16 research outputs found

    Proteome and Physiological Characterization of Halotolerant Nodule Endophytes: The Case of Rahnella aquatilis and Serratia plymuthica

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    Bacterial endophytes were isolated from nodules of pea and fava bean. The strains were identified and characterized for plant beneficial activities (phosphate solubilization, synthesis of indole acetic acid and siderophores) and salt tolerance. Based on these data, four strains of Rahnella aquatilis and three strains of Serratia plymuthica were selected. To shed light on the mechanisms underlying salt tolerance, the proteome of the two most performant strains (Ra4 and Sp2) grown in the presence or not of salt was characterized. The number of proteins expressed by the endophytes was higher in the presence of salt. The modulated proteome consisted of 302 (100 up-regulated, 202 down-regulated) and 323 (206 up-regulated, 117 down-regulated) proteins in Ra4 and Sp2, respectively. Overall, proteins involved in abiotic stress responses were up-regulated, while those involved in metabolism and flagellum structure were down-regulated. The main up-regulated proteins in Sp2 were thiol: disulfide interchange protein DsbA, required for the sulfur binding formation in periplasmic proteins, while in Ra4 corresponded to the soluble fraction of ABC transporters, having a role in compatible solute uptake. Our results demonstrated a conserved response to salt stress in the two taxonomically related species

    La costruzione dell'identitĂ  profetica nella storia del profetismo cristiano

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    Numero monografico della rivista "Dimensioni e problemi dellaricerca storica" a cura di Caffiero e Filoram

    Santit\ue0\ua0 e cura d'anime dal XIII al XX secolo. Atti del Seminario, Vicenza 9 novembre 2001, a cura di L.Billanovich

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    Promotrice e organizzatrice del seminario di studio, di cui ha poi curato l\u2019edizione degli Atti, l\u2019autrice illustra nella Introduzione ragioni, rilevanza e risvolti problematici dell\u2019inedito tema di ricerca individuato e proposto all\u2019attenzione, costituito da un binomio - santit\ue0 e cura d\u2019anime - che non ha avuto consistenza e fortuna nella plurisecolare storia delle canonizzazioni cattoliche, salvo che nel quadro del riassetto ecclesiastico otto-novecentesco imperniato sulla valorizzazione del ruolo sociale dei parroci


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    Rivista della SocietĂ  italiana delle storiche, che "intende porre la categoria di genere come centrale per l'interpretazione della storia e capace al tempo stesso di contribuire in modo significativo alla comprensione della realtĂ  attuale. La rivista si colloca nel solco di una importante e ormai ricca tradizione di studi e si propone di misurarsi con le grandi questioni storiografiche che negli ultimi anni hanno indotto gli storici a interrogarsi sul significato del loro lavoro e sulla necessitĂ  di ridiscuterne parametri e concetti: dalla periodizzazione al rapporto con altre discipline, dalle categorie analitiche al nesso storia-contempraneitĂ "

    Storia economica e storia degli ebrei. Istituzioni, capitale sociale e stereotipi (secc. XV-XVIII)

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    Il volume affronta, a partire dai concetti chiave di stereotipo e capitale sociale, il problema della discriminazione istituzionalizzata e del confronto intercultural

    Vancomycin-heteroresistant phenotype in invasive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates belonging to spa type 041

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    The aim of this study was to characterise invasive methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains from Italy and to investigate the presence of heteroresistant vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus (h-VISA). Eighty-two MSSA and 66 MRSA strains obtained from 19 laboratories were submitted to in vitro susceptibility testing; MRSA strains were also analysed by the macro Etest (MET) and vancomycin population analysis profiles (PAP) to detect the presence of h-VISA. Genotyping included the detection of agr locus, SCCmec typing, spa typing and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). By Etest, 66% of all isolates showed a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) >or=1.5 microg/ml and two MRSA strains were categorised as VISA (MIC = 3 microg/ml). Twelve MRSA strains were positive by MET; of these, 9 (14% of all MRSA) were confirmed as h-VISA by PAP. MRSA strains were assigned to 14 spa types, with t001, t008 and t041 including 77% of the isolates. The most common spa type, t041, characterised as ST228/273-MRSA-I (CC5) and comprising 24 isolates, included one VISA and eight h-VISA. This is the first description of a close association between h-VISA and t041, a spa type common in Italy and in other European countries, that highlights the importance of molecular typing to identify clones of special clinical relevance