5 research outputs found

    Smart Twisting Active Rotor (STAR) - Pre-Test Predictions

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    A Mach-scaled model rotor with active twist capability is in preparation for a wind tunnel test in the large low-speed facility (LLF) of the German-Dutch wind tunnel (DNW) with international participation by DLR, US Ar-my, NASA, ONERA, KARI, Konkuk University, JAXA, Glasgow University and DNW. To get the maximum benefit from the test and the most valuable data within the available test time, the tentative test matrix was covered by predictions of the partners, active twist benefits were evaluated, and support was provided to the test team to focus on the key operational conditions

    Exploration Multidisciplinaire de DRAGON : un concept ONERA à propulsion distribuée Hybride Electrique

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    International audienceFor civil transport aircraft, decreasing the Fan Pressure Ratio has been a solution to improve fuel efficiency. There is however a limit associated to this approach because of the resulting size of the fan. One solution to the problem is Hybrid Electric Distributed Propulsion as electric motors do not loose efficiency when scaled down and the large number of fans allows to maintain a low Fan Pressure Ratio without geometry issues. Within the European Programme Clean Sky 2, ONERA decided to explore the possible implementation of Hybrid Electric Distributed Propulsion on a transport aircraft carrying 150 passengers at a cruise Mach number of 0.78 over a range of 1200 NM to match airlines flexibility requirements. To perform conceptual design studies, a research baseline concept called DRAGON (Distributed fans Research Aircraft with electric Generators by ONERA) has been defined. Characterized by distributed fans located all along the wing span on the pressure side in a rearward position, this configuration has been investigated by disciplinary experts. Concurrently, fuel consumption benefits have been computed for various technology options.Pour les avions de transport civil, la réduction du taux de compression du fan est une solution pour améliorer la consommation de carburant. Il existe toutefois une limite associée à cette approche en raison de la taille du fan qui augmente proportionnellement. Une solution au problème est la propulsion hybride électrique distribuée : en effet, sachant que les moteurs électriques ont un rendement indépendant de la taille, cette technologie permet d’avoir un grand nombre de petits fans carénés caractérisés par un taux de compression faible. Les problèmes liés à la géométrie sont donc résolu. Dans le cadre du programme européen Clean Sky 2, l’ONERA a décidé d’examiner la possibilité de mettre en œuvre la propulsion hybride électrique sur un avion de transport transportant 150 passagers avec un nombre de Mach de croisière de 0,78 pour une distance franchissable de 1 200 NM pour répondre aux besoins de flexibilité des compagnies aériennes. Pour réaliser des études, un concept de base de recherche appelé DRAGON (Distributed fans Research Aircraft with electric Generators by ONERA) a été défini. Caractérisée par des fans carénés répartis situés tout au long de l'envergure de l'aile sur l’intrados à côté du bord de fuite, cette configuration a fait l'objet d'analyses disciplinaires expertes. En parallèle, des avantages en termes de consommation de carburant ont été calculés pour diverses options technologiques

    New Smart Twisting Active Rotor (STAR): Pre-Test Predictions

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    A Mach-scaled model rotor with an active twist capability is in preparation for a wind tunnel test in the large low-speed facility of the German-Dutch wind tunnel (DNW) with international participation by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Aviation & Missile Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, French Aerospace Lab (ONERA), Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Konkuk University, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Glasgow University, and DNW. To get the maximum benefit from the test and the most valuable data within the available test time, the tentative test matrix was covered by predictions of the partners, active twist benefits were evaluated, and support was provided to the test team to focus on the key operational conditions

    Smart Twisting Active Rotor (STAR) – Pretest Predictions

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    A Mach-scaled model rotor with active twist capability is in preparation for a wind tunnel test in the large lowspeed facility (LLF) of the German-Dutch wind tunnel (DNW) with international participation by DLR, US Army, NASA, ONERA, KARI, Konkuk University, JAXA, Glasgow University and DNW. To get the maximum benefit from the test and the most valuable data within the available test time, the tentative test matrix was covered by predictions of the partners, active twist benefits were evaluated, and support was provided to the test team to focus on the key operational conditions