3 research outputs found

    In Projecting Paddhu Madura at IAIN Madura Library, Pamekasan

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    Reliable collection of lliteratures about Madura is still rare to find in any libraries across Madura. Therefore, organizing Paddhu Madura (Madura Corner) is undeniable need for an emerging campus like IAIN Madura. This paper elaborates the initiative which has been arisen for long yet still got ups and downs. The research questions consist of the delay of establishment, detailed plan to implement this initiative in a close time and formulation on ideal concept of the project. As a field data research, compilation data of this paper will be through interview, observation and library search. Ruling officers, senior librarians and Madurese experts will be the main informants. Meanwhile, observation will take place to other libraries, particularly those organized any specific corner on local/national collection. This library research, in its turn, will uncover features and experience of certain libraries concerning on local collection preservation. It is hypothetically found that the initiative relatively remains stagnant due to financial management and unserious willingness. However, the plan can take place in a close time together with the moving moment into a newer building. Among others, this corner will not only provide literatures about Madura, but also encourage publication and documentation as its long term programs. Keywords: Paddhu Madura, IAIN Madura, librar

    Strategi Melestarikan Pemanfaatan Koleksi Referensi Cetak di Tengah Maraknya Berbagai Macam Referensi Online Dengan Segala Kemudahannya

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    The development of information technology in this globalisation era make the information publix that live inside get the convenience to easily search, find and get information almost in all respects. This impacted on the existence of a reference collection which was originally a reference to help information seekers find information about certain information may be eroded over time due to the emergence of media presence online references. The difficulty in using several reference collections such as dictionaries, directory, ensiclopedy, map etc. inversely proportional to the ease offered by products launched by companies such as Google, Yahoo, AltaVista and Lycos. The role of librarians and lecturers demanded participation in preserving cultural read while maintaining general collection and the reference collection especially prints to prevent the existence of a reference collection can still be maintained and also still be mainyained and also still be used in addition to the reference media online. Perkembangan teknologi informasi di era globalisasi dewasa ini membuat masyarakat informasi yang hidup di dalamnya mendapatkan kemudahan kemudahan dalam mencari, menemukan dan memperoleh informasi hampir di segala hal. Hal ini berdampak pula pada keberadaan koleksi referensi yang semula menjadi acuan dalam membantu pencari informasi menemukan informasi informasi tertentu lama kelamaan mungkin tergerus keberadaannya karena kemunculan media referensi online. Kesulitan dalam menggunakan beberapa koleksi referensi seperti kamus, direktori, esiklopedia, peta dan lain sebagainya berbanding terbalik dengan kemudahan yang ditawarkan oleh produk produk yang diluncurkan oleh perusahaan seperti google, yahoo, altavista dan lycos. Peran pustakawan dan dosen dituntut partisipasinya dalam tetap menjaga melestarikan budaya membaca koleksi umum dan khususnya koleksi referensi tercetak agar keberadaan koleksi referensi tetap dapat dipertahankan dan juga tetap dimanfaatkan di samping media referensi online