6 research outputs found

    Prevalência e fatores associados á verrugas anogenitais em homens portadores de HIV/AIDS atendidos em serviço especializado

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    A infecção pelo HPV é a DST mais comum no mundo. Dos 630 milhões de casos novos anuais, trinta milhões são relacionados a verrugas anogenitais. Embora a forma subclínica seja mais comum, o aparecimento de condilomas também está associado à diminuição da imunidade causada pelo HIV. Tendo em vista as altas taxas de prevalência da coinfecção HPV/HIV, principalmente entre homens que fazem sexo com homens, os objetivos deste trabalho foram analisar a prevalência de verrugas anogenitais em homens portadores de HIV/aids e identificar fatores associados. Estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico com 159 homens atendidos em serviço de referência de Botucatu (SP). Dados sociodemográficos, comportamentais e clínicos foram relacionados ou não à presença de verrugas anogenitais. Após análise hierárquica dos dados, as variáveis com valor de p menor do que 0,2 foram incluídas no modelo logístico multivariado não condicional. Foram diagnosticados 49 (31,0%) pacientes HIV+ com verrugas anogenitais, cuja média de idade foi de 44,6 ± 9,6 anos. Os principais fatores associados às verrugas foram: escolaridade menor que ou igual a oito anos; maior tempo de diagnóstico do HIV; tratamento antirretroviral irregular; baixas contagens de linfócitos T CD4+. Verrugas anogenitais são prevalentes e relacionadas à imunossupressão da infecção pelo HIV. Ações como o cuidado integral do paciente e educação e prevenção em saúde colaboram para diagnóstico precoce e diminuição da vulnerabilidade a DSTsHPV infection is the most usual STD in the world responsible for 630 million new cases annually, of which 30 million are related with anogenital warts. Although subclinical form is the most common, warts are also associated with reduction of HV-related immunity. There are high rates involving prevalence of the association HIV/HPV around the world. Following this point of view the aim of this study was analyze the prevalence of wart in HIV-infected men and describe the associated factors. cared by a reference service in the Botucatu city – São Paulo/Brazil. Sociodemographic, behavioral and clinical data were collected by an individual interview and medical records. There were 49 (31,0%) HIV-infected men with anogenital warts with mean age of 44,6 ± 9,6 years. The main associated factors were: have up to 8 years of study; longer duration of HIV-infection; irregular treatment to HIV-infection; lower counts of lymphocytes T CD4+. Genital warts are prevalent and are associated with HIV- infection magnitude. Actions such as the complete care over the patients, increasing the education and prevention in health system could help to do a previously, diagnosis and decreasing the vulnerability to ST

    Perfil do idoso assistido pela Estratégia de Saúde da Família no Município de Botucatu-SP

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    Considering the aging aspects: physiological changes, chronological, social behavior, healthy support, beyond of "Heath Eldery Policies", to give prominence to “Heath Family Strategy” created in 1994, we aimed to describe the experiences in the Health Family Units of Rubião Jr’s district and Jd. Iolanda’s neighborhood, Botucatu city, and analyze datas which express aspects of taking care of the elderly assisted. For this, it was done an investigation and protocol analyzes of described and amounted statistics data coming from them we create some graphics of elderly who lives at the studied catchment areas. There was a significant number of elderly in unities who showed similar proportion of man and woman and the total number of elderly, involved the attended area is bigger at Jd. Iolanda’s neighborhood. The data shows that despite elderly take significant part of treatments, there isn’t available form specific. To conclude, it is necessary a revaluation of values of health professionals and promoters to count on with better options to elderly take care.Considerando os aspectos do envelhecimento: alterações fisiológicas, cronológicas, de comportamento social e sustentabilidade saudável, além da "Política de Saúde do Idoso", objetivamos relatar experiências nas Unidades de Saúde da Família do município de Botucatu, e analisar aspectos do cuidado ao idoso. Foram realizadas investigação e a descrição dos dados quantitativos. Observou-se número significativo de idosos nas unidades, em proporções similares de homens e mulheres. O total de idosos, em relação à área atendida, é maior no bairro Jardim Iolanda. Os dados demonstraram que, apesar dos idosos formarem parte significativa dos atendimentos, não há a disponibilidade de formulários específicos. Concluiu-se, então, ser necessário treinamento dos profissionais e promotores da saúde para oferecer melhores opções para o cuidado ao idoso

    The profile of the elderly assisted by the Family Health Strategy in Botucatu-SP

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    Considering the aging aspects: physiological changes, chronological, social behavior, healthy support, beyond of "Heath Eldery Policies", to give prominence to "Heath Family Strategy" created in 1994, we aimed to describe the experiences in the Health Family Units of Rubi&atilde;o Jr&egrave; district and Jd. Iolanda's neighborhood, Botucatu city, and analyze datas which express aspects of taking care of the elderly assisted. For this, it was done an investigation and protocol analyzes of described and amounted statistics data coming from them we create some graphics of elderly who lives at the studied catchment areas. There was a significant number of elderly in unities who showed similar proportion of man and woman and the total number of elderly, involved the attended area is bigger at Jd. Iolanda's neighborhood. The data shows that despite elderly take significant part of treatments, there isn't available form specific. To conclude, it is necessary a revaluation of values of health professionals and promoters to count on with better options to elderly take care.</p