8 research outputs found

    Potential use of pepper waste and microalgae Spirulina sp. for bioelectricity generation

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    The research aimed to generate bioelectricity using pepper waste and the microalgae Spirulina sp by a double-chamber microbial fuel cell (dcMFC). A dcMFC was constructed with Cu and Zn electrodes, where organic waste and microalgae were placed in the anodic and cathodic chambers, respectively. Also, electrochemical parameters were measured for 35 days. Finally, possible electrogenic microorganisms were isolated and identified. It was possible to generate maximum values of current (6.04414 ± 0.2145 mA) and voltage (0.77328 ± 0.213 V). The maximum conductivity value was 134.1636 ± 7.121 mS/cm, while the internal resistance value was 83.784 . The values of power and current density reached were 584.45 ± 19.14 mW/cm 2 and 5.983 A/cm 2, respectively. The optimal operating pH was 4.59 ± 0.14. From the microbial growth on the anode, the yeast Yarrowia phangngaensis (1) and Pseudomonas stutzeri (2) were identified, which may be involved in the transfer of electrons to the electrode. In conclusion, it was possible to generate clean energy in a laboratory-scale dcMFC when pepper waste and Spirulina sp. were used. These results are promising because organic waste can generate sustainable and environmentally friendly energy

    Sugar industry waste for bioelectricity generation

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    Microbial fuel cells are presented as the promise of technology to generate electricity by using organic waste. In this research, molasses waste from Laredo Agroindustrial Company was used as fuel, as well as graphite and zinc electrodes, managing to build low-cost cells. It was possible to generate voltage and current peaks of 0.389 ± 0.021 V and 1.179 ± 0.079 mA, respectively. The cells showed that acid pH levels and conductivity values were around 100 mS/cm during the period of the highest bioelectricity generation. The maximum power density was 3.76 ± 0.62 W/ cm2 for a current density of 247.55 mA/cm2, showing a peak voltage of 0.459 ± 0.52 V. The yeasts showed a logarithmic phase up to day 25 reflecting an increase in cell growth. Microbial fuel cells are projected to be the most viable solution for organic waste and clean energy generation problems

    Bioelectricity from Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast through low-cost microbial fuel cells [Bioelectricidad a partir de la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae a través de celdas de combustible microbiana de bajo costo]

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    RESUMEN En esta investigación se utilizó a la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae como combustible en celdas de combustible microbiana utilizando electrodos de Zn-Zn y Zn-Cu, con la finalidad de evaluar en cuál de estos dos sistemas se producía mayor bioelectricidad. La levadura fue identificada al 86% como Saccharomyces cerevisiae mediante el sistema API 20 C AUX. En cuanto a la producción de bioelectricidad, se observó que en la celda de combustible microbiana con electrodos de Zn-Cu se logró generar mayor voltaje que en las celdas con electrodos de ZnZn, siendo el pico máximo de generación de voltaje de 0.761 y 0.0089 V respectivamente. Ambas celdas mostraron pH ligeramente acido y neutro durante el monitoreo. Los valores máximos de densidad de potencia y densidad de corriente mostrado por la celda de Zn-Cu fue de 8.196 mW/cm2 en 8.383 mA/cm2 respectivamente, por otro lado, la celda de Zn-Zn logró generar 0.5684 mW/cm2 en 0.238 mA/cm2 de densidad de potencia. y densidad de corriente. Este trabajo de investigación brinda una nueva forma de producción de bioelectricidad utilizando celdas de combustible microbiana construidas a bajo costo, utilizando como combustible una levadura muy utilizada en la industria cervecera.ABSTRACT In this research was used the yeast Sacharomyces cerevisiae as a fuel in microbial fuel cells using Zn-Zn and Zn-Cu electrodes, in order to study which of these two systems produced greater bioelectricity. The yeast Sacharomyces cerevisiae media (API 20 C AUX) was successfully identified (86%). The microbial fuel cell with Zn-Cu electrodes managed to generate higher voltage than the cells with Zn-Zn electrodes, the maximum voltage generation peak being 0.761 and 0.0089 V respectively. Both cells showed slightly acidic and neutral pH during monitoring. The maximum power density values and current density shown by the Zn-Cu cell was 8,196 mW/cm2 to 8,383 mA/cm2 respectively, on the other hand, the Zn-Zn cell was able to generate 0.5684 mW/cm2 to 0.238 mA/cm2 of the density of power and current density. This research work gives a new way of producing bioelectricity using low cost microbial fuel cell using as a fuel a yeast widely used in the beer industrie

    Generation of electrical energy by means of a photobioreactor with microalgae "Chlorella sp." [Generación de energía eléctrica mediante un fotobiorreactor con microalgas “Chlorella sp.”]

