176 research outputs found

    Uloga naglašavanja važnosti pobjede u odnosu između emocionalnog nasilja i treniranja usprkos boli

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    Given the presence of emotional violence in sports and its negative consequences on athletes, this study aims to examine the frequency of emotional violence against athletes in the City of Zagreb and to determine how the belief in prioritizing victory affects their perseverance in training despite exposure to emotional violence and pain. Through a questionnaire, 153 athletes from the City of Zagreb assessed their exposure to emotional violence, their perseverance in training despite pain, and the belief that victory is the only worthwhile factor. The results indicate that athletes from the City of Zagreb are exposed to various forms of emotional violence. Mediation effect analysis indicates that exposure to emotional violence and willingness to endure pain correlate with the belief that only victory is worthwhile, which drives athletes to persevere in training despite pain. The results underscore the importance of shifting sports away from victory and results toward the coaching process itself.S obzirom na to da prisutnost emocionalnog nasilja u sportu ostavlja negativne posljedice na sportaše, cilj je ovog istraživanja ispitati učestalost emocionalnog nasilja nad sportašima u Gradu Zagrebu te utvrditi ulogu stava da je pobjeda jedino što vrijedi u odnosu između varijable izloženosti emocionalnom nasilju i varijable ustrajnosti u treniranju usprkos boli. U istraživanju su sudjelovala ukupno 153 sportaša iz Grada Zagreba koji su ispunjavanjem anketnog upitnika procjenjivali učestalost izloženosti različitim oblicima emocionalnog nasilja, zatim svoju ustrajnost u treniranju usprkos boli te stav da je pobjeda ono jedino što vrijedi. Rezultati ukazuju na to da su sportaši iz Grada Zagreba izloženi različitim oblicima emocionalnog nasilja. Analiza medijacijskog efekta ponudila je objašnjenje odnosa između izloženosti emocionalnom nasilju i treniranja usprkos boli na način da je izloženost emocionalnom nasilju povezana sa stavom da je pobjeda jedino što vrijedi, što potiče sportaše da ustraju u treniranju usprkos boli. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na važnost preusmjeravanja naglaska s pobjede i rezultata na sam proces treniranja u sportu

    Poboljšanje planova pokusa višekriterijskim pristupom

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    Optimisation of Parameters for Metal Part Cutting on a CNC Plasma Cutting Machine

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    This paper refers to the topic of determining the kerf value and axis accuracy of a CNC plasma cutter for the cutting of 2, 4 and 6 mm thick plates of construction steel, aluminum and stainless steel. After the thorough description of the researched materials, a detailed experiment plan was created in the Design-Expert software package. After cutting the test samples the data were measured. Upon completion of the cutting, all test samples were measured, and the data regarding their dimensional deviations on x and y-axis and bore diameter deviations was tabularly shown and analysed with the Design – Expert software. Statistical analysis of the measured data was made so that the optimal kerf values and the equations which describe dimensional deviations for each material and thickness could be made, based on the dimensional deviation of the test samples. Along with the kerf values, analysis has also given insight in the accuracy of the x and y-axis of the machine. Finally, an algorithm for optimizing multiple criteria was utilized to determine the ideal kerf value for each material and thickness. The objective was to identify the precise kerf value that results in the highest possible accuracy for the dimensions of the workpiece in both the x and y directions, as well as for the bore diameter

    Višekriterijsko adaptivno oblikovanje planova pokusa

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    Prilikom odabira modela planova pokusa, što je važna faza u većini znanstvenih istraživanja, potrebno je voditi računa o adekvatnosti modela, obliku rezultata koji se žele dobiti, te preciznosti modela odnosno pogrešci koja se nužno pojavljuje. Budući da se područje planova pokusa počelo razvijati, pa tako i uporabljati, u vrijeme kada je njihovom uporabom ostvarena velika ušteda u resursima, nije se dovoljno istražila mogućnost minimiziranja ostalih parametara eksperimentiranja kao što su cijena, utrošeno vrijeme i sl. Općenito se može reći da se vrlo malo istraživanja u literaturi odnosi na spomenuti problem. Istraživanje će se, u ovom radu, odnositi na razvoj metodologije i modela koji će biti potpora pri izboru i konačnom oblikovanju planova pokusa. Cilj je istražiti odnos pogreške pokusa odabranog modela (preciznost), troškova realizacije pokusa, te vremena potrebnog za eksperimentiranje. \Novorazvijeni model, koji predstavlja rezultat ovih istraživanja, trebao bi omogućiti pronalaženje optimalnih planova pokusa sa stajališta novouvedenih kriterija optimalnosti

