8 research outputs found

    Overview on jet results from STAR

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    Full jet reconstruction allows access to the parton kinematics over a large energy domain and can be used to constrain the mechanisms of energy loss in heavy-ion collisions. Such measurements are challenging at RHIC, due to the high-multiplicity environments created in heavy-ion collisions. In these proceedings, we report an overview of the results on full jet reconstruction obtained by the STAR experiment. Jet measurements in 200 GeV p+p show that jets are calibrated pQCD probes and provide a baseline for jet measurements in Au+Au collisions. Inclusive differential jet production cross sections and ratios are reported for central 200 GeV Au+Au collisions and compared to p+p. We also present measurements of fully reconstructed di-jets at mid-rapidity, and compare spectra and fragmentation functions in p+p and central Au+Au collisions.Comment: Proceedings for the 26th WWND conferenc

    Reconstructed Jets at RHIC

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    To precisely measure jets over a large background such as pile up in high luminosity p+p collisions at LHC, a new generation of jet reconstruction algorithms is developed. These algorithms are also applicable to reconstruct jets in the heavy ion environment where large event multiplicities are produced. Energy loss in the medium created in heavy ion collisions are already observed indirectly via inclusive hadron distributions and di-hadron correlations. Jets can be used to study this energy loss in detail with reduced biases. We review the latest results on jet-medium interactions as seen in A+A collisions at RHIC, focusing on the recent progress on jet reconstruction in heavy ion collisions.Comment: Proceedings for the 26th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamic

    Multi-strange baryon production in Au+Au collisions at top RHIC energy as a probe of bulk properties

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    We report STAR preliminary results on multi-strange baryon production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV at RHIC. Its implication for the formation of a new state of matter is discussed. The system size dependence on the production of strange baryons is investigated to study the onset of strange quark equilibration in the medium. The nuclear modification factor of Lambda, Xi and Omega is also presented. Its suppression at p_T>3 GeV/c supports the formation of a dense interacting medium at RHIC. The spectra of multi-strange baryons reveal that within a hydro-inspired model, they may decouple prior than lighter particles and that their flow may be mostly developed at a partonic level. This idea is emphasized by the measurement of the v_2 of Xi+AntiXi and Omega+AntiOmega whose behaviour is close to the Lambda+AntiLambda baryon elliptic flow in the intermediate p_T region where a constituent quark scaling of v_2 is observed.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Strange Quark Matter 2004 conference proceeding

    Particle dependence of elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200 GeV

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    The elliptic flow parameter (v2v_2) for KS0K_S^0 and Λ+Λˉ\Lambda+\bar{\Lambda} has been measured at mid-rapidity in Au + Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV by the STAR collaboration. The v2v_2 values for both KS0K_S^{0} and Λ+Λˉ\Lambda+\bar{\Lambda} saturate at moderate pTp_T, deviating from the hydrodynamic behavior observed in the lower pTp_T region. The saturated v2v_2 values and the pTp_T scales where the deviation begins are particle dependent. The particle-type dependence of v2v_2 shows features expected from the hadronization of a partonic ellipsoid by coalescence of co-moving quarks. These results will be discussed in relation to the nuclear modification factor (RCPR_{CP}) which has also been measured for KS0K_S^0 and Λ+Λˉ\Lambda+\bar{\Lambda} by the STAR collaboration.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Strange Quark Matter 2003 Conference (SQM 2003): updated with 2 figures from original talk that did not appear in the journa

    Energy dependence of kaon production in central Pb+Pb collisions

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    Recent results from the NA49 experiment on the energy dependence of charged kaon production in central Pb+Pb collisions are presented. First results from the new data at 80 AGeV beam energy are compared with those from lower and higher energies. A difference in the energy dependence of the / and / ratios is observed. The / ratio shows a non-monotonic behaviour with a maximum near 40 AGeV.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, proceedings of talk at SQM2001, Frankfurt, Germany, to appear in J. Phys.

    K(892)K^{*}(892) Production in Au+Au and pp Collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200GeV at STAR

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    Mid-rapidity K0(892)KπK^{*0}(892)\to K\pi and K±(892)KS0π±K^{*\pm}(892)\to K_S^0\pi^{\pm} are measured in Au+Au and pp collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200GeV using the STAR detector at RHIC. The K0(892)K^{*0}(892) mass is systematically shifted at small transverse momentum for both Au+Au and pp collisions. The K0(892)K^{*0}(892) transverse mass spectra are measured in Au+Au collisions at different centralities and in pp collisions. The K0(892)K^{*0}(892) mean transverse momentum as a function of the collision centrality is compared to those of identified π\pi^{-}, KK^{-} and pˉ\bar{p}. The K/KK^{*}/K and ϕ/K\phi/K^{*} ratios are compared to measurements in A+A, pppp, pˉp\bar{p}p, e+ee^{+}e^{-} collisions at various colliding energies. The physics implications of these measurements are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of Strange Quarks in Matter (SQM2003), Atlantic Beach, USA, to be published in J. Phys.

    ρ(770)0\rho(770)^0, K(892)0^*(892)^0 and f0(980)_{0}(980) Production in Au-Au and pp Collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    Preliminary results on ρ(770)0π+π\rho(770)^0 \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}, K(892)0π^{*}(892)^{0} \to \piK and f0(980)π+πf_{0}(980) \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-} production using the mixed-event technique are presented. The measurements are performed at mid-rapidity by the STAR detector in sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200 GeV Au-Au and pp interactions at RHIC. The results are compared to different measurements at various energies.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Talk presented at Quark Matter 2002, Nantes, France, July 18-24, 2002. To appear in the proceedings (Nucl. Phys. A