11,469 research outputs found

    Entanglement entropy of two disjoint intervals in conformal field theory

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    We study the entanglement of two disjoint intervals in the conformal field theory of the Luttinger liquid (free compactified boson). Tr\rho_A^n for any integer n is calculated as the four-point function of a particular type of twist fields and the final result is expressed in a compact form in terms of the Riemann-Siegel theta functions. In the decompactification limit we provide the analytic continuation valid for all model parameters and from this we extract the entanglement entropy. These predictions are checked against existing numerical data.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures. V2: Results for small x behavior added, typos corrected and refs adde

    Corrections to scaling in entanglement entropy from boundary perturbations

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    We investigate the corrections to scaling of the Renyi entropies of a region of size l at the end of a semi-infinite one-dimensional system described by a conformal field theory when the corrections come from irrelevant boundary operators. The corrections from irrelevant bulk operators with scaling dimension x have been studied by Cardy and Calabrese (2010), and they found not only the expected corrections of the form l^(4-2x) but also unusual corrections that could not have been anticipated by finite-size scaling arguments alone. However, for the case of perturbations from irrelevant boundary operators we find that the only corrections that can occur to leading order are of the form l^(2-2x_b) for boundary operators with scaling dimension x_b < 3/2, and l^(-1) when x_b > 3/2. When x_b=3/2 they are of the form l^(-1)log(l). A marginally irrelevant boundary perturbation will give leading corrections going as log(l)^(-3). No unusual corrections occur when perturbing with a boundary operator.Comment: 8 pages. Minor improvements and updated references. Published versio

    Field-theory results for three-dimensional transitions with complex symmetries

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    We discuss several examples of three-dimensional critical phenomena that can be described by Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson ϕ4\phi^4 theories. We present an overview of field-theoretical results obtained from the analysis of high-order perturbative series in the frameworks of the ϵ\epsilon and of the fixed-dimension d=3 expansions. In particular, we discuss the stability of the O(N)-symmetric fixed point in a generic N-component theory, the critical behaviors of randomly dilute Ising-like systems and frustrated spin systems with noncollinear order, the multicritical behavior arising from the competition of two distinct types of ordering with symmetry O(n1n_1) and O(n2n_2) respectively.Comment: 9 pages, Talk at the Conference TH2002, Paris, July 200

    Geometrical optics analysis of the short-time stability properties of the Einstein evolution equations

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    Many alternative formulations of Einstein's evolution have lately been examined, in an effort to discover one which yields slow growth of constraint-violating errors. In this paper, rather than directly search for well-behaved formulations, we instead develop analytic tools to discover which formulations are particularly ill-behaved. Specifically, we examine the growth of approximate (geometric-optics) solutions, studied only in the future domain of dependence of the initial data slice (e.g. we study transients). By evaluating the amplification of transients a given formulation will produce, we may therefore eliminate from consideration the most pathological formulations (e.g. those with numerically-unacceptable amplification). This technique has the potential to provide surprisingly tight constraints on the set of formulations one can safely apply. To illustrate the application of these techniques to practical examples, we apply our technique to the 2-parameter family of evolution equations proposed by Kidder, Scheel, and Teukolsky, focusing in particular on flat space (in Rindler coordinates) and Schwarzchild (in Painleve-Gullstrand coordinates).Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Entanglement Entropy of Two Spheres

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    We study the entanglement entropy S_{AB} of a massless free scalar field on two spheres A and B whose radii are R_1 and R_2, respectively, and the distance between the centers of them is r. The state of the massless free scalar field is the vacuum state. We obtain the result that the mutual information S_{A;B}:=S_A+S_B-S_{AB} is independent of the ultraviolet cutoff and proportional to the product of the areas of the two spheres when r>>R_1,R_2, where S_A and S_B are the entanglement entropy on the inside region of A and B, respectively. We discuss possible connections of this result with the physics of black holes.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; v4, added references, revised argument in section V, a typo in eq.(25) corrected, published versio

    Entanglement versus mutual information in quantum spin chains

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    The quantum entanglement EE of a bipartite quantum Ising chain is compared with the mutual information II between the two parts after a local measurement of the classical spin configuration. As the model is conformally invariant, the entanglement measured in its ground state at the critical point is known to obey a certain scaling form. Surprisingly, the mutual information of classical spin configurations is found to obey the same scaling form, although with a different prefactor. Moreover, we find that mutual information and the entanglement obey the inequality I≤EI\leq E in the ground state as well as in a dynamically evolving situation. This inequality holds for general bipartite systems in a pure state and can be proven using similar techniques as for Holevo's bound.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Quench from a Thermal Initial State

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    We consider a quantum quench in a system of free bosons, starting from a thermal initial state. As in the case where the system is initially in the ground state, any finite subsystem eventually reaches a stationary thermal state with a momentum-dependent effective temperature. We find that this can, in some cases, even be lower than the initial temperature. We also study lattice effects and discuss more general types of quenches.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; short published version, added references, minor change

    Entanglement properties of quantum spin chains

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    We investigate the entanglement properties of a finite size 1+1 dimensional Ising spin chain, and show how these properties scale and can be utilized to reconstruct the ground state wave function. Even at the critical point, few terms in a Schmidt decomposition contribute to the exact ground state, and to physical properties such as the entropy. Nevertheless the entanglement here is prominent due to the lower-lying states in the Schmidt decomposition.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum phase transitions in the Kondo-necklace model: Perturbative continuous unitary transformation approach

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    The Kondo-necklace model can describe magnetic low-energy limit of strongly correlated heavy fermion materials. There exist multiple energy scales in this model corresponding to each phase of the system. Here, we study quantum phase transition between the Kondo-singlet phase and the antiferromagnetic long-range ordered phase, and show the effect of anisotropies in terms of quantum information properties and vanishing energy gap. We employ the "perturbative continuous unitary transformations" approach to calculate the energy gap and spin-spin correlations for the model in the thermodynamic limit of one, two, and three spatial dimensions as well as for spin ladders. In particular, we show that the method, although being perturbative, can predict the expected quantum critical point, where the gap of low-energy spectrum vanishes, which is in good agreement with results of other numerical and Green's function analyses. In addition, we employ concurrence, a bipartite entanglement measure, to study the criticality of the model. Absence of singularities in the derivative of concurrence in two and three dimensions in the Kondo-necklace model shows that this model features multipartite entanglement. We also discuss crossover from the one-dimensional to the two-dimensional model via the ladder structure.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Entanglement entropy of a quantum unbinding transition and entropy of DNA

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    Two significant consequences of quantum fluctuations are entanglement and criticality. Entangled states may not be critical but a critical state shows signatures of universality in entanglement. A surprising result found here is that the entanglement entropy may become arbitrarily large and negative near the dissociation of a bound pair of quantum particles. Although apparently counter-intuitive, it is shown to be consistent and essential for the phase transition, by mapping to a classical problem of DNA melting. We associate the entanglement entropy to a subextensive part of the entropy of DNA bubbles, which is responsible for melting. The absence of any extensivity requirement in time makes this negative entropy an inevitable consequence of quantum mechanics in continuum. Our results encompass quantum critical points and first-order transitions in general dimensions.Comment: v2: 6 pages, 3 figures (title modified, more details and figures added
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