16 research outputs found

    InfluĂŞncia das caracterĂ­sticas do porto/terminal de contentores no seu desempenho

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    Com o presente trabalho de investigação pretende-se determinar o impacto das características do porto e características do terminal de contentores no desempenho do terminal de contentores. Como aumentar o nível de desempenho de um terminal de contentores e explicar o seu sucesso? Os objetivos são analisar a influência da localização do porto (“position-port”), infraestruturas do porto (“hard-port”) e serviços do porto (“soft-port”) no desempenho do terminal e avaliar o efeito das infraestruturas do terminal (“hard-terminal”) e serviços do terminal (“soft-terminal”) no desempenho do terminal. São utilizadas as metodologias DEA – “data envelopment analysis” -, análise de componentes principais, regressão linear e modelo de equações estruturais (SEM). A amostra com 205 observações relativa aos terminais de contentores ibéricos e europeus foi recolhida através de dois inquéritos recorrendo a informação quantitativa e qualitativa de características do porto e terminais. Os resultados verificam a relação entre o desempenho do terminal e diversas variáveis que caracterizam o terminal e o porto e não permitem rejeitar o efeito da localização (“position-port”), infraestruturas do porto (“hard-port”), infraestruturas do terminal (“hard-terminal”), serviços do porto (“soft-port”) e serviços do terminal (“soft-terminal”) no desempenho dos terminais de contentores; ### The present research work aims to determine the impact of the characteristics of the port and the container terminal in the performance of the container terminal. How to increase the performance level of a container terminal and explain it success? The objectives are to analyze the influence of the location of the port (position-port), the port infrastructure (hard-port) and port services (soft-port) in terminal performance and evaluate the effect of the terminal infrastructure (hard-terminal) and terminal services (soft-terminal) in terminal performance. Data envelopment analysis (DEA), factor analysis, linear regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) methodologies are used. The sample with 205 observations on the Iberian and European container terminals was collected through two surveys using quantitative and qualitative information on characteristics of the port and terminals. The results verify the relationship between the performance of the terminal and various variables characterizing the terminal and the port and confirm the effect of the location (position-port), port infrastructure (hard-port), terminal infrastructure (hard-terminal), port services (soft-port) and terminal services (soft -terminal) in the performance of container terminals

    The influence of characterizing factors on port performance, measured by operational financial and efficiency indicators

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of a port through its characterizing factors and understand their importance. Both Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and statistics of factor analysis were used, as well as linear regression. Based on a sample of 43 European ports, the results of this study indicate the existence of a relationship between performance and several variables that characterize the port. Additionally, they also confirm the impact of location, governance, size, infrastructure, specialization, logistic integration and maritime services in the ports operational and financial performance and efficiency.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of intrapreneurship on corporate performance

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of intrapreneurship on the performance of companies. Design/methodology/approach – The study develops and tests a theoretical model where the intrapreneurship is supported on the factors innovation, risk/uncertainty, risk/challenges, competitive energy, proactivity and autonomy, and the performance on the factors financial performance, growth and improvement and on the variable productivity. Based on a questionnaire, data from a sample of 217 medium-sized Portuguese companies were obtained. The study used the confirmatory analysis method based on structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings – The intrapreneurship has a multidimensional structure. This model proves its influence on the growth and improvement and the importance and explanatory power of this latent variable. Research limitations/implications – The techniques used to verify the effect of firm size and the age periods has not been sufficiently explored and the direct effect of latent variables of intrapreneurship on performance was not assessed. This work contributes to the theory highlighting the importance of factors in intrapreneurship and the influence of the context in the model. Practical implications – It was verified that the intrapreneurship has obvious effects on the measures of qualitative performance – growth and improvement. This is helpful for researchers looking for appropriate performance measures and for intrapreneurs aiming to get support for their decisions and evaluate their performance. Originality/value – This study considers the separation of the propensity for risk in two latent variables and includes the autonomy to characterize intrapreneurship and demonstrates the importance of qualitative measures of performance perceived in the perspective of medium and long term.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Green shipping effect on sustainable economy and environmental performance

