894 research outputs found

    Preventing interpersonal violence in Panama:is a parenting intervention developed in Australia culturally appropriate?

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore cultural appropriateness of a transported parenting intervention in Panama. METHODS: Panamanian parents (n = 25) were interviewed after participation in an Australian parenting intervention. A thematic analysis was conducted to interpret qualitative data. RESULTS: Three themes emerged; cultural context, appropriateness of the intervention, and development of support networks. In terms of cultural context, parents described economic difficulties, living in a dangerous world, struggling to balance parenting and work, and using aggressive communication patterns. In terms of appropriateness of the intervention, they rated materials as appropriate, although suggested modifications to its delivery by including children and teachers in the training. Finally, parents commented that the intervention prompted the development of social networks within their communities. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, parents considered a transported parenting intervention as appropriate to their local needs. This study might be useful to local governments and international funders in charge of deciding whether transporting parenting interventions North to South as a strategy for violence prevention would be respectful of local needs. Our findings cannot be generalized beyond Panama, but the methodology can be replicated to answer this question in other settings

    Transportation Routes with Fastest Determination Algorithm Prim in Department of Transportation

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    Prim's algorithm is an algorithm in graph theory minimu spaning looking for a tree to resolve the problems TSP example is the replacement of the telephone network system or service transport lines making ari mail post box, and so on. In DISHUB (Department of Transportation), especially in Asahan. Which are currently experiencing density of transport, even experienced problems in determining the appropriate transport connections needed in Asahan. So on the basis that the author describes a case study with the determination of the transport path in Asahan District Department of TransportationKeywords: Prim’s Algorithm, Transportation, Asaha

    Pengalaman komunikasi wartawan investigasi harian umum Radar Bandung: studi fenomenologi pengalaman komunikasi wartawan tentang peliputan berita investigasi pada Pasal 2 Kode Etik Jurnalistik

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    Kode Etik Jurnalistik (KEJ) tahun 2006 Pasal 2 menyatakan bahwa wartawan Indonesia menempuh cara-cara yang profesional dalam melaksanakan tugas jurnalistik. Dalam penafsirannya pasal ini menyatakan bahwa penggunaan cara-cara tertentu dapat dipertimbangkan untuk peliputan berita investigasi bagi kepentingan publik. Beberapa faktor yang sering menjadi pendukung untuk menghasilkan sebuah laporan investigasi diantaranya ialah pengalaman komunikasi wartawan dalam menjalin kedekatan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan. Di Indonesia sendiri masih sangat jarang media massa yang memberikan ruang kepada wartawannya untuk melakukan pelputan investigasi. Selanjutnya, profesioanlisme dari pengalaman wartawan investigasi dalam peliputan berita investigasi menjadi penting untuk diteliti secara fenomenologi dan penting bagi kebebasan pers sejati yang senantiasa harus dibangun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proses komunikasi wartawan Radar Bandung dalam peliputan investigasi, untuk mengetahui wartawan Radar Bandung dalam memahami peliputan investigasi, serta untuk mengetahui pengalaman komunikasi wartawan Radar Bandung dalam menjalankan profesinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendeketan kualitatif dan metode fenomenologi, yang menjadikan pengalaman sebenarnya sebagai data utama dalam memahami realitas. Eksplorasi difokuskan pada pengalaman komunikasi wartawan dalam peliputan investigasi, ketika dihadapkan dengan Kode Etik Jurnalistik Pasal 2. Untuk memenuhi keprofesionalismean wartawan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan jurnalistik. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan beberapa fakta. Pertama dalam proses komunikasi wartawan investigasi terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu penyembunyian identitas atau penyamaran pada saat liputan dan hambatan yang meliputi bahasa yang berbeda, waktu terbatas, lingkungan yang baru, serta narasumber berkata bohong. Kedua, dalam memahami peliputan investigasi, wartawan memahami bahwa peliputan investigasi merupakan liputan mendalam tentang isu atau permasalahan tertentu serta memberikan solusi atas permasalahan tersebut dan memiliki dampak positif bagi masyarakat luas. Ketiga, pengalaman komunikasi wartawan Radar Bandung dan implementasi KEJ Pasal 2 dalam menjalankan profesinya serta penggunaan dari penjelasan poin per poin dari pasal tersebut dsesuaikan dengan keadaan di lapangan. Wartawan juga dituntut kerja cerdas dan kreatif dalam menjalankan pasal tersebut

    Neville Scarfe and Teacher Education

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    Defining Quality of Life in the Children of Parents with Severe Mental Illness: A Preliminary Stakeholder-Led Model

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    Severe parental mental illness poses a challenge to quality of life (QoL) in a substantial number of children and adolescents, and improving the lives of these children is of urgent political and public health concern. This study used a bottom-up qualitative approach to develop a new stakeholder-led model of quality of life relevant to this population. Qualitative data were collected from 19 individuals participating in focus groups or individual interviews. Participants comprised 8 clinical academics, health and social care professionals or voluntary agency representatives; 5 parents and 6 young people (aged 13–18 yrs) with lived experience of severe parental mental illness. Data underwent inductive thematic analysis for the purposes of informing a population-specific quality of life model. Fifty nine individual themes were identified and grouped into 11 key ‘meta-themes’. Mapping each meta-theme against existing child-centred quality of life concepts revealed a multi-dimensional model that endorsed, to a greater or lesser degree, the core domains of generic quality of life models. Three new population-specific priorities were also observed: i) the alleviation of parental mental health symptoms, ii) improved problem-based coping skills and iii) increased mental health literacy. The identification of these priorities raises questions regarding the validity of generic quality of life measures to monitor the effectiveness of services for families and children affected by severe mental illness. New, age-appropriate instruments that better reflect the life priorities and unique challenges faced by the children of parents with severe mental illness may need to be developed. Challenges then remain in augmenting and adapting service design and delivery mechanisms better to meet these needs. Future child and adult mental health services need to work seamlessly alongside statutory education and social care services and a growing number of relevant third sector providers to address fully the quality of life priorities of these vulnerable families
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