140 research outputs found

    Distribusi Weibull Kecepatan Angin Wilayah Kecamatan Pangarengan Kabupaten Sampang Madura

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    ABSTRAK Ketergantungan Indonesia terhadap ketersediaan energi fosil menjadi masalah baru dalam kelangsungan hidup rakyat Indonesia di masa yang akan datang. Energi fosil yang bersifat terbatas dan tidak terbarukan akan habis dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Sehingga diperlukan langkah baru untuk menggunakan energi baru dan terbarukan seperti energi angin. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga angin di wilayah Kecamatan Pangarengan Kabupaten Sampang Madura.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menganalisa kecepatan angin berdasarkan data dari pengukuran anemometer menggunakan distribusi Weibull. Data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder yang didapatkan dari dari BMKG Kalianget Sumenep. Berdasarkan distribusi weibull didapatkan bahwa parameter  k sebesar 2,67dan c sebesar 2,88. Dari nilai k dan c didapatkan bahwa persentase probabilitas energi angin paling banyak pada tahun 2016 yaitu 2,5 m/s sebanyak 45%  sedangkan tahun 2017 sebesar 2,6 m/s dengan probabilitas 70%.Kata kunci: energi angin, kecamatan pangarengan, distribusi weibull ABSTRACTIndonesia's dependence on fossil energy availability is a new problem in the survival of the Indonesian people in the future. Fossil energy that is limited and non-renewable will run out in a certain period of time. So that new steps are needed to use new and renewable energy such as wind energy. This research was conducted to determine the potential for the construction of wind power plants in the Pangarengan District, Sampang Madura District. This research was conducted by analyzing wind speed based on data from anemometer measurements using the Weibull distribution. The data used are secondary data obtained from BMKG Kalianget Sumenep. Based on the weibull distribution it was found that the parameters k were 2.67 and c were 2.88. From the values of k and c, it was found that the percentage of probability of wind energy was the most in 2016, which was 2.5 m/s as much as 45% while in 2017 it was 2.6 m / s with a probability of 70%

    Face To Face : From the Warner Bros. Picture Three Sailors And A Girl

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    Second star to the right shines in the night for you to tell you [first line of chorus]

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    Performance Medium: Piano, Voice and Chord

    Some Other Time

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    I Don\u27t Love You No More

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    Face The Music

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    The Best of Everything

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