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    This paper focuses on green shipping and its’ influence on the sustainable economy and environmental performance. Based on the green shipping approach, this empirical study examines a survey sample of 193 responses from Portuguese and Spanish executive managers and uses exploratory factor analysis and structural equation model. The Green shipping approach supports the green theory. The results show the importance of green efficiency, green management, and pollution impact. The confirmation of the sizeable influence of green shipping on the sustainable economy and environmental performance constructs constitutes a major contribution to the literature. Green management and green efficiency contribute to controlling the impact of pollution with practical effects on economic sustainability. Another contribution arises from the fact that tax and financial incentives and environmental sustainability regulations indicate the relevance of the pollution impact and sustainable economy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Corporate and individual global mind-set and internationalization of European SMEs

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    This paper analyzes the effect of individual and corporate global mind-set on the internationalization of small and medium-sized European firms. Factor analysis and structural equation modeling methodology are the tools for this purpose. Results show the importance of the relationships between individual global mind-set and internationalization effect, and between corporate global mind-set and international know-how activities. Research model recognizes the relationship between individual global mind-set and corporate global mind-set. This research contributes significantly to literature by providing insight into three key areas: factors relating to corporate GM, relationship between corporate GM and internationalization factors of SMEs, and relationship between individual GM and corporate GM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ambidextrous capacity in small and medium-sized enterprises

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    This study examines the ambidextrous capacity—the ability to respond simultaneously to both disruptive and incremental innovation processes—of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal. The purpose is to understand the organizational ambidexterity of SMEs and its relationship to organizational performance and innovation capacity. The objectives are to evaluate the characteristics that identify ambidextrous organizations and analyze the effect of organizational ambidexterity on performance, supported by the contingency-based approach, organizational theory, behavioral theory of the firm, and organizational learning theory. After factor analysis is performed, a structural equations model is used to analyze a sample of 202 valid responses. The analysis shows that, for SMEs, disruptive innovation factors relate mainly to innovation capacity and incremental innovation factors relate to organizational performance. The confirmation of organizational ambidexterity in SMEs and the increased recognition of the importance of disruptive innovation are relevant contributions to the literature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influência dos factores de caracterização dos portos no desempenho

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    Mestrado em Gestão/MBAO presente trabalho de investigação tem como objectivo determinar qual o impacto dos factores de caracterização dos portos no seu desempenho. Consistiu em explicar o desempenho do porto com base nos diversos factores o que caracterizam e a sua importância relativa. Foram utilizadas as metodologias DEA - data envelopment analysis-, análise factorial, regressão linear simples, “path analysis” e SEM – structural equation model. A amostra de 43 portos europeus foi recolhida através de inquéritos com uma base alargada de informação quantitativa sobre as diversas características dos portos. Os resultados apontam para a existência de relação entre o desempenho e diversas variáveis que caracterizam o porto e confirmou o impacto da localização, governação, dimensão, infra-estruturas, especialização, serviços marítimos e integração logística, no desempenho operacional e financeiro e na eficiência dos portos

    Franchisee-based brand equity and performance

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    This study focuses on the perceptions of franchisees and analyzes the influence of brand equity on franchisee performance. The factors that constitute brand equity are also assessed. Factor analysis was used to generate valid and reliable scales based on a sample of 205 Portuguese franchisee firms, and structural equation modeling methodology was then employed in the analysis. The results show franchisee-based brand equity (FBBE) to be a multivariate factor with strong influence on performance. This study contributes significantly to the literature by showing the perspective of franchisees toward franchising. It also has implications on the adequacy of corporate strategy in achieving performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-cultural analysis of the global mindset and the internationalization behavior of small firms

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    This research analyzes the influence of a global mindset on the internationalization behavior of Norwegian and Portuguese small firms. It specifically sets out to assess the role of global orientation of the entrepreneur and firm perspectives on the global market. Based on a sample of 354 small firms, we used structural equation modeling to conduct our analysis. The results show the differing importance of a range of factors in explaining global mindset in different contexts. The global mindset of Norwegian entrepreneurs conditions their behavior and international experience, while for Portuguese entrepreneurs it affects the cognitive domain and their technical expertise. Global mindset and global orientation have more relevant effects on the internationalization behavior of Norwegian firms than that of Portuguese firms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio