2 research outputs found

    Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Membaca (Disleksia) Siswa Kelas III SDIT Latansa Cendekia

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    Education has a very important role in the progress of a nation. This research aims to reveal the history and development as well inclusive education problems. Inclusive schools provide appropriate educational programs, challenging, but appropriate to each student's abilities and needs as well as assistance and the support that teachers can provide so that children are successful. Method The research used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data results were obtained from observations and interviews. By interviewing class III teachers at SDIT Latansa Scholar, this was done using a guide interview to get information about inclusive education at SDIT Latansa School. From the results of observations and interviews, the inclusion of students at this school is good, there are students who can carry out their own activities, but there is still assistance from the teacher. By joining a regular (non-special school) school, it provides an opportunity for them to be able to socialize with children who are growing normally to help the child's emotional development so that they do not become inferior children, and even consider themselves the same as other children. This is the basis on which inclusive education is implemented


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    Makroalga laut merupakan alga makroskopis yang dapat dijumpai di daerah intertidal kawasan pesisir Gunungkidul D.I. Yogyakarta, terdiri dari makroalga hijau (Chlorophyceae), coklat (Phaeophyceae), dan merah (Florideophyceae). Kawasan pesisir Gunungkidul terdiri dari deretan pantai dengan berbagai tipologi sehingga keanekaragaman jenis makroalga lautnya akan berbeda pada tipologi pantai yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan komposisi spesies makroalga laut pada tipologi pantai yang berbeda di kawasan pesisir Gunungkidul D.I. Yogyakarta. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan September 2019 hingga Februari 2020 menggunakan metode purposive sampling, kemudian dilakukan pengawetan awetan basah dan identifikasi di Laboratorium Sistematika Tumuhan Fakultas Biologi UGM. Perbandingan komposisi spesies dianalisis berdasarkan Indeks Kesamaan Sorensen. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan 37 spesies yang tergolong kedalam 28 genus, 19 family dan 10 ordo, Makroalga laut di wilayah pesisir Gunungkidul di dominasi oleh kelas Florideophyceae dengan persentase kehadiran spesies 43,37% (18 spesies); kelas Chlorophyceae 28,95% (10 spesies); dan Phaeophyceae 23,68% (9 spesies). Komposisi spesies makroalga laut di kawasan pesisir Gunungkidul memiliki tingkat kesamaan yang tinggi (>0,5) walaupun hidup di tipologi pantai yang berbeda. Persamaan tertinggi ditemukan pada makroalga laut yang hidup di pantai dengan tipologi subaerial dan marine deposition coast.