2 research outputs found

    Higher order correction to weak-field lensing of Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole

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    Gravitational lensing effect at higher order under weak field approximation is believed to be important to distinguish black holes and other compact objects like wormholes. The deflection angle of a generic wormhole is difficult to solve analytically, thus approximation methods are implemented. In this paper, we investigate the weak-field deflection angle of a specific wormhole, the Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole (EBWH), up to the 1/b^4 order. We use different approximation formalism, study their precision at 1/b^4 order by a comparison to a purely numerical result, and finally rank these formalism by their accuracy. Moreover, we find that certain formalism are sensitive to the choice of coordinate system, when the corresponding deflection angle approaches 0 in the negative-mass branch of universe.Comment: Comments are welcome