6 research outputs found

    The role of the thiol N-acetylcysteine in the prevention of tumor invasion and angiogenesis

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    We have extensively studied the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a cytoprotective drug that can prevent in vivo carcinogenesis. Here we review our findings NAC completely inhibits gelatinolytic activity of metalloproteases and chemotactic and invasive activities of tumor cells. In addition, NAC reduces the number of lung metastases when malignant murine melanoma cells are injected into nude mice. NAC treatment decreases the weight of primary tumors and produces a dose-related increase in turner latency Moreover oral administration of NAC reduces the formation of spontaneous metastases. In experimental metastasis assays, we have found a synergistic reduction in the number of lung metastases after treatment with doxorubicin (DOX) and NAC in nude mice. In tumorigenicity and spontaneous metastasis assays, the combined administration of DOX and oral NAC again has shown synergistic effects on the frequency and weight of primary tumors and local recurrences and completely prevented the formation of lung metastases. The addition of NAC to endothelial cells strongly reduces their invasive activity in response to angiogenic stimuli. NAC inhibited the degradation and release of radiolabeled type IV collagen by activated endothelial cells, indicating that NAC blocks gelatinase activity. Oral administration of NAC reduces the angiogenic response induced by KS tumor cell products, confirming the ability of NAC to inhibit the invasive activity of endothelial cells in vivo and thereby blocking angiogenesi

    N-acetylcysteine inhibits endothelial cell invasion and angiogenesis

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    The thiol N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a chemopreventive agent that acts through a variety of mechanisms and can prevent in vivo carcinogenesis. We have previously shown that NAC inhibits invasion and metastasis of malignant cells as well as tumor take. Neovascularization is critical for tumor mass expansion and metastasis formation. We investigated whether a target of the anti-cancer activity of NAC could be the inhibition of the tumor angiogenesis-associated phenotype in vitro and in vivo using the potent angiogenic mixture of Kaposi's sarcoma cell products as a stimulus. Two endothelial (EAhy926 and human umbilical vein endothelial [HUVE]) cell lines were utilized in a panel of assays to test NAC ability in inhibiting chemotaxis, invasion, and gelatinolytic activity in vitro. NAC treatment of EAhy926 and HUVE cells in vitro dose-dependently reduced their ability to invade a reconstituted basement membrane, an indicator of endothelial cell activation. Invasion of HUVE cells was inhibited with an ID50 of 0.24 mM NAG, whereas inhibition of chemotaxis required a 10 fold higher doses, indicating that invasion is a preferential target. NAC inhibited the enzymatic activity and conversion to active forms of the gelatinase produced by endothelial cells. The matrigel in vivo assay was used for the evaluation of angiogenesis; NAC strongly inhibited neovascularization of the matrigel sponges in response to Kaposi's sarcoma cell products. NAC prevented angiogenesis while preserving endothelial cells, implying that it could be safely used as an anti-angiogenic treatment

    Functional genomics of endothelial cells treated with anti-angiogenic or angiopreventive drugs

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