21 research outputs found

    Organic phosphorus composition and potential bioavailability in semi-arid arable soils of the Western United States

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    The organic P composition of semi-arid arable soils is largely unknown, but such information is fundamental to understanding P dynamics in irrigated agriculture. We used solution "P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and phosphatase hydrolysis to characterize organic P in semi-arid arable soils from the western USA (organic C 2.0-30.7 g C kg' soil, clay 2-48%, pH 5.2-8.2, CaCO 3 <1-480 g kg -' soil). Total P concentrations ranged from 220 to 1210 mg P kg-1 soil, of which between 12 and 45% was extracted with NaOH-EDTA. Inorganic orthophosphate was the dominant P compound, but concentrations determined by solution 31P NMR spectroscopy were consistently greater than those determined by molybdate colorimetry. Concentrations of organic P were relatively small, and were dominated by orthophosphate monoesters (11-130 mg P kg-1 soil), with smaller concentrations of orthophosphate diesters (0-7 mg P kg-1 soil). Pyrophosphate was present in almost all soils at concentrations up to 14 mg P kg-1 soil. Bicarbonate-extractable organic P ranged from 1.7 to 22.8 mg P kg-1 soil, of which between 37 and 87% was hydrolyzed by phosphatase enzymes, suggesting its bioavailability. Soil organic P concentrations were positively correlated with mean annual precipitation, organic C, clay, and oxalate-extractable metals (Al, Fe, Mn), and negatively correlated with mean annual temperature and soil pH. However, CaCO3 concentrations were not significantly correlated with any soil property. These results indicate that equilibrium levels of organic P in semi-arid arable soils are controlled by a balance between the physical protection offered by the soil matrix and the suitability of the environment for biological productivit

    Phosphorus Forms in Sediments of a River-Dominated Estuary

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    Estuaries are biologically productive transition zones between land and sea that play a vital role in transforming, recycling, and sequestering nutrients and organic matter, thus influencing nutrient loading to coastal systems. Yet, the processes involved in phosphorus (P) transformation and cycling among inorganic and organic P forms are poorly known in estuaries. To better understand the potential for P transformation and sequestration, we identified P forms and estimated their contributions to total P in intertidal wetland sediments of a river-dominated estuary (Columbia River, Oregon, USA) using solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (P-NMR). Inorganic P forms dominated sediment P extracts throughout the estuary, with orthophosphate accounting for 71–84% of total extracted P. However, biologically-derived inorganic and organic P forms were also detected. Polyphosphates were found in sediment extracts throughout the estuary, contributing as much as 10% of extracted P. Similar to other wetlands, orthophosphate monoesters and diesters made approximately equal contributions (~ 20%) to total extracted P. However, monoesters (e.g., phytate) were more abundant in sedimentary environments characterized by low organic matter content, while diesters (e.g., DNA) were more abundant in sedimentary environments with high organic matter, regardless of salinity. Collectively, the data show strong evidence for P transformation in sediments of a large, river-dominated estuary, which influences its transport to the coastal Pacific Ocean via the expansive Columbia River plume

    Long-Term Land Use Affects Phosphorus Speciation and the Composition of Phosphorus Cycling Genes in Agricultural Soils

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    Agriculturally-driven land transformation is increasing globally. Improving phosphorus (P) use efficiency to sustain optimum productivity in diverse ecosystems, based on knowledge of soil P dynamics, is also globally important in light of potential shortages of rock phosphate to manufacture P fertilizer. We investigated P chemical speciation and P cycling with solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance, P K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy, phosphatase activity assays, and shotgun metagenomics in soil samples from long-term agricultural fields containing four different land-use types (native and tame grasslands, annual croplands, and roadside ditches). Across these land use types, native and tame grasslands showed high accumulation of organic P, principally orthophosphate monoesters, and high acid phosphomonoesterase activity but the lowest abundance of P cycling genes. The proportion of inositol hexaphosphates (IHP), especially the neo-IHP stereoisomer that likely originates from microbes rather than plants, was significantly increased in native grasslands than croplands. Annual croplands had the largest variances of soil P composition, and the highest potential capacity for P cycling processes based on the abundance of genes coding for P cycling processes. In contrast, roadside soils had the highest soil Olsen-P concentrations, lowest organic P, and highest tricalcium phosphate concentrations, which were likely facilitated by the neutral pH and high exchangeable Ca of these soils. Redundancy analysis demonstrated that IHP by NMR, potential phosphatase activity, Olsen-P, and pH were important P chemistry predictors of the P cycling bacterial community and functional gene composition. Combining chemical and metagenomics results provides important insights into soil P processes and dynamics in different land-use ecosystems

