8 research outputs found

    Integração lavoura e pecuária e os atributos físicos de solo manejado sob sistema plantio direto Livestock-crop integration effects on physical attributes of a soil under no-till

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    Atributos físicos de solo foram avaliados num Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico, em Passo Fundo, RS, dez anos após o estabelecimento (1993 a 2003) de cinco sistemas de produção integrando culturas produtoras de grãos, pastagens de inverno e forrageiras perenes: I) trigo/soja, aveia-branca/soja e ervilhaca/milho; II) trigo/soja, aveia-branca/soja e forrageiras anuais - aveia-preta + ervilhaca/milho; III) forrageiras perenes da estação fria - festuca + trevo-branco + trevo-vermelho + cornichão; IV) forrageiras perenes da estação quente - pensacola + aveia-preta + azevém + trevo-branco + trevo-vermelho + cornichão; e V) alfafa para feno, acrescentada em 1994, como tratamento adicional, com repetições em áreas contíguas ao experimento. Metade das áreas sob os sistemas III, IV e V retornou ao sistema I a partir do verão de 1996. As culturas, tanto de inverno como de verão, foram estabelecidas sob plantio direto. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Amostras de solo também foram coletadas em fragmento de floresta subtropical ao lado do experimento. O aumento da densidade do solo e da microporosidade, e a redução da porosidade total e da macroporosidade, devido aos distintos sistemas de produção de grãos com pastagens, não atingiram níveis capazes de promover degradação do solo. Os sistemas com pastagens perenes apresentaram menor densidade do solo e maior porosidade total e macroporosidade na camada 0-2 cm, em relação aos sistemas de produção de grãos ou produção de grãos com pastagens anuais.<br>Soil physical characteristics were evaluated of a typical dystrophic Red Latosol (Typic Haplorthox) located in Passo Fundo, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, after ten years (1993 to 2003) under mixed production systems. The effects of production systems integrating grain production with winter annual and perennial forages under no-tillage were assessed. Five mixed cropping systems were evaluated: I) wheat/soybean, white oat/soybean, and common vetch/corn; II) wheat/soybean, white oat/soybean, and annual forages (black oat + common vetch)/corn; III) perennial cool season forages (fescue + white clover + red clover + birdsfoot trefoil); and IV) perennial warm season forages (bahiagrass + black oat + rye grass + white clover + red clover + birdsfoot trefoil). System V) alfalfa as hay crop was established in an adjacent area in 1994. Half of the areas under the systems III, IV, and V returned to system I after the summer of 1996 (southern hemisphere). The crops, both summer and winter, were grown under no-till. The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design, with four replications. Soil core samples were also collected in a subtropical forest fragment adjacent to the experimental area. The variations in soil bulk density, total porosity, microporosity and macroporosity due to grain production systems with forages were not severe enough to cause soil degradation. The soil bulk density in the production systems with perennial forages was lower and total porosity and macroporosity, in the 0-2 cm layer, higher than in the production systems of grain or of grain with annual forages

    Frequency and morphology of malignant tumours of the thyroid before and after the introduction of iodine prophylaxis

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    Summary Reclassification of malignant goitres surgically removed between 1952–1975 reveals remarkable epidemiological alterations. There is a proportional decrease in undifferentiated carcinoma, which in males also represents an absolute decrease. The decrease is due to a change in maximum incidence from the 5th to the 7th decade. Differentiated carcinomas, especially the papillary tumours, increase. Comparison with findings in Switzerland shows many conformities. Iodine-prophylaxis apparently influences the morphology of thyroid carcinoma, as indicated by the time lag between the introduction of iodine-prophylaxis and the appearance of alterations in incidence. Iodine-prophylaxis, acting in this way, will improve survival rates in thyroid cancer

    Liquefaction of gases and discovery of superconductivity: two very closely scientific achievements in low temperature physics

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