8,475 research outputs found

    Dynamic crossover in the global persistence at criticality

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    We investigate the global persistence properties of critical systems relaxing from an initial state with non-vanishing value of the order parameter (e.g., the magnetization in the Ising model). The persistence probability of the global order parameter displays two consecutive regimes in which it decays algebraically in time with two distinct universal exponents. The associated crossover is controlled by the initial value m_0 of the order parameter and the typical time at which it occurs diverges as m_0 vanishes. Monte-Carlo simulations of the two-dimensional Ising model with Glauber dynamics display clearly this crossover. The measured exponent of the ultimate algebraic decay is in rather good agreement with our theoretical predictions for the Ising universality class.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Bethe Ansatz approach to quench dynamics in the Richardson model

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    By instantaneously changing a global parameter in an extended quantum system, an initially equilibrated state will afterwards undergo a complex non-equilibrium unitary evolution whose description is extremely challenging. A non-perturbative method giving a controlled error in the long time limit remained highly desirable to understand general features of the quench induced quantum dynamics. In this paper we show how integrability (via the algebraic Bethe ansatz) gives one numerical access, in a nearly exact manner, to the dynamics resulting from a global interaction quench of an ensemble of fermions with pairing interactions (Richardson's model). This possibility is deeply linked to the specific structure of this particular integrable model which gives simple expressions for the scalar product of eigenstates of two different Hamiltonians. We show how, despite the fact that a sudden quench can create excitations at any frequency, a drastic truncation of the Hilbert space can be carried out therefore allowing access to large systems. The small truncation error which results does not change with time and consequently the method grants access to a controlled description of the long time behavior which is a hard to reach limit with other numerical approaches.Comment: Proceedings of the CRM (Montreal) workshop on Integrable Quantum Systems and Solvable Statistical Mechanics Model

    Experimental study of vapor-cell magneto-optical traps for efficient trapping of radioactive atoms

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    We have studied magneto-optical traps (MOTs) for efficient on-line trapping of radioactive atoms. After discussing a model of the trapping process in a vapor cell and its efficiency, we present the results of detailed experimental studies on Rb MOTs. Three spherical cells of different sizes were used. These cells can be easily replaced, while keeping the rest of the apparatus unchanged: atomic sources, vacuum conditions, magnetic field gradients, sizes and power of the laser beams, detection system. By direct comparison, we find that the trapping efficiency only weakly depends on the MOT cell size. It is also found that the trapping efficiency of the MOT with the smallest cell, whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the trapping beams, is about 40% smaller than the efficiency of larger cells. Furthermore, we also demonstrate the importance of two factors: a long coated tube at the entrance of the MOT cell, used instead of a diaphragm; and the passivation with an alkali vapor of the coating on the cell walls, in order to minimize the losses of trappable atoms. These results guided us in the construction of an efficient large-diameter cell, which has been successfully employed for on-line trapping of Fr isotopes at INFN's national laboratories in Legnaro, Italy.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Dynamical correlation functions of the mesoscopic pairing model

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    We study the dynamical correlation functions of the Richardson pairing model (also known as the reduced or discrete-state BCS model) in the canonical ensemble. We use the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz formalism, which gives exact expressions for the form factors of the most important observables. By summing these form factors over a relevant set of states, we obtain very precise estimates of the correlation functions, as confirmed by global sum-rules (saturation above 99% in all cases considered). Unlike the case of many other Bethe Ansatz solvable theories, simple two-particle states are sufficient to achieve such saturations, even in the thermodynamic limit. We provide explicit results at half-filling, and discuss their finite-size scaling behavior

    Quantum phase transitions in the Kondo-necklace model: Perturbative continuous unitary transformation approach

