43,956 research outputs found


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    Abstract—Presently nations worldwide are starting to convert their aging electrical power infrastructures into modern, dynamic power grids. Smart Grid offers much in the way of efficiencies and robustness to the electrical power grid, however its heavy reliance on communication networks will leave it more vulnerable to attack than present day grids. This paper looks at the threat to public key cryptography systems from a fully realized quantum computer and how this could impact the Smart Grid. We argue for the use of Merkle Trees in place of public key cryptography for authentication of devices in wireless mesh networks that are used in Smart Grid applications

    Trade Openness And Real Exchange Rate Volatility: Panel Data Evidence

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    A recent strand of the literature, the so-called “New Open Economy Macroeconomics”, argues that nonmonetary factors have gained importance in explaining exchange rate volatility. In this context, it has been suggested the inclusion of shocks to productivity, terms of trade, and government spending, among others. The goal of the present paper is to explain the real exchange rate volatility by positing a structural relationship between volatility and its determinants. To perform our task we collected information on exchange rates, output, terms of trade, government spending, monetary aggregates, exchange rate regimes, trade and financial openness for a sample of industrial and developing countries for the 1974-2003 period. We will use GMM-IV methods for panel data to test the following hypotheses: (a) real exchange rate (RER) fluctuations are less volatile in more open countries, and (b) trade openness helps attenuate the impact of highly volatile shocks to fundamentals on the volatility of RER fluctuations.

    Fron Neo-classical Entrepreneur to Socio-economic Organization

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    Despite the growing role that business has played in the development of capitalism, the neo-classical paradigm has largely ignored the concept of organization. This paper illustrates the neo-classical concept of the firm and the entrepreneur. Analyzing both, the moral and economic thought of Adam Smith, this paper explains why, in the heart of Industrial Revolution, the paradigm elects an unrealistic and quasi-medieval concept of the firm. The paper argues that it is not by chance that the collective actions and thinking were neglected, rather it is necessary in order to maintain the core-values of the paradigm. Finally, the paper discusses if a firm could be a good subject for institutionalizing of socioeconomics.

    Do Free Trade Agreements Enhance the Transmission of Shocks Across Countries?.

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    World Trade has experienced an increased integration over the last 15 years. More than half of world trade currently takes place under actual or future trading blocks. Our main goal is to test whether free trade or regional integration agreements (FTA or RIA, respectively) have strengthened the trade channel of international transmission of business cycles. With annual information for 147 countries over the 1960-99 period, we conduct our analysis for a panel data of country pairs (33676 country pairs), and we find the following results: (i) Higher trade intensity between two countries generates a stronger cycle synchronization. (ii) This impact is even stronger among country pairs with a free trade agreement. (iii) The impact of trade intensity on cycle synchronization is stronger among industrial than among developing country pairs. (iv) The impact within each group of country pairs is higher for the ones engaged in FTAs. (v) Economic effects of higher trade intensity in the presence of FTAs are stronger during the 1990s.

    Real Exchange Rates in the Long and Short Run: A Panel Co-Integration Approach

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    The empirical literature on long-run real exchange rate behavior has shown mixed evidence due to problems involving the lack of long time series data and the low power of time-series unit root tests in small samples. The main objective of the present paper is to tackle these empirical issues by applying the recently developed panel cointegration techniques to the long-run real exchange rate equation implied by our model. Using annual data for 67 countries over the 1966-97, we find that the cointegrating relationship between the real exchange rate, the ratio of net foreign assets to GDP, the relative Home to Foreign productivity of the traded and non-traded sector, and the terms of trade is valid in the long run. This result holds for all sub-sample of countries (whether they are classified by income per capita or capital controls). Furthermore, our coefficient estimates are consistent with the theoretical values implied by the calibrated parameters of preferences and technology in Stockman and Tesar (1995). Robustness checks reveal that: (i) “pooling” the data to obtain a common long-run equilibrium relationship across countries is valid for the samples of countries with high income and low capital controls, (ii) the oil shock crisis in 1973 represents a structural change for these sub-samples. Finally, deviations from the equilibrium are large and persistent with half-life estimates (between 2.8 and 5) consistent with the consensus interval of 2.5-5 found in the literature (Murray and Papell, 2002).

    Desarrollo de habilidades socioemocionales en la formación de educadores en la sociedad actual

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    Socio-emotional skills comprise a set of habits, thoughts, and emotions that facilitate interpersonal relationships through the appropriate expression of emotions and consideration oftheir impact on others. Backed by neurology, these skills are crucial for learning and for educators’contributions to new generations. This essay aims to reflect on the socio-emotional skills of future education professionals, exploring their influence on teaching and their contribution to society. Given the pandemic situation, it is proposed to present the role of socio-emotional education in theuniversity curricular activities of teacher trainers in Chile, using the critical-interpretative method and hermeneutic phenomenology. The discussion is based on experience, dialogue with groups of students and teachers, identifying key points for the inclusion of emotional skills in teachertraining. The process involved the active participation of the teacher, who took on the initial role inthe intervention by providing instructions and guidelines for the development of socio-emotional skills related to ethics and education in various contexts. This was carried out virtually at a higher education institution in Chile. The conclusion emphasizes the urgency and need to integrate socioemotionaleducation into the curriculum for university education professionals. The alignmentbetween Goleman, Bisquerra, and Morin, theorists who have delved into the subject, is highlighted,although the persistence of orthodox educational models that exclude emotions, focusingexcessively on intellectual capacities and overlooking the need for comprehensive emotionaltraining to face contemporary societal challenges, is noted.Las habilidades socioemocionales es el conjunto de hábitos, pensamientos y emociones que facilitanlas relaciones interpersonales mediante la expresión adecuada de las emociones y la consideración de suimpacto en los demás. Respaldadas por la neurología, estas habilidades son cruciales para el aprendizaje yla contribución de los docentes a las nuevas generaciones. El ensayo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobrelas habilidades socioemocionales de los futuros profesionales de la educación, explorando su influencia en laenseñanza y su contribución a la sociedad. Dada la situación de la pandemia, se propone presentar el papelde la educación socioemocional en las actividades curriculares universitarias de formadores de docentes enChile, utilizando el método crítico-interpretativo y la fenomenología hermenéutica. La discusión se basa enla experiencia, el diálogo con grupos de alumnos y profesores, identificando puntos clave para la inclusión dehabilidades emocionales en la formación docente. El proceso involucró la participación activa del docente,quien asumió el rol inicial en la intervención mediante la entrega de instrucciones y guías para el desarrollode las habilidades socioemocionales sobre ética y educación en sus diversos contextos, realizada de maneravirtual en un centro de educación superior de Chile. La conclusión subraya la urgencia y necesidad de integrarla educación socioemocional en el currículo de formación de profesionales de la educación universitaria.Se destaca la coincidencia entre Goleman, Bisquerra y Morin, teóricos que han profundizado la temática,aunque se señala la persistencia de modelos educativos ortodoxos que excluyen las emociones, enfocándoseexcesivamente en las capacidades intelectuales y pasando por alto la necesidad de una formación emocionalintegral para afrontar los desafíos contemporáneos de la sociedad

    Equivalence between the real time Feynman histories and the quantum shutter approaches for the "passage time" in tunneling

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    We show the equivalence of the functions Gp(t)G_{\rm p}(t) and Ψ(d,t)2|\Psi(d,t)|^2 for the ``passage time'' in tunneling. The former, obtained within the framework of the real time Feynman histories approach to the tunneling time problem, using the Gell-Mann and Hartle's decoherence functional, and the latter involving an exact analytical solution to the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation for cutoff initial waves