148 research outputs found

    Small RNA Expression from the Human Macrosatellite DXZ4

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    Small noncoding RNAs play several roles in regulating gene expression. In the nucleus, small RNA-Argonaute complexes recruit epigenetic modifying activities to genomic sites. This pathway has been described in mammals primarily for the germline; however, its role in somatic cells is less characterized. Here, we describe in human somatic cells a potential link between the expression of small RNAs from the macrosatellite DXZ4 and Argonaute-dependent DNA methylation of this locus. DXZ4 was found to express a wide range of small RNAs potentially representing several classes of small RNAs. A subpopulation of these RNAs is bound by Argonaute. Moreover, we show AGO association with DXZ4 and that the Argonaute proteins AGO-1 and PIWIL4 may play a role in DNA methylation of DXZ4. We hypothesize that the RNAs are involved in Argonaute-dependent methylation of DXZ4 DNA

    Common and distinct lateralised patterns of neural coupling during focused attention, open monitoring and loving kindness meditation

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    Meditation has been integrated into different therapeutic interventions. To inform the evidence-based selection of specific meditation types it is crucial to understand the neural processes associated with different meditation practices. Here we explore commonalities and differences in electroencephalographic oscillatory spatial synchronisation patterns across three important meditation types. Highly experienced meditators engaged in focused attention, open monitoring, and loving kindness meditation. Improving on previous research, our approach avoids comparisons between groups that limited previous findings, while ensuring that the meditation states are reliably established. Employing a novel measure of neural coupling – the imaginary part of EEG coherence – the study revealed that all meditation conditions displayed a common connectivity pattern that is characterised by increased connectivity of (a) broadly distributed delta networks, (b) left-hemispheric theta networks with a local integrating posterior focus, and (c) right-hemispheric alpha networks, with a local integrating parieto-occipital focus. Furthermore, each meditation state also expressed specific synchronisation patterns differentially recruiting left- or right-lateralised beta networks. These observations provide evidence that in addition to global patterns, frequency-specific inter-hemispheric asymmetry is one major feature of meditation, and that mental processes specific to each meditation type are also supported by lateralised networks from fast-frequency bands

    A Survey of Imprinted Gene Expression in Mouse Trophoblast Stem Cells

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    Several hundred mammalian genes are expressed preferentially from one parental allele as the result of a process called genomic imprinting. Genomic imprinting is prevalent in extra-embryonic tissue, where it plays an essential role during development. Here, we profiled imprinted gene expression via RNA-Seq in a panel of six mouse trophoblast stem lines, which are ex vivo derivatives of a progenitor population that gives rise to the placental tissue of the mouse. We found evidence of imprinted expression for 48 genes, 31 of which had been described previously as imprinted and 17 of which we suggest as candidate imprinted genes. An equal number of maternally and paternally biased genes were detected. On average, candidate imprinted genes were more lowly expressed and had weaker parent-of-origin biases than known imprinted genes. Several known and candidate imprinted genes showed variability in parent-of-origin expression bias between the six trophoblast stem cell lines. Sixteen of the 48 known and candidate imprinted genes were previously or newly annotated noncoding RNAs and six encoded for a total of 60 annotated microRNAs. Pyrosequencing across our panel of trophoblast stem cell lines returned levels of imprinted expression that were concordant with RNA-Seq measurements for all eight genes examined. Our results solidify trophoblast stem cells as a cell culture-based experimental model to study genomic imprinting, and provide a quantitative foundation upon which to delineate mechanisms by which the process is maintained in the mouse

    Differentiation-Driven Nucleolar Association of the Mouse Imprinted Kcnq1 Locus

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    The organization of the genome within the mammalian nucleus is nonrandom, with physiologic processes often concentrated in specific three-dimensional domains. This organization may be functionally related to gene regulation and, as such, may play a role in normal development and human disease processes. However, the mechanisms that participate in nuclear organization are poorly understood. Here, we present data characterizing localization of the imprinted Kcnq1 alleles. We show that nucleolar association of the paternal allele (1) is stimulated during the differentiation of trophoblast stem cells, (ii) is dependent upon the Kcnq1ot1 noncoding RNA, (3) does not require polycomb repressive complex 2, and (4) is not sufficient to preclude transcription of imprinted genes. Although nucleolar positioning has been proposed as a mechanism to related to gene silencing, we find that silencing and perinucleolar localization through the Kcnq1ot1 noncoding RNA are separable events

    SHAPE reveals transcript-wide interactions, complex structural domains, and protein interactions across the Xist lncRNA in living cells

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    Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are important regulators of gene expression, but their structural features are largely unknown. We used structure-selective chemical probing to examine the structure of the Xist lncRNA in living cells and found that the RNA adopts well-defined and complex structures throughout its entire 18-kb length. By looking for changes in reactivity induced by the cellular environment, we were able to identify numerous previously unknown hubs of protein interaction. We also found that the Xist structure governs specific protein interactions in multiple distinct ways. Our results provide a detailed structural context for Xist function and lay a foundation for understanding structure–function relationships in all lncRNAs

    Evidence for Local Regulatory Control of Escape from Imprinted X Chromosome Inactivation

