100 research outputs found

    A Cross-National Analysis of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Cues’ Preferences of Premium Denim Products : A Case of Levi’s and other Premium / Luxury Denim Brands

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    This study has been conducted to investigate the Premium Denim brands’ intrinsic and extrinsic product cues which are significant for consumers when they want to shop for their favourite denim brands. The brands which are included in this study are Levi’s, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Armani and Gap. This research is a cross-national study and data are collected from India and European countries like Italy, Malta, UK, Poland, Sweden, Serbia etc. For intrinsic cues study we have taken products’ quality, fabric, color, fitting and uniqueness whereas for extrinsic cues we have taken pricing cues preferences, distribution channel preferences and promotional tools influences on Indian and European consumers. Design/Methodology/ Approach Online questionnaires link were shared through emails, whatsapp and linkedin and paper questionnaires were distributed to friends, universities students and to other people in India to collect responses from them. Students of “University of Ca’foscari, Venice, Italy” were met several times during lunch break and informed about research questionnaire. The google forms of questionnaire were sent to the university students and other respondents of European countries through emails and linked in. Hypotheses for intrinsic and extrinsic cues were developed and data analysis was conducted by SPSS statistical analyses. Originality/Value There are very few research papers written on both intrinsic and extrinsic cues and with an in- depth empirical research. Some scholars have written research papers on intrinsic cues and extrinsic cues separately. This study is an in-depth and comprehensive investigation of cross-national research on premium denim products’ intrinsic and extrinsic cues and its statistically significant preferences and influence differences between India and European countries’ consumers

    Industria 4.0 nella filiera automotive italiana

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    Il capitolo sintetizza e discute i dati sulla diffusione delle tecnologie dell’Industria 4.0 nella filiera automotive italiana, le motivazioni che sottendono questi investimenti, i risultati ottenuti in termini di produttività e il ruolo degli incentivi pubblici. Inoltre questa edizione dell’Osservatorio offre un approfondimento rispetto alle figure professionali e alle nuove competenze che saranno necessarie per sostenere la Quarta rivoluzione industriale. Nel complesso, la filiera mostra una percentuale di imprese che investono in Industria 4.0 in timida crescita, che investe nelle nuove tecnologie se esiste uno specifico orientamento all’innovazione o per mantenere la parità competitiva, ritiene gli incentivi passati in media efficaci e pensa che saranno prioritari in futuro. Le imprese che da oltre tre anni hanno investito nelle nuove tecnologie danno segnali positivi in termini di produttività. Infine, il capitolo fa emergere un diffuso bisogno di tecnici specializzati, e a seguire ingegneri, in diverse aree. Resta ancora non presidiata l’area di R&S

    Modularity in KIBS: the case of third-party logistics service providers

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    This paper investigates service modularity and inter-organizational coupling in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). While KIBS literature traditionally emphasizes tight client–provider interactions with service customization, modularity literature emphasizes inter-organizational decoupling with service standardization. We disentangle this tension by exploring how KIBS firms utilize service modularity and shape their client–provider relationships in terms of information and knowledge sharing. Conducting two in-depth case studies of third-party logistics (TPLs), we show that TPLs extensively rely on service modularity with standard procedures as their constitutive element. We also demonstrate that service modularity and inter-organizational decoupling are aligned for knowledge sharing but not for information sharing, which remains high regardless of the service architecture. Overall, we suggest that modularity in KIBS differs in many aspects from modularity in products and that these differences significantly impact the organizational design consequences of service modularity. Theoretical and managerial implications are drawn

    Le reti di imprese: accesso al credito e misurazione delle performance

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    Il modello di rete rappresenta un’importante forma di aggregazione per le piccole e medie imprese, che può consentire un miglioramento delle condizioni di accesso al credito. Anche le banche hanno iniziato a considerare le reti un’opportunità, sia sotto il profilo commerciale, sia sotto il profilo del contenimento dei rischi. La valutazione della rete e delle imprese in rete richiede però la definizione di un’adeguata metodologia di misurazione delle performance, in grado di evidenziare lo stato di avanzamento del programma comune e gli effetti sulle imprese aderenti


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    Mossi & Ghisolfi

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    Messaggerie Italiane

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