlings, the initial and final weights and sizes and the physicochemical parameters of the water were recorded and statistically evaluated. The results showed a significant difference (p<0.05) for T2 compared to T1 and Control. Greater final weight and height (1.0±0.4g and 3.9±0.4cm), K>1, TEC=2.1%/day and survival (100%). The physicochemical parameters of the water maintained the optimal average values ​​of temperature (Ẋ=25.0±0.3 °C), oxygen level (Ẋ=7.0±1.3 mg/L) and pH (Ẋ=7.8±0.3).O objetivo geral foi avaliar os parâmetros zootécnicos de alevinos de tilápia vermelha Oreochromis sp, na fase de recria, suplementados com ranúnculo Tithonia diversifolia. O ensaio foi realizado no laboratório do Centro Experimental Piscícola em San Jerónimo, Antioquia (Colômbia). Os 135 alevinos foram coletados e colocados em nove aquários de 63 L de água. T1 - 15% de suplementação, T2 - 20% de suplementação e um Controle - sem suplementação, foram avaliados por seis semanas. O número de alevinos, os pesos e tamanhos iniciais e finais e os parâmetros físico-químicos da água foram registrados e avaliados estatisticamente. Os resultados mostraram diferença significativa (p<0,05) para T2 em relação a T1 e Controle. Maior peso e altura finais (1,0±0,4g e 3,9±0,4cm), K>1, TEC=2,1%/dia e sobrevida (100%). Os parâmetros físico-químicos da água estiveram dentro dos valores médios ótimos de temperatura (Ẋ=25,0±0,3 °C), nível de oxigênio (Ẋ=7,0±1,3 mg/L) e pH (Ẋ=7,8±0,3)