5 research outputs found

    Penentuan Waktu Tanam Semangka (Citrullus Vulgaris) Berdasarkan Neraca Air Lahan di Kecamatan Mendoyo Kabupaten Jembrana

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    This study entitled "Determining Timing of planting watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) Based on Water Balance In District Mendoyo area Jembrana" aimed at 1) Calculated water balance in the region Mendoyo Region 2) Calculate the crop water requirements, and 3) determine the appropriate planting time. This study uses statistical methods to calculate the average monthly rainfall and methods Thornwaite and Mather for water balance analysis. Based on Penman-Monteith method, the value of ETo area Mendoyo of the year amounted to 1,563 mm with the actual evapotranspiration (ETA) of 1495 mm. January to May is the period of surplus and deficit period is July and August. periods of surplus water in the area Mendoyo lasts for 6 months ie December to May. While the water deficit occurs during the period of three months, between July and September. Water re-charging period after a water deficit (recharge) at the start of October. Most water surplus value occurs in January amounted to 141 mm, whereas most water deficit is currently the most critical groundwater conditions occur in August by 25 mm. Planting of watermelon can be cultivated in December, where in December there is a surplus of water. And when the harvest is expected to do in February. Because in general, watermelon crop ready for harvest in the range of 80-90 days after planting the seed

    Akurasi Moving Average Dalam Prediksi Saham Lq45 Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan memberikan bukti empiris akurasi salah satu indikator analisis teknikal, yaitu moving average dalam memprediksi arah pergerakan harga saham LQ45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian, sampel 37 saham Perusahaan dikumpulkan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Saham yang digunakan sebagai sampel adalah saham yang mengalami kejadian Golden Cross dan Death Cross selama periode pengamatan, yaitu Pebruari-Juli 2019. Data diperoleh melalui aplikasi Esmart. Untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian terkait keakuratan metode moving average, dilakukan uji non-parametrik Mann-Whitney yang dapat membuktikan secara statistik apakah terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara prediksi arah pergerakan harga saham yang dihasilkan metode moving average dengan Kenyataannya. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan tidak ada perbedaan antara prediksi arah pergerakan harga saham yang dihasilkan metode moving average dengan Kenyataannya. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini memberikan bukti empiris keakuratan metode moving average dalam memprediksi arah pergerakan harga saham yang tergabung dalam indeks LQ45, dengan periode pengamatan yang singkat. Temuan penelitian ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi investor pasar modal dalam memilih metode analisis teknikal yang dapat membantu pengambilan keputusan investasi yang lebih tepat. Kata Kunci: Analisis Teknikal; Akurasi Moving Average; Saham; Keputusan Investas

    Increasing Room Occupancy and Room Revenue Through Price Decision Strategy

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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to find out the pricing strategy implemented currently and the strategy should be implemented to increase room occupancy and room revenue at 5 star hotel in Kuta tourist area, Bali, Indonesia. Research methods: The data analysis techniques used in this research are quantitative analysis technique, analyzed using path analysis in SPSS Program version 25 and the qualitative descriptive analysis to interpret data information through word based on the result and the real situation. Findings: The pricing strategies implemented currently at the hotel are pricing strategy based on competitor, flexible pricing, and discount pricing. This strategy has a positive effect on room occupancy and room revenue. The flexible pricing is a profitable strategy to increase room occupancy and room revenue of the hotel. Implication: The hotel must pay attention to the prices offered by the competitors, the flexible prices offered by the hotel website, the discount priced offered to the customers and reconsider pricing strategies that have proven ineffective to be implemented in the future