    Organic phosphorus composition and potential bioavailability in semi-arid arable soils of the Western United States

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    The organic P composition of semi-arid arable soils is largely unknown, but such information is fundamental to understanding P dynamics in irrigated agriculture. We used solution "P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and phosphatase hydrolysis to characterize organic P in semi-arid arable soils from the western USA (organic C 2.0-30.7 g C kg' soil, clay 2-48%, pH 5.2-8.2, CaCO 3 <1-480 g kg -' soil). Total P concentrations ranged from 220 to 1210 mg P kg-1 soil, of which between 12 and 45% was extracted with NaOH-EDTA. Inorganic orthophosphate was the dominant P compound, but concentrations determined by solution 31P NMR spectroscopy were consistently greater than those determined by molybdate colorimetry. Concentrations of organic P were relatively small, and were dominated by orthophosphate monoesters (11-130 mg P kg-1 soil), with smaller concentrations of orthophosphate diesters (0-7 mg P kg-1 soil). Pyrophosphate was present in almost all soils at concentrations up to 14 mg P kg-1 soil. Bicarbonate-extractable organic P ranged from 1.7 to 22.8 mg P kg-1 soil, of which between 37 and 87% was hydrolyzed by phosphatase enzymes, suggesting its bioavailability. Soil organic P concentrations were positively correlated with mean annual precipitation, organic C, clay, and oxalate-extractable metals (Al, Fe, Mn), and negatively correlated with mean annual temperature and soil pH. However, CaCO3 concentrations were not significantly correlated with any soil property. These results indicate that equilibrium levels of organic P in semi-arid arable soils are controlled by a balance between the physical protection offered by the soil matrix and the suitability of the environment for biological productivit

    Pedological trends and implications for forest productivity in a Holocene soil chronosequence, Calvert Island, British Columbia, Canada.

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    Chronosequence studies of soil formation and ecosystem development provide important insights into the pathways and rates of change occurring on centennial and millennial time scales. In cool or temperate humid environments, Podzols are the predominant soil type formed under coniferous forests in coarse-textured parent material and have been a major focus of chronosequence studies. This study examined the rate and mechanisms of Podzol development and related forest productivity in a sand dune chronosequence in a hypermaritime climate in coastal British Columbia (BC). The sequence spans 10,760 864 years over eight sites and is the first documented chronosequence in coastal BC to span most of the Holocene Epoch. Soil samples from each genetic horizon were analyzed for bulk density, pH and concentrations of total carbon (C), pyrophosphate- and oxalate-extractable aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe), and total elements. Within ~3,500 years a mature Podzol had formed, with cemented horizons (ortstein and placic) present. Organo-metallic complexation appeared to be the dominant mechanism involved in podzolization . Despite a mild, moist climate conducive to chemical weathering, all soils had similarly low values for the Chemical Index of Alteration, suggesting that congruent dissolution of primary minerals may be occurring. Ecosystem retrogression is apparent in the latter stages of the chronosequence – a phenomenon not previously documented in coastal BC. Further research is needed to examine the interactions of nutrient limitation, soil physical barriers, and other possible drivers of ecosystem retrogression.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Phosphorus features in FT-IR spectra of natural organic matter

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    Soil organic phosphorus transformations during 2000 years of paddy-rice and non-paddy management in the Yangtze River Delta, China

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    The contents and properties of soil organic phosphorus (Po) largely drive ecosystem productivity with increasing development of natural soil. We hypothesized that soil Po would initially increase with paddy management and then would persist under steady-state conditions. We analyzed soils from a 2000-year chronosequence of a rice-wheat rotation and an adjacent non-paddy 700-year chronosequence in Bay of Hangzhou (China) for their Po composition using solution 31P-NMR after NaOH-EDTA extraction. Land reclamation promoted Po accumulation in both paddy and non-paddy topsoils (depths ≤ 18 cm) until steady-state equilibria were reached within 200 years of land use. Greater Po concentrations were found, however, in the non-paddy subsoils than in those under paddy management. Apparently, the formation of a dense paddy plough pan hindered long-term Po accumulation in the paddy subsoil. The surface soils showed higher proportions of orthophosphate diesters under paddy than under non-paddy management, likely reflecting suppressed decomposition of crop residues despite elevated microbial P compounds stocks under anaerobic paddy-rice management. Intriguingly, the composition of Po was remarkably stable after 194-years of paddy management and 144-years of non-paddy management, suggesting novel steady-state equilibria of P dynamics had been reached in these man-made ecosystems after less than two centuries