4,305 research outputs found

    A Bayesian - Deep Learning model for estimating Covid-19 evolution in Spain

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    This work proposes a semi-parametric approach to estimate Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) evolution in Spain. Considering the sequences of 14 days cumulative incidence of all Spanish regions, it combines modern Deep Learning (DL) techniques for analyzing sequences with the usual Bayesian Poisson-Gamma model for counts. DL model provides a suitable description of observed sequences but no reliable uncertainty quantification around it can be obtained. To overcome this we use the prediction from DL as an expert elicitation of the expected number of counts along with their uncertainty and thus obtaining the posterior predictive distribution of counts in an orthodox Bayesian analysis using the well known Poisson-Gamma model. The overall resulting model allows us to either predict the future evolution of the sequences on all regions, as well as, estimating the consequences of eventual scenarios.Comment: Related to: https://github.com/scabras/covid19-bayes-d

    Auxetic two-dimensional lattice with Poisson's Ratio arbitrarily close to -1

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    In this paper we propose a new lattice structure having macroscopic Poisson's ratio arbitrarily close to the stability limit -1. We tested experimentally the effective Poisson's ratio of the micro-structured medium; the uniaxial test has been performed on a thermoplastic lattice produced with a 3d printing technology. A theoretical analysis of the effective properties has been performed and the expression of the macroscopic constitutive properties is given in full analytical form as a function of the constitutive properties of the elements of the lattice and on the geometry of the microstructure. The analysis has been performed on three micro-geometry leading to an isotropic behaviour for the cases of three-fold and six-fold symmetry and to a cubic behaviour for the case of four-fold symmetry.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures (26 subfigures

    A class of auxetic three-dimensional lattices

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    We propose a class of auxetic three-dimensional lattice structures. The elastic microstructure can be designed in order to have omni-directional Poisson's ratio arbitrarily close to the stability limit -1. The cubic behavior of the periodic system has been fully characterized; the minumum and maximum Poisson's ratio and the associated principal directions are given as a function of the microstructural parameters. The initial microstructure is then modified into a body centered-cubic system that can achieve a Poisson's ratio lower than -1 and that can also behave as an isotropic three-dimensional auxetic structure.Comment: 24 pages, 16 Figures (33 subfigures

    Functorial prolongations of some functional bundles

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    We discuss two kinds of functorial prolongations of the functional bundle of all smooth maps between the fibers over the same base point of two fibered manifolds over the same base. We study the prolongation of vector fields in both cases and we prove that the bracket is preserved. Our proof is based on several new results concerning the finite dimensional Weil bundles

    Rotational inertia interface in a dynamic lattice of flexural beams

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    The paper presents a novel analysis of a transmission problem for a network of flexural beams incorporating conventional Euler-Bernoulli beams as well as Rayleigh beams with the enhanced rotational inertia. Although, in the low-frequency regime, these beams have a similar dynamic response, we have demonstrated novel features which occur in the transmission at higher frequencies across the layer of the Rayleigh beams.Comment: 20 page

    Free and forced wave propagation in a Rayleigh-beam grid: flat bands, Dirac cones, and vibration localization vs isotropization

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    In-plane wave propagation in a periodic rectangular grid beam structure, which includes rotational inertia (so-called 'Rayleigh beams'), is analyzed both with a Floquet-Bloch exact formulation for free oscillations and with a numerical treatment (developed with PML absorbing boundary conditions) for forced vibrations (including Fourier representation and energy flux evaluations), induced by a concentrated force or moment. A complex interplay is observed between axial and flexural vibrations (not found in the common idealization of out-of-plane motion), giving rise to several forms of vibration localization: 'X-', 'cross-' and 'star-' shaped, and channel propagation. These localizations are triggered by several factors, including rotational inertia and slenderness of the beams and the type of forcing source (concentrated force or moment). Although the considered grid of beams introduces an orthotropy in the mechanical response, a surprising 'isotropization' of the vibration is observed at special frequencies. Moreover, rotational inertia is shown to 'sharpen' degeneracies related to Dirac cones (which become more pronounced when the aspect ratio of the grid is increased), while the slenderness can be tuned to achieve a perfectly flat band in the dispersion diagram. The obtained results can be exploited in the realization of metamaterials designed to control wave propagation.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figure

    Approximate Bayesian Computation by Modelling Summary Statistics in a Quasi-likelihood Framework

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    Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) is a useful class of methods for Bayesian inference when the likelihood function is computationally intractable. In practice, the basic ABC algorithm may be inefficient in the presence of discrepancy between prior and posterior. Therefore, more elaborate methods, such as ABC with the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (ABC-MCMC), should be used. However, the elaboration of a proposal density for MCMC is a sensitive issue and very difficult in the ABC setting, where the likelihood is intractable. We discuss an automatic proposal distribution useful for ABC-MCMC algorithms. This proposal is inspired by the theory of quasi-likelihood (QL) functions and is obtained by modelling the distribution of the summary statistics as a function of the parameters. Essentially, given a real-valued vector of summary statistics, we reparametrize the model by means of a regression function of the statistics on parameters, obtained by sampling from the original model in a pilot-run simulation study. The QL theory is well established for a scalar parameter, and it is shown that when the conditional variance of the summary statistic is assumed constant, the QL has a closed-form normal density. This idea of constructing proposal distributions is extended to non constant variance and to real-valued parameter vectors. The method is illustrated by several examples and by an application to a real problem in population genetics.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-BA921 in the Bayesian Analysis (http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ba) by the International Society of Bayesian Analysis (http://bayesian.org/

    Prestress tuning of negative refraction and wave channeling from flexural sources

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    The quest for wave channeling and manipulation has driven a strong research effort on topological and architected materials, capable of propagating localized electromagnetical or mechanical signals. With reference to an elastic structural grid, which elements can sustain both axial and flexural deformations, it is shown that material interfaces can be created with structural properties tuned by prestress states to achieve total reflection, negative refraction, and strongly localized signal channeling. The achievement of a flat lens and topologically localized modes is demonstrated and tunability of the system allows these properties to hold for a broad range of wavelengths. An ingredient to obtain these effects is the use, suggested here and never attempted before, of concentrated pulsating moments. The important aspect of the proposed method is that states of prestress can be easily removed or changed to tune with continuity the propagational characteristics of the medium, so that a new use of vibration channeling and manipulation is envisaged for elastic materials.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
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