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    X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is an epigenetic process that almost completely inactivates one of two X chromosomes in somatic cells of mammalian females. A few genes are known to escape XCI and the mechanism for this escape remains unclear. Here, using mouse trophoblast stem (TS) cells, we address whether particular chromosomal interactions facilitate escape from imprinted XCI. We demonstrate that promoters of genes escaping XCI do not congregate to any particular region of the genome in TS cells. Further, the escape status of a gene was uncorrelated with the types of genomic features and gene activity located in contacted regions. Our results suggest that genes escaping imprinted XCI do so by using the same regulatory sequences as their expressed alleles on the active X chromosome. We suggest a model where regulatory control of escape from imprinted XCI is mediated by genomic elements located in close linear proximity to escaping genes

    fourSig: a method for determining chromosomal interactions in 4C-Seq data

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    The ability to correlate chromosome conformation and gene expression gives a great deal of information regarding the strategies used by a cell to properly regulate gene activity. 4C-Seq is a relatively new and increasingly popular technology where the set of genomic interactions generated by a single point in the genome can be determined. 4C-Seq experiments generate large, complicated data sets and it is imperative that signal is properly distinguished from noise. Currently, there are a limited number of methods for analyzing 4C-Seq data. Here, we present a new method, fourSig, which in addition to being precise and simple to use also includes a new feature that prioritizes detected interactions. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of fourSig with previously published and novel 4C-Seq data sets and show that our significance prioritization correlates with the ability to reproducibly detect interactions among replicates

    Site-Specific Silencing of Regulatory Elements as a Mechanism of X Inactivation

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    The inactive X chromosome’s (Xi) physical territory is microscopically devoid of transcriptional hallmarks and enriched in silencing-associated modifications. How these microscopic signatures relate to specific Xi sequence is unknown. Therefore, we profiled Xi gene expression and chromatin states at high resolution via allele-specific sequencing in mouse trophoblast stem cells. Most notably, X-inactivated transcription start sites harbored distinct epigenetic signatures relative to surrounding Xi DNA. These sites displayed H3-lysine27-trimethylation enrichment and DNaseI hypersensitivity, similar to autosomal Polycomb targets, yet excluded Pol II and other transcriptional hallmarks, similar to non-transcribed genes. CTCF bound X-inactivated and escaping genes, irrespective of measured chromatin boundaries. Escape from X-inactivation occurred within, and X-inactivation was maintained exterior to, the area encompassed by Xist in cells subject to imprinted and random X-inactivation. The data support a model whereby inactivation of specific regulatory elements, rather than a simple chromosome-wide separation from transcription machinery, governs gene silencing over the Xi

    Systematic Discovery of Xist RNA Binding Proteins

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    Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) function with associated proteins to effect complex structural and regulatory outcomes. To reveal the composition and dynamics of specific noncoding RNA- protein complexes (RNPs) in vivo, we developed comprehensive identification of RNA-binding proteins by mass spectrometry (ChIRP-MS). ChIRP-MS analysis of four ncRNAs captures key protein interactors, including a U1-specific link to the 3′ RNA processing machinery. Xist, an essential lncRNA for X-chromosome inactivation (XCI), interacts with 81 proteins from chromatin modification, nuclear matrix, and RNA remodeling pathways. The Xist RNA-protein particle assembles in two steps coupled with the transition from pluripotency to differentiation. Specific interactors include HnrnpK that participates in Xist-mediated gene silencing and histone modifications, but not Xist localization and Drosophila Split ends homolog Spen that interacts via the A-repeat domain of Xist and is required for gene silencing. Thus, Xist lncRNA engages with proteins in a modular and developmentally controlled manner to coordinate chromatin spreading and silencing

    A Latent Pro-survival Function for the Mir-290-295 Cluster in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) post-transcriptionally regulate the expression of thousands of distinct mRNAs. While some regulatory interactions help to maintain basal cellular functions, others are likely relevant in more specific settings, such as response to stress. Here we describe such a role for the mir-290-295 cluster, the dominant miRNA cluster in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). Examination of a target list generated from bioinformatic prediction, as well as expression data following miRNA loss, revealed strong enrichment for apoptotic regulators, two of which we validated directly: Caspase 2, the most highly conserved mammalian caspase, and Ei24, a p53 transcriptional target. Consistent with these predictions, mESCs lacking miRNAs were more likely to initiate apoptosis following genotoxic exposure to gamma irradiation or doxorubicin. Knockdown of either candidate partially rescued this pro-apoptotic phenotype, as did transfection of members of the mir-290-295 cluster. These findings were recapitulated in a specific mir-290-295 deletion line, confirming that they reflect miRNA functions at physiological levels. In contrast to the basal regulatory roles previously identified, the pro-survival phenotype shown here may be most relevant to stressful gestations, where pro-oxidant metabolic states induce DNA damage. Similarly, this cluster may mediate chemotherapeutic resistance in a neoplastic context, making it a useful clinical target.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant RO1-GM34277)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (NCI grant PO1-CA42063)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (NCI Cancer Center Support (core) grant P30-CA14051