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    The Kondo-necklace model can describe magnetic low-energy limit of strongly correlated heavy fermion materials. There exist multiple energy scales in this model corresponding to each phase of the system. Here, we study quantum phase transition between the Kondo-singlet phase and the antiferromagnetic long-range ordered phase, and show the effect of anisotropies in terms of quantum information properties and vanishing energy gap. We employ the "perturbative continuous unitary transformations" approach to calculate the energy gap and spin-spin correlations for the model in the thermodynamic limit of one, two, and three spatial dimensions as well as for spin ladders. In particular, we show that the method, although being perturbative, can predict the expected quantum critical point, where the gap of low-energy spectrum vanishes, which is in good agreement with results of other numerical and Green's function analyses. In addition, we employ concurrence, a bipartite entanglement measure, to study the criticality of the model. Absence of singularities in the derivative of concurrence in two and three dimensions in the Kondo-necklace model shows that this model features multipartite entanglement. We also discuss crossover from the one-dimensional to the two-dimensional model via the ladder structure.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamical density-density correlations in the one-dimensional Bose gas

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    The zero-temperature dynamical structure factor of the one-dimensional Bose gas with delta-function interaction (Lieb-Liniger model) is computed using a hybrid theoretical/numerical method based on the exact Bethe Ansatz solution, which allows to interpolate continuously between the weakly-coupled Thomas-Fermi and strongly-coupled Tonks-Girardeau regimes. The results should be experimentally accessible with Bragg spectroscopy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Time evolution of 1D gapless models from a domain-wall initial state: SLE continued?

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    We study the time evolution of quantum one-dimensional gapless systems evolving from initial states with a domain-wall. We generalize the path-integral imaginary time approach that together with boundary conformal field theory allows to derive the time and space dependence of general correlation functions. The latter are explicitly obtained for the Ising universality class, and the typical behavior of one- and two-point functions is derived for the general case. Possible connections with the stochastic Loewner evolution are discussed and explicit results for one-point time dependent averages are obtained for generic \kappa for boundary conditions corresponding to SLE. We use this set of results to predict the time evolution of the entanglement entropy and obtain the universal constant shift due to the presence of a domain wall in the initial state.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Thermodynamic entropy of a many body energy eigenstate

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    It is argued that a typical many body energy eigenstate has a well defined thermodynamic entropy and that individual eigenstates possess thermodynamic characteristics analogous to those of generic isolated systems. We examine large systems with eigenstate energies equivalent to finite temperatures. When quasi-static evolution of a system is adiabatic (in the quantum mechanical sense), two coupled subsystems can transfer heat from one subsystem to another yet remain in an energy eigenstate. To explicitly construct the entropy from the wave function, degrees of freedom are divided into two unequal parts. It is argued that the entanglement entropy between these two subsystems is the thermodynamic entropy per degree of freedom for the smaller subsystem. This is done by tracing over the larger subsystem to obtain a density matrix, and calculating the diagonal and off-diagonal contributions to the entanglement entropy.Comment: 18 page

    Zero dimensional area law in a gapless fermion system

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    The entanglement entropy of a gapless fermion subsystem coupled to a gapless bulk by a "weak link" is considered. It is demonstrated numerically that each independent weak link contributes an entropy proportional to lnL, where L is linear dimension of the subsystem.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures; added 3d computatio

    Critical behavior of two-dimensional cubic and MN models in the five-loop renormalization-group approximation

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    The critical thermodynamics of the two-dimensional N-vector cubic and MN models is studied within the field-theoretical renormalization-group (RG) approach. The beta functions and critical exponents are calculated in the five-loop approximation and the RG series obtained are resummed using the Borel-Leroy transformation combined with the generalized Pad\'e approximant and conformal mapping techniques. For the cubic model, the RG flows for various N are investigated. For N=2 it is found that the continuous line of fixed points running from the XY fixed point to the Ising one is well reproduced by the resummed RG series and an account for the five-loop terms makes the lines of zeros of both beta functions closer to each another. For the cubic model with N\geq 3, the five-loop contributions are shown to shift the cubic fixed point, given by the four-loop approximation, towards the Ising fixed point. This confirms the idea that the existence of the cubic fixed point in two dimensions under N>2 is an artifact of the perturbative analysis. For the quenched dilute O(M) models (MNMN models with N=0) the results are compatible with a stable pure fixed point for M\geq1. For the MN model with M,N\geq2 all the non-perturbative results are reproduced. In addition a new stable fixed point is found for moderate values of M and N.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure
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