12 research outputs found

    Targeting Simulation-Based Assessment for the Pediatric Milestones: A Survey of Simulation Experts and Program Directors.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine which of the 21 general pediatrics milestone subcompetencies are most difficult to assess using traditional methodologies and which are best suited to simulation-based assessment. METHODS: We surveyed 2 samples: pediatric simulation experts and pediatric program directors. Respondents were asked about current use of simulation for assessment and to select 5 of the 21 pediatric subcompetencies most difficult to assess using traditional methods and the 5 best suited to simulation-based assessment. Spearman rank correlation was used to determine a correlation between how the 2 samples ranked the subcompetencies. RESULTS: Forty-eight percent (29 of 60) simulation experts and 20% (115 of 571) program directors completed the survey. Few respondents reported using simulation for summative assessment. There are clear differences across the pediatric subcompetencies in perceived difficulty of assessment and suitability to simulation-based assessment. The 3 most difficult to assess subcompetencies were “recognize ambiguity,” “demonstrate emotional insight,” and “identify one’s own strengths and deficiencies.” The subcompetencies most suitable to assessment using simulation were “interprofessional teamwork,” “clinical decision making,” and “effective communication.” Program directors and simulation experts had high agreement for both questions: difficult to assess (rho = 0.76, P \u3c .001) and suitable to simulation-based assessment (rho = 0.94, P \u3c .001). CONCLUSIONS: Several general pediatrics milestone subcompetencies were identified by pediatric simulation experts and pediatric program directors as difficult to assess using current methodologies and as amenable to simulation-based assessment. The pediatric simulation community should target development of simulation-based assessment tools to these areas

    I-PASS Mentored Implementation Handoff Curriculum: Frontline Provider Training Materials

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    IntroductionThe I-PASS Handoff Program is a comprehensive handoff curriculum that has been shown to decrease rates of medical errors and adverse events during patient handoffs. Frontline providers are the key individuals participating in handoffs of patient care. It is important they receive robust handoff training.MethodsThe I-PASS Mentored Implementation Handoff Curriculum frontline provider training materials were created as part of the original I-PASS Study and adapted for the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) I-PASS Mentored Implementation Program. The adapted materials embrace a flipped classroom approach with an emphasis on adult learning theory principles. The training includes an overview of I-PASS handoff techniques, TeamSTEPPS team communication strategies, verbal handoff simulation scenarios, and a printed handoff document exercise.ResultsAs part of the SHM I-PASS Mentored Implementation Program, 2,735 frontline providers were trained at 32 study sites (16 adult and 16 pediatric) across North America. At the end of their training, 1,762 frontline providers completed the workshop evaluation form (64% response rate). After receiving the training, over 90% agreed/strongly agreed that they were able to distinguish a good- from a poor-quality handoff, articulate the elements of the I-PASS mnemonic, construct a high-quality patient summary, advocate for an appropriate environment for handoffs, and participate in handoff simulations. Universally, the training provided them with knowledge and skills relevant to their patient care activities.DiscussionThe I-PASS frontline training materials were rated highly by those trained and are an integral part of a successful I-PASS Handoff Program implementation

    I-PASS Mentored Implementation Handoff Curriculum: Implementation Guide and Resources

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    IntroductionCommunication failures during shift-to-shift handoffs of patient care have been identified as a leading cause of adverse events in health care institutions. The I-PASS Handoff Program is a comprehensive handoff program that has been shown to decrease rates of medical errors and adverse events. As part of the spread and adaptation of this program, a comprehensive implementation guide was created to assist individuals in the implementation process.MethodsThe I-PASS Mentored Implementation Guide grew out of materials created for the original I-PASS Study, Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) mentored implementation programs, and the experience of members of the I-PASS Study Group. The guide provides a comprehensive framework of all elements required to implement the large-scale I-PASS Handoff Program and contains detailed information on generating institutional support, training activities, a campaign, measuring impact, and sustaining the program.ResultsThirty-two sites across North America utilized the guide as part of the SHM program. The guide served as a main reference for 477 hours of mentoring phone calls between site leads and their mentors. Postprogram surveys from wave 2 sites revealed that 85% (N = 34) of respondents felt the quality of the guide was very good/excellent. Site leads noted that they referenced the guide most often during the early part of the program and that they referenced the sections on the curriculum and handoff observations most often.DiscussionThe I-PASS Mentored Implementation Guide is an essential resource for those looking to implement the large-scale I-PASS Handoff Program at their institution