398 research outputs found

    Total Reaction Cross Section in an Isospin-Dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics (IDQMD) Model

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    The isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics (IDQMD) model is used to study the total reaction cross section σR\sigma_R. The energy-dependent Pauli volumes of neutrons and protons have been discussed and introduced into the IDQMD calculation to replace the widely used energy-independent Pauli volumes. The modified IDQMD calculation can reproduce the experimental σR\sigma_R well for both stable and exotic nuclei induced reactions. Comparisons of the calculated σR\sigma_R induced by 11Li^{11}Li with different initial density distributions have been performed. It is shown that the calculation by using the experimentally deduced density distribution with a long tail can fit the experimental excitation function better than that by using the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculated density without long tails. It is also found that σR\sigma_R at high energy is sensitive to the long tail of density distribution.Comment: 4 page, 4 fig

    Remarks on self-interaction correction to black hole radiation

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    In the work [P. Kraus and F. Wilczek, \textit{Self-interaction correction to black hole radiation, Nucl. Phys.} B433 (1995) 403], it has been pointed out that the self-gravitation interaction would modify the black hole radiation so that it is no longer thermal, where it is, however, corrected in an approximate way and therefore is not established its relationship with the underlying unitary theory in quantum theory. In this paper, we revisit the self-gravitation interaction to Hawking radiation of the general spherically symmetric black hole, and find that the precisely derived spectrum is not only deviated from the purely thermal spectrum, but most importantly, is related to the change of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and consistent with an underlying unitary theory.Comment: 14 page

    Parallel momentum distribution of the 28^{28}Si fragments from 29^{29}P

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    Distribution of the parallel momentum of 28^{28}Si fragments from the breakup of 30.7 MeV/nucleon 29^{29}P has been measured on C targets. The distribution has the FWHM with the value of 110.5 ±\pm 23.5 MeV/c which is consistent quantitatively with Galuber model calculation assuming by a valence proton in 29^{29}P. The density distribution is also predicted by Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculation. Results show that there might exist the proton-skin structure in 29^{29}P.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Back reaction, covariant anomaly and effective action

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    In the presence of back reaction, we first produce the one-loop corrections for the event horizon and Hawking temperature of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole. Then, based on the covariant anomaly cancelation method and the effective action technique, the modified expressions for the fluxes of gauge current and energy momentum tensor, due to the effect of back reaction, are obtained. The results are consistent with the Hawking fluxes of a (1+1)-dimensional blackbody at the temperature with quantum corrections, thus confirming the robustness of the covariant anomaly cancelation method and the effective action technique for black holes with back reaction.Comment: 17 page

    Quantum corrections and black hole spectroscopy

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    In the work \cite{BRM,RBE}, black hole spectroscopy has been successfully reproduced in the tunneling picture. As a result, the derived entropy spectrum of black hole in different gravity (including Einstein's gravity, Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity and Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity) are all evenly spaced, sharing the same forms as Sn=nS_n=n, where physical process is only confined in the semiclassical framework. However, the real physical picture should go beyond the semiclassical approximation. In this case, the physical quantities would undergo higher-order quantum corrections, whose effect on different gravity shares in different forms. Motivated by these facts, in this paper we aim to observe how quantum corrections affect black hole spectroscopy in different gravity. The result shows that, in the presence of higher-order quantum corrections, black hole spectroscopy in different gravity still shares the same form as Sn=nS_n=n, further confirming the entropy quantum is universal in the sense that it is not only independent of black hole parameters, but also independent of higher-order quantum corrections. This is a desiring result for the forthcoming quantum gravity theory.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, use JHEP3.cls. to be published in JHE

    The calculation of total reaction cross sections induced by intermediate energy α\alpha-particles with BUU Model

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    The Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) Model, which includes the Fermi motion, the mean field, individual nucleon-nucleon (N-N) interactions and the Pauli blocking effect etc., is used to calculate the total reaction cross section σR\sigma_R induced by α\alpha-particles on different targets in the incident energy range from 17.4 to 48.1 MeV/u. The calculation result can reproduce the experimental data well. The nucleus-nucleus interaction radius parameter r0r_0 was extracted from experimental σR\sigma_R. It is found that r0r_0 becomes constant with increasing the mass number of target.Comment: 4 pages, 4 fig

    Back reaction, emission spectrum and entropy spectroscopy

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    Recently, an interesting work, which reformulates the tunneling framework to directly produce the Hawking emission spectrum and entropy spectroscopy in the tunneling picture, has been received a broad attention. However, during the emission process, most related observations have not incorporated the effects of back reaction on the background spacetime, whose derivations are therefore not the desiring results for the real physical process. With this point as a central motivation, in this paper we suitably adapt the \emph{reformulated} tunneling framework so that it can well accommodate the effects of back reaction to produce the Hawking emission spectrum and entropy spectroscopy. Consequently, we interestingly find that, when back reaction is considered, the Parikh-Wilczek's outstanding observations that, an isolated radiating black hole has an unitary-evolving emission spectrum that is \emph{not} precisely thermal, but is related to the change of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, can also be reproduced in the reformulated tunneling framework, meanwhile the entropy spectrum has the same form as that without inclusion of back reaction, which demonstrates the entropy quantum is \emph{independent} of the effects of back reaction. As our final analysis, we concentrate on the issues of the black hole information, but \emph{unfortunately} find that, even including the effects of back reaction and higher-order quantum corrections, such tunneling formalism can still not provide a mechanism for preserving the black hole information.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, use JHEP3.cls. to be published in JHE

    Dynamic Evolution of a Quasi-Spherical General Polytropic Magnetofluid with Self-Gravity

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    In various astrophysical contexts, we analyze self-similar behaviours of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) evolution of a quasi-spherical polytropic magnetized gas under self-gravity with the specific entropy conserved along streamlines. In particular, this MHD model analysis frees the scaling parameter nn in the conventional polytropic self-similar transformation from the constraint of n+γ=2n+\gamma=2 with γ\gamma being the polytropic index and therefore substantially generalizes earlier analysis results on polytropic gas dynamics that has a constant specific entropy everywhere in space at all time. On the basis of the self-similar nonlinear MHD ordinary differential equations, we examine behaviours of the magnetosonic critical curves, the MHD shock conditions, and various asymptotic solutions. We then construct global semi-complete self-similar MHD solutions using a combination of analytical and numerical means and indicate plausible astrophysical applications of these magnetized flow solutions with or without MHD shocks.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in APS

    The Holographic Dark Energy in a Non-flat Universe

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    We study the model for holographic dark energy in a spatially closed universe, generalizing the proposal in hep-th/0403127 for a flat universe. We provide independent arguments for the choice of the parameter c=1c=1 in the holographic dark energy model. On the one hand, cc can not be less than 1, to avoid violating the second law of thermodynamics. On the other hand, observation suggests cc be very close to 1, it is hard to justify a small deviation of cc from 1, if c>1c>1.Comment: 12 pages, harvmac, v2: order of authors is corrected in webpage, v3: refs. adde

    Curvaton Dynamics and the Non-Linearity Parameters in Curvaton Model

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    We investigate the curvaton dynamics and the non-linearity parameters in curvaton model with potential slightly deviating from the quadratic form in detail. The non-linearity parameter gNLg_{NL} will show up due to the curvaton self-interaction. We also point out that the leading order of non-quadratic term in the curvaton potential can be negative, for example in the axion-type curvaton model. If a large positive gNLg_{NL} is detected, the axion-type curvaton model will be preferred.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; refs adde
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