    One good turn deserves another

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    U seriji od pet knjiga "Mi smo preživeli: Jevreji o Holokaustu" od kojih su tri prevedene na engleski jezik, sakupljena su svedočenja malobrojnih preživelih članova jevrejske zajednice o vremenu Drugog svetskog rata. Osobenost prilika u kojima se zateklo celokupno stanovništvo Kraljevine Jugoslavije ogleda se u činjenici da je tu državu, početkom rata, okupiralo pet zavojevača: Nemačka, Italija, Bugarska, Mađarska, Albanija i fašistička satelitska tvorevina, tzv. Nezavisna država Hrvatska. Te okolnosti su uslovile i različite načine preživljavanja i spašavanja Jevreja sa ovih prostora. Jevrejski istorijski muzej Saveza jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije/Srbije objavio je ove knjige uz pomoć donacija i uz volonterski rad redakcije u kojoj je sedam od devet članova preživelo Holokaust. One čine izuzetnu kolekciju tragičnih i dramatičnih iskustava o jedinstvenom izboru – borbi za život, dostojanstvo i slobodu u partizanima; o koncentracionim logorima, o izbegličkom životu pod stalnom pretnjom, o pomoći i prijateljstvima. One su i dobra podloga za istraživanje Holokausta i istorije Jevreja sa tla bivše Jugoslavije. Svako svedočenje je obogaćeno nizom fotografija i zajedno sa tekstom čine jedinstveni dokumentacioni materijal. Kako je stradanje Jevreja na tlu bivše Jugoslavije slabo poznato široj publici, ove knjige imaju zadatak da ispune taj prostor. One tako postaju spomenik za sve stradale čija se mnogobrojna imena nalaze samo u sećanjima. Jedno od tih sećanja je "Dobro se dobrim vraća" Mirjam Cajner.In five books, "We Survived: Yugoslav Jews on the Holocaust" (three of them translated into English), the testimonies of a small number of surviving members of the Jewish community about World War II were collected. The peculiarity of the circumstances in which the entire population of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was found is reflected in the fact that at the beginning of the war, the country was occupied by five invaders: Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania and the fascist satellite formation, the so-called. The Independent State of Croatia. These circumstances also led to different ways of surviving and rescuing Jews from these areas. The Jewish Historical Museum of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia / Serbia published these books with help of donations and volunteer work of the editorial board in which seven of nine members survived the Holocaust. These books are an extraordinary collection of tragic and dramatic experiences about unique choices - the struggle for life, dignity, and freedom in partisans; about concentration camps, refugee life under constant threat, and about help and friendships. They are also a good basis for exploring the Holocaust and the history of Jews from the former Yugoslavia. Each testimony is enriched with a series of photographs and together with the text, they make unique documentation material. As the suffering of Jews on the territory of the former Yugoslavia is poorly known to the general public, these books have the task of filling that space. They thus become a memorial for all the victims whose many names are found only in memory. One of those memories is "Dobro se dobrim vraća" (One good turn deserves another) by Mirjam Cajner

    Uloga civilnog društva i zajednica u suzbijanju nasilnog ekstremizma i radikalizacije

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    Contemporary policies and initiatives aimed at addressing radicalisation and violent extremism aim to facilitate a systematic multi-stakeholder approach that encompasses the incorporation of civil society organisations. Despite the general recognition of various roles and potentials of non-state actors in the area of prevention and de-radicalisation, in practice, many challenges and knowledge-gaps are leading to a situation where civil society still represents an underused resource. This paper presents the potentials and capabilities of civil society and community organisations in countering violent extremism and radicalisation. Through an extensive literature review, we investigated good practices in joint collaborations, as well as practical limitations hindering the establishment of a whole-of-society approach. The central aim of this paper is to provide a clear picture of the current gaps and highlight conditions that need to be addressed in the future to facilitate a comprehensive and coordinated approach to countering violent extremism and radicalisation.Aktualne politike i inicijative usmjerene na suzbijanje radikalizacije i nasilnog ekstremizma potiču sustavan međuresorni pristup koji uključuje i organizacije civilnoga društva. Unatoč generalnom prepoznavanju različitih uloga i potencijala civilnog društva u području prevencije i deradikalizacije, u praksi je ipak puno izazova i neznanja što dovodi do toga da civilno društvo ostaje neiskorišteni resurs. U ovome radu prezentiramo potencijale i sposobnosti civilnog društva i njegovih organizacija i zajednica u suzbijanju nasilnog ekstremizma i radikalizacije. Kroz ekstenzivni pregled literature istražujemo dobre prakse u kolaboracijama, kao i ograničenja koja ometaju razvoj holističkog pristupa i angažmana cijelog društva u suzbijanju nasilnog ekstremizma i radikalizacije. Glavni je cilj ovoga rada pružiti jasnu sliku aktualnih propusta i uputiti na probleme koji se moraju rješavati kako bi u perspektivi bilo moguće postići sveobuhvatan i koordiniran pristup u suzbijanju nasilnog ekstremizma i radikalizacije