37,659 research outputs found

    Spin-injection Hall effect in a planar photovoltaic cell

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    Successful incorporation of the spin degree of freedom in semiconductor technology requires the development of a new paradigm allowing for a scalable, non-destructive electrical detection of the spin-polarization of injected charge carriers as they propagate along the semiconducting channel. In this paper we report the observation of a spin-injection Hall effect (SIHE) which exploits the quantum-relativistic nature of spin-charge transport and which meets all these key requirements on the spin detection. The two-dimensional electron-hole gas photo-voltaic cell we designed to observe the SIHE allows us to develop a quantitative microscopic theory of the phenomenon and to demonstrate its direct application in optoelectronics. We report an experimental realization of a non-magnetic spin-photovoltaic effect via the SIHE, rendering our device an electrical polarimeter which directly converts the degree of circular polarization of light to a voltage signal.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    High-Fidelity Archeointensity Results for the Late Neolithic Period From Central China

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    Archeomagnetism focuses on exploring high-resolution variations of the geomagnetic field over hundreds to thousands of years. In this study, we carried out a comprehensive study of chronology, absolute and relative paleointensity on a late Neolithic site in central China. Ages of the samples are constrained to be ~3,500–3,000 BCE, a period when available paleointensity data are sparse. We present a total of 64 high-fidelity absolute paleointensities, demonstrating the field varied quickly from ~55 to ~90 ZAm2 between ~3,500–3,000 BCE. Our results record a new archeomagnetic jerk around 3,300 BCE, which is probably non-dipolar origin. The new results provide robust constraints on global geomagnetic models. We calculated a revised Chinese archeointensity reference curve for future application. The variations of absolute and relative paleointensity versus depth show good consistency, reinforcing the reliability of our results. This new attempt of combining absolute and relative paleointenstiy provides a useful tool for future archeomagnetic research

    A 2D systems approach to iterative learning control for discrete linear processes with zero Markov parameters

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    In this paper a new approach to iterative learning control for the practically relevant case of deterministic discrete linear plants with uniform rank greater than unity is developed. The analysis is undertaken in a 2D systems setting that, by using a strong form of stability for linear repetitive processes, allows simultaneous con-sideration of both trial-to-trial error convergence and along the trial performance, resulting in design algorithms that can be computed using Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). Finally, the control laws are experimentally verified on a gantry robot that replicates a pick and place operation commonly found in a number of applications to which iterative learning control is applicable

    Thermodynamic Geometry and Critical Behavior of Black Holes

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    Based on the observations that there exists an analogy between the Reissner-Nordstr\"om-anti-de Sitter (RN-AdS) black holes and the van der Waals-Maxwell liquid-gas system, in which a correspondence of variables is (ϕ,q)↔(V,P)(\phi, q) \leftrightarrow (V,P), we study the Ruppeiner geometry, defined as Hessian matrix of black hole entropy with respect to the internal energy (not the mass) of black hole and electric potential (angular velocity), for the RN, Kerr and RN-AdS black holes. It is found that the geometry is curved and the scalar curvature goes to negative infinity at the Davies' phase transition point for the RN and Kerr black holes. Our result for the RN-AdS black holes is also in good agreement with the one about phase transition and its critical behavior in the literature.Comment: Revtex, 18 pages including 4 figure

    Influence of statistical fluctuations on K/Ï€K/\pi ratios in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    The influence of pure statistical fluctuations on K/Ï€K/\pi ratio is investigated in an event-by-event way. Poisson and the modified negative binomial distributions are used as the multiplicity distributions since they both have statistical background. It is shown that the distributions of the ratio in these cases are Gaussian, and the mean and relative variance are given analytically.Comment: 6 pages in RevTeX, 3 eps figures include

    Parameterized Algorithms for Graph Partitioning Problems

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    We study a broad class of graph partitioning problems, where each problem is specified by a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), and parameters kk and pp. We seek a subset U⊆VU\subseteq V of size kk, such that α1m1+α2m2\alpha_1m_1 + \alpha_2m_2 is at most (or at least) pp, where α1,α2∈R\alpha_1,\alpha_2\in\mathbb{R} are constants defining the problem, and m1,m2m_1, m_2 are the cardinalities of the edge sets having both endpoints, and exactly one endpoint, in UU, respectively. This class of fixed cardinality graph partitioning problems (FGPP) encompasses Max (k,n−k)(k,n-k)-Cut, Min kk-Vertex Cover, kk-Densest Subgraph, and kk-Sparsest Subgraph. Our main result is an O∗(4k+o(k)Δk)O^*(4^{k+o(k)}\Delta^k) algorithm for any problem in this class, where Δ≥1\Delta \geq 1 is the maximum degree in the input graph. This resolves an open question posed by Bonnet et al. [IPEC 2013]. We obtain faster algorithms for certain subclasses of FGPPs, parameterized by pp, or by (k+p)(k+p). In particular, we give an O∗(4p+o(p))O^*(4^{p+o(p)}) time algorithm for Max (k,n−k)(k,n-k)-Cut, thus improving significantly the best known O∗(pp)O^*(p^p) time algorithm
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