2 research outputs found

    Actividades extensionistas mediadas por Entornos Virtuales

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    This research aims to develop extension activities mediated by Virtual Environments to contribute to cultural development in the Faculty of Physical Culture of the University of Guant谩namo and its social environment. For its development, some research methods and techniques were used, such as documentary analysis, observation, interview, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, and historical and logical, which allowed us to address more fully the deficiencies detected in relation to the little use of the advantages offered by ICTs for University Extension and which gave rise to the problem under investigation.Esta investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo elaborar actividades extensionistas mediadas por Entornos Virtuales para contribuir al desarrollo cultural en la facultad de Cultura F铆sica de la Universidad de Guant谩namo y su entorno social. Para el desarrollo de la misma se utilizaron algunos m茅todos y t茅cnicas de investigaci贸n como an谩lisis documental, observaci贸n, entrevista, an谩lisis-s铆ntesis, inducci贸n-deducci贸n e hist贸rico y l贸gico, los cuales permitieron abordar con m谩s fundamento las insuficiencias detectadas en relaci贸n al poco uso de las ventajas que ofrecen las TICs para la Extensi贸n Universitaria y que dieron origen al problema que se investiga