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    La contaminación ambiental y la falta energía eléctrica han conllevado al uso de fotobiorreactores para producción de electricidad amigable con el medio ambiente. Se ha utilizado el diseño de un fotobiorreactor para la producción de electricidad utilizando como combustible a la microalga Chlorella sp., el cual se fabricó utilizando electrodos de cobre y zinc. Se logró generar valores máximos de 0.93179 ± 0.0323 V y 23.79 ± 0.9516 mA en el día 25 y 22 respectivamente; así como una densidad de potencia y corriente máxima de 4.71441 ± 0.12861 W/cm2 y 401.5873 mA/cm2 . Los valores de conductividad, pH y densidad aumentaron desde 25.499 ± 1.286 mS.cm-1, 7 y 1.151x106 ± 0.041 x106 cel/mL correspondientes al primer hasta 76.8 ± 1.0896 mS.cm-1, 8.97 ± 0.1897 y 1.527x 107 ± 0.024 x107 cel/mL en el día 27, 15 y 25 respectivamente, en los cuales mostraron sus valores máximos. La espectrofotometría con Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) muestra las bandas características de la presencia de los enlaces de C=O, N– H, C–N, O–H y N–H presentes en las microalgas. Por otro lado, el MEB muestra la formación de una biopelicula porosa en los electrodos de zinc y cobre; este resultado demuestra que se ha logrado una nueva forma de producción de electricidad generando altos valores de voltaje y corriente, utilizando materiales de bajo costo.Environmental pollution and lack of electrical energy have led to the use of photobioreactors for the production of electricity that is friendly to the environment. The design of a photobioreactor has been used for the production of electricity using as fuel the microalgae Chlorella sp., Which was manufactured using copper and zinc electrodes. Maximum values of 0.93179 ± 0.0323 V and 23.79 ± 0.9516 mA were generated on days 25 and 22 respectively; as well as a maximum power and current density of 4.71441 ± 0.12861 W / cm2 and 401.5873 mA / cm2. The conductivity, pH and density values increased from 25.499 ± 1.286 mS.cm-1, 7 and 1.151x106 ± 0.041 x106 cells / mL corresponding to the first to 76.8 ± 1.0896 mS.cm-1, 8.97 ± 0.1897 and 1.527x 107 ± 0.024 x107 cells / mL on days 27, 15 and 25 respectively, in which they showed their maximum values. Fourier Transform spectrophotometry (FTIR) shows the characteristic bands of the presence of C = O, N – H, C – N, O – H and N – H bonds present in microalgae. On the other hand, the SEM shows the formation of a porous biofilm on the zinc and copper electrodes; This result shows that a new form of electricity production has been achieved by generating high voltage and current values, using low-cost materials

    Use of waste from the sugar industry for the production of bioelectricity [Uso de los desechos de la industria azucarera para la producción de bioelectricidad]

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    Las celdas de combustible microbiana están dando grandes oportunidades para la generación de electricidad a través del uso de desechos orgánicos. Este trabajo de investigación da una solución medio ambientalista al usar desechos de melaza para la generación bioelectricidad a través de celdas de combustible microbiana de una sola cámara utilizando electrodos de Zinc y Cobre; fabricados de bajo costo. El voltaje máximo generado fue de 0.953 ± 0.142 mV y la corriente fue de 1.73 ± 0.13 mA, todas las celdas mostraron un pH ligeramente acido durante los 30 días de monitoreo. Los valores de conductividad aumentaron hasta el día 22 (111.156 ± 8.45 mS/cm) y los valores de los grados Brix disminuyeron desde 20.07 ±0.57 ° Brix hasta 11.33 ± 2.18 ° Brix. La densidad de potencia máxima hallada fue de 5.45 ± 0.31 W/cm2 con una densidad de corriente de 308.06 mA/cm2 .Microbial fuel cells are providing great opportunities for electricity generation through the use of organic waste. This research work gives an environmentalist solution by using molasses waste for the generation of bioelectricity through single-chamber microbial fuel cells using zinc and copper electrodes; manufactured inexpensively. The maximum voltage generated was 0.953 ± 0.142 mV and the current was 1.73 ± 0.13 mA, all cells showed a slightly acidic pH during the 30 days of monitoring. The conductivity values increased until day 22 (111.156 ± 8.45 mS / cm) and the Brix degrees values decreased from 20.07 ± 0.57 ° Brix to 11.33 ± 2.18 ° Brix. The maximum power density found was 5.45 ± 0.31 W / cm2 with a current density of 308.06 mA / cm2

    Generation bioelectricity from wastewater using low-cost microbial fuel cells [Generación bioelectricidad a partir de aguas residuales mediante celdas de combustible microbiano de bajo costo]

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    Las celdas de combustible microbianas (CCMs) son una tecnología prometedora para el tratamiento de las aguas residuales y generación de bioelectricidad al mismo tiempo. Esta investigación se basó en la fabricación de CCMs de una sola cámara a escala de laboratorio; utilizando como combustible aguas residuales (ARs) y electrodos metálicos de cobre y zinc. Logrando generar valores picos de 0.349 ± 0.21 V y 254.3 ± 3.23 µA de voltaje y corriente respectivamente. El monitoreo de las CCMs mostro que las ARs mostraron un pH alcalino y valores de conductividad mayores a 70 mS/cm, pasado los 15 días. La densidad de potencia máxima fue de 1.67 ± 0.33 W/cm2 en 393.08 mA/ cm2 de densidad de corriente y los espectros de FTIR de las ARs iniciales y finales mostraron alta disminución de los picos de intensidad de los enlaces de polisacáridos, alcanos, N-H y O-H. Estos resultados demostraron la utilidad del diseño de las CCMs de una sola cámara para la producción de bioelectricidad, dando una solución eco amigable con el medio ambiente y la sociedad.Microbial fuel cells (CCMs) are a promising technology for treating wastewater and generating bioelectricity at the same time. This research was based on the manufacture of CCMs single chamber on a laboratory scale; using as fuel wastewater (ARs) and copper and zinc metal electrodes. Being able to generate peak values of 0.349 ± 0.21 V and 254.3 ± 3.23 µA of voltage and current respectively. The monitoring of the CCMs showed that the ARs showed an alkaline pH and conductivity values greater than 70 mS / cm, after 15 days. The maximum power density was 1.67 ± 0.33 W / cm2 at 393.08 mA / cm2 of current density and the FTIR spectra of the initial and final ARs showed the abrupt decrease of the intensity peaks of the polysaccharides, alkanes, NH and OH. These results demonstrated the usefulