30 research outputs found

    Cosmogenic nuclides indicate that boulder fields are dynamic, ancient, multigenerational features

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    Boulder fields are found throughout the world; yet, the history of these features, as well as the processes that form them, remain poorly understood. In high and mid-latitudes, boulder fields are thought to form and be active during glacial periods; however, few quantitative data support this assertion. Here, we use in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al to quantify the near-surface history of 52 samples in and around the largest boulder field in North America, Hickory Run, in central Pennsylvania, USA. Boulder surface 10Be concentrations (n = 43) increase downslope, indicate minimum near-surface histories of 70-600 k.y., and are not correlated with lithology or boulder size. Measurements of samples from the top and bottom of one boulder and three underlying clasts as well as 26Al/10Be ratios (n = 25) suggest that at least some boulders have complex exposure histories caused by flipping and/or cover by other rocks, soil, or ice. Cosmogenic nuclide data demonstrate that Hickory Run, and likely other boulder fields, are dynamic features that persist through multiple glacial-interglacial cycles because of boulder resistance to weathering and erosion. Long and complex boulder histories suggest that climatic interpretations based on the presence of these rocky landforms are likely over simplifications

    The Golden meteorite fall: Fireball trajectory, orbit, and meteorite characterization

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    The Golden (British Columbia, Canada) meteorite fall occurred on October 4, 2021 at 0534 UT with the first recovered fragment (1.3 kg) landing on an occupied bed. The associated fireball was recorded by numerous cameras permitting reconstruction of its trajectory and orbit. The fireball entered the atmosphere at a 54° angle from the horizontal at a speed of 18 km s−1. The fireball reached a peak brightness of −14, having first become luminous at a height of >84 km and ending at 18 km altitude. Analysis of the infrasonic record of the bolide produced an estimated mass of (Formula presented.) kg while modeling of the fireball light curve suggests an initial mass near 70 kg. The fireball experienced a major flare near 31 km altitude where more than half its mass was lost in the form of dust and gram-sized fragments under a dynamic pressure of 3.3 MPa. The strength and fragmentation behavior of the fireball were similar to those reported for other meteorite-producing fireballs (Borovička et al., 2020). Seven days after the fireball occurred, an additional 0.9 kg fragment was recovered during the second day of dedicated searching guided by initial trajectory and dark flight calculations. Additional searching in the fall and spring of 2021–2022 located no additional fragments. The meteorite is an unbrecciated, low-shock (S2) ordinary chondrite of intermediate composition, typed as an L/LL5 with a grain density of ~3530 k gm−3, an average bulk density of 3150 kg m−3 and calculated porosity of ~10%. From noble gas measurements, the cosmic ray exposure age is 25 ± 4 Ma while gas retention ages are all >2 Ga. Short-lived radionuclides and noble gas measurements of the pre-atmospheric size overlap with estimates from infrasound and light curve modeling producing a preferred pre-atmospheric mass of 70–200 kg. The orbit of Golden has a high inclination (23.5°) and is consistent with delivery from the inner main belt. The highest probability (60%) of an origin is from the Hungaria group. We propose that Golden may originate among the background S-type asteroids found interspersed in the Hungaria region. The current collection of 18 L/LL—chondrite orbits shows a strong preference for origins in the inner main belt, suggesting multiple parent bodies may be required to explain the diversity in CRE ages and shock states

    Importance of sampling across an assemblage of glacial landforms for interpreting cosmogenic ages of deglaciation

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    Deglaciation chronologies for some sectors of former ice sheets are relatively poorly constrained because of the paucity of features or materials traditionally used to constrain the timing of deglaciation. In areas without good deglaciation varve chronologies and/or without widespread occurrence of material that indicates the start of earliest organic radiocarbon accumulations suitable for radiocarbon dating, typically only general patterns and chronologies of deglaciation have been deduced. However, mid-latitude ice sheets that had warm-based conditions close to their margins often produced distinctive deglaciation landform assemblages, including eskers, deltas, meltwater channels and aligned lineation systems. Because these features were formed or significantly altered during the last glaciation, boulder or bedrock samples from them have the potential to yield reliable deglaciation ages using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN) for exposure age dating. Here we present the results of a methodological study designed to examine the consistency of TCN-based deglaciation ages from a range of deglaciation landforms at a site in northern Norway. The strong coherence between exposure ages across several landforms indicates great potential for using TCN techniques on features such as eskers, deltas and meltwater channels to enhance the temporal resolution of ice-sheet deglaciation chronologies over a range of spatial scales

    The 81Kr-Kr Dating Technique for Meteorites

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    The study of skeletal calcium metabolism with Ca-41 and Ca-45

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    The living skeleton can be labeled for life by the administration of radiologically trivial amounts of Ca-41 tracer. After initial elimination of tracer from the readily exchangeable calcium pools subsequent skeletal calcium turnover maintains and modulates the urine Ca-41 content. Uniquely, bone calcium metabolism may then be studied with tracer in near equilibrium with the body's calcium and resorbing calcium directly measured by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) of excreta. Our experiments with 25 Ca-41 labeled subjects demonstrate excellent diurnal stability and remarkable response to intervention of the urine signal. Thus the tracer method may prove a competitive means of measuring the effects of antiresorptive osteoporosis treatments, for therapy development or even clinical monitoring. Novel studies of long-term skeletal evolution are also possible. We realize that routinely administered short-lived calcium radiotracers contain Ca-41 impurities and that thousands of experimental participants have been historically inadvertently Ca-41 labeled. The Ca-41 urine index might now rapidly further be characterized by contemporary measurements of these onetime subjects, and with their by now thoroughly skeleton-equilibrated tracer they might be ideal participants in other new experiments. We are also investigating Ca-45 AMS. It may prove preferable to label the skeleton with this radiotracer already familiar to bioscientists, but new to AMS