12 research outputs found

    Elucidating the Mechanisms of the Tomato <i>ovate</i> Mutation in Regulating Fruit Quality Using Proteomics Analysis

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    The <i>ovate</i> mutation has frequently been used to study changes in fruit shape but not fruit quality. A deterioration in fruit quality associated with the <i>ovate</i> mutation was discovered in this study. To elucidate how <i>ovate</i> influences the quality of fruit, we performed a proteomics analysis of the fruits of the o<i>vate</i> mutant (LA3543) and wild-type (“Ailsa Craig”, LA2838A) using tandem mass tag analysis. The results indicated that the <i>ovate</i> mutation significantly influences fruit quality in a number of ways, including by reducing the expression of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase 3 (ACO3) in ethylene biosynthesis, improving firmness by reducing the amount of pectinesterase and polygalacturonase, reducing sugar accumulation by downregulating the abundance of mannan endo-1,4-β-mannosidase 4, β-galactosidase, and β-amylase, and reducing the malic acid content by downregulating the accumulation of malic enzymes and malate synthase. These findings could inform future improvements in fruit quality

    Sequence analysis of MaOFP1.

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    <p>(A) Sequence alignments of MaOFP1 with four other OFPs from the banana A genome. MaAchr7, 5, 6 and 9 represent OFPs located on chromosomes 7, 5, 6 and 9, respectively. Identical and similar amino acids are indicated by black and grey shading, respectively. The underlined sequence indicates the conserved ovate domain. (B) Phylogenetic analysis. The deduced amino acid sequences were aligned using Clustal W, and the dendrogram was drawn with the neighbor-joining method using MEGA software (Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA). The number for each interior branch is the bootstrap percentage calculated from 1,000 replicates. The scale bar corresponds to 0.2 amino acid substitutions per residue. The protein sequences of the OFPs used for construction of the tree are listed in the GenBank database under the following locus or accession numbers: MaAchr7 (GSMUA_Achr5T17440_001), MaAchr5 (GSMUA_ Achr5 T17440_001), MaAchr6 (GSMUA_Achr6T07060_001), MaAchr9 (GSMUA_ Achr9T02650_ 001), AtOFP1 (<i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>, NP_ 195804), AtOFP2 (NP_ 180599), AtOFP3 (NP_ 200644), AtOFP4 (NP_ 172174), AtOFP5 (NP_ 193618), AtOFP6 (NP_ 680125), AtOFP7 (NP_ 179440), AtOFP8 (NP_ 197466), AtOFP9 (NP_ 192312), AtOFP10 (NP_ 197616), AtOFP11 (NP_ 193222), AtOFP12 (NP_ 172033), AtOFP13 (NP_ 196102), AtOFP14 (NP_ 178114), AtOFP15 (NP_ 565833), AtOFP16 (NP_ 180770), AtOFP17 (NP_ 850144), AtOFP18 (NP_ 566967).</p

    Y2H assays.

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    <p>(A) A schematic diagram illustrating the <i>MuMADS1</i> cDNA fragments encoding different portions of M, I, K and C that were fused to DNA sequences encoding the GAL4 DNA binding domain in the yeast vector pGBKT7. <i>MaOFP1</i> was cloned into pGADT7 as prey. (B) Positive interactions were determined through auxotrophic selection media SD/-Ade/-His-Leu/-Trp and SD/-Ade/-His-Leu/-Trp+ x-α-gal. The pGBKT7-53 vector used as a positive control interacted with the pGADT7-T-antigen while pGBKT7 empty vector as a negative control interacted with the pGADT7 empty vector.</p

    Interaction assay of MuMADS1 and MaOFP1 by the BiFC method.

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    <p>The free YFP protein (A) and <i>MuMADS1</i>-YN with <i>MaOFP1</i>-YC fusion proteins (B) were transiently expressed in onion epidermis cells and visualized with a ZEISS fluorescence microscope 24 h after bombardment with a gene gun. a and d: yellow fluorescence in cells, b and e: DAPI image, c and f: bright-field image. Panels C and D: Onion epidermis cells following bombardment with a gene gun as negative controls. C: <i>MuMADS1</i>-YN protein. D: <i>MaOFP1</i>-YC protein. g and j: yellow fluorescence. h and k: DAPI image. i and l: bright field image.</p

    Relative expression of <i>MuMADS1</i> and <i>MaOFP1</i> in different tissues and developing fruits.

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    <p>(A) Different tissues and developing fruits: R: root; S; stem; L: leaf; Fl: flower; Ov8: Ovary 8 stage; Ov4: Ovary 4 stage; Ov1: Ovary 1 stage; 0DFr: 0 DPH fruits. (B)The x-axis represents the different tissues and developing fruits. The y-axis represents relative expression of <i>MuMADS1</i> and <i>MaOFP1</i> with respect to actin. Vertical bars on each column indicate SE from three replications.</p

    Relative expression of <i>MuMADS1</i> and <i>MaOFP1</i> in naturally ripened (A, B), ethylene-treated (C, D), and 1-MCP-treated (E, F) bananas.

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    <p>The x-axis represents the days postharvest and the y-axis represents relative expression of <i>MuMADS1</i> and <i>MaOFP1</i> with respect to actin. Vertical bars on each column indicate SE from three replications. When absent, the bars fall within the dimensions of the symbol.</p

    A Novel Role for Banana <i>MaASR</i> in the Regulation of Flowering Time in Transgenic <i>Arabidopsis</i>

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    <div><p>The abscisic acid (ABA)-, stress-, and ripening-induced (ASR) protein is a plant-specific hydrophilic transcriptional factor involved in fruit ripening and the abiotic stress response. To date, there have been no studies on the role of <i>ASR</i> genes in delayed flowering time. Here, we found that the <i>ASR</i> from banana, designated as <i>MaASR</i>, was preferentially expressed in the banana female flowers from the eighth, fourth, and first cluster of the inflorescence. <i>MaASR</i> transgenic lines (L14 and L38) had a clear delayed-flowering phenotype. The number of rosette leaves, sepals, and pedicel trichomes in L14 and L38 was greater than in the wild type (WT) under long day (LD) conditions. The period of buds, mid-flowers, and full bloom of L14 and L38 appeared later than the WT. cDNA microarray and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analyses revealed that overexpression of <i>MaASR</i> delays flowering through reduced expression of several genes, including photoperiod pathway genes, vernalization pathway genes, gibberellic acid pathway genes, and floral integrator genes, under short days (SD) for 28 d (from vegetative to reproductive transition stage); however, the expression of the autonomous pathway genes was not affected. This study provides the first evidence of a role for <i>ASR</i> genes in delayed flowering time in plants.</p></div

    Expression of <i>MaASR</i> gene in banana female flowers from the upper inflorescence.

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    <p>(A) The female flowers from the tenth (F10), ninth (F9), eighth (F8), fourth (F4), and first (F1) cluster from the upper inflorescence. (B) Relative expression level in banana female flowers. The y-axis represents the relative fold-difference in mRNA level, which was calculated using the 2<sup>-ΔΔCT</sup> formula with ACTIN and UBQ as internal controls. The vertical bars represent the mean ± SD of three replicates.</p