73 research outputs found

    New insights to the photometric structure of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies from deep Near-Infrared studies I. Observations, surface photometry and decomposition of surface brightness profiles

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    (shortened) We analyze deep Near Infrared (NIR) broad band images for a sample of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies (BCDs), allowing for the quantitative study of their extended stellar low-surface brightness (LSB) host galaxies. NIR surface brightness profiles (SBPs) of the LSB hosts agree at large galactocentric radii with those from optical studies. At small to intermediate radii, however, the NIR data reveal for more than half of our sample a significant flattening of the exponential SBP of the LSB host. Such SBPs ("type V" SBPs, Binggeli & Cameron 1991) have rarely been detected in LSB hosts of BCDs at optical wavelengths, where the relative flux contribution of the starburst is stronger than in the NIR and can hide such central intensity depressions of the LSB host. The structural properties, frequency and physical origin of type V LSB SBPs in BCDs and other dwarf galaxies have not yet been systematically studied. Nevertheless, their occurrence in a significant fraction of BCDs would impose important new constraints to the radial distribution of their stellar mass, and to the photometric fading of BCDs after the termination of star-forming activity. Both a modified exponential (Papaderos et al. 1996a) and the Sersic law give satisfactory empirical descriptions for type V SBPs. However, we argue that the practical applicability of Sersic fits to LSB SBPs of BCDs is limited by, e.g., the extreme sensitivity of the solutions to small SBP uncertainties. Most stellar LSB host galaxies in the sample show optical-NIR colors indicative of evolved stellar populations with subsolar metallicity. Unsharp-masked NIR images and optical-NIR maps reveal numerous morphological details, and cases of non-uniform dust absorption on spatial scales up to ~1 kpc.Comment: 29 pages, 17 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; 1 typo in Table 2 corrected; higher resolution images are available at http://www.uni-sw.gwdg.de/~knoeske/PUB_LIST/noeske_BCDs_NIR.ps.g

    Super Star Clusters in the Blue Dwarf Galaxy UM 462

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    I present optical observations of the Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy UM 462. The images of this galaxy show several bright compact sources. A careful study of these sources has revealed their nature of young Super Star Clusters. The ages determined from the analysis of the stellar continuum and HαH\alpha are between few and few tens Myr. The total star formation taking place into the clusters is about 0.05 M/yr\mathrm{M_{\odot}/yr}. The clusters seem to be located at the edges of two large round-like structures, possibly shells originated in a previous episode of star formation. The sizes of the shells compare well with the ages of the clusters. Evidence for the presence of an evolved underlying stellar population is found.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    NGC 7468: a galaxy with an inner polar disk

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    We present our spectroscopic observations of the galaxy NGC 7468 performed at the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope using the UAGS long-slit spectrograph, the multipupil fiber spectrograph MPFS, and the scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer (IFP). We found no significant deviations from the circular rotation of the galactic disk in the velocity field in the regions of brightness excess along the major axis of the galaxy (the putative polar ring). Thus, these features are either tidal structures or weakly developed spiral arms. However, we detected a gaseous disk at the center of the galaxy whose rotation plane is almost perpendicular to the plane of the galactic disk. The central collision of NGC 7468 with a gas-rich dwarf galaxy and their subsequent merging seem to be responsible for the formation of this disk.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted in Astronomy Letters, 2004, vol 30., N 9, p. 58

    Spectrophotometric investigations of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: Markarian 35

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    We present results from a detailed spectrophotometric analysis of the blue compact dwarf galaxy Mrk 35 (Haro 3), based on deep optical (B,V,R,I) and near-IR (J,H,K) imaging, Halpha narrow-band observations and long-slit spectroscopy. The optical emission of the galaxy is dominated by a central young starburst, with a bar-like shape, while an underlying component of stars, with elliptical isophotes and red colors, extends more than 4 kpc from the galaxy center. High resolution Halpha and color maps allow us to identify the star-forming regions, to spatially discriminate them from the older stars, and to recognize several dust patches. We derive colors and Halpha parameters for all the identified star-forming knots. Observables derived for each knot are corrected for the contribution of the underlying older stellar population, the contribution by emission lines, and from interstellar extinction, and compared with evolutionary synthesis models. We find that the contributions of these three factors are by no means negligible and that they significantly vary across the galaxy. Therefore, careful quantification and subtraction of emission lines, galaxy host contribution, and interstellar reddening at every galaxy position, are essential to derive the properties of the young stars in BCDs. We find that we can reproduce the colors of all the knots with an instantaneous burst of star formation and the Salpeter initial mass function with an upper mass limit of 100 M_solar. In all cases the knots are just a few Myr old. The underlying population of stars has colors consistent with being several Gyr old.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ, tentatively scheduled for the ApJ November 1, 2007 v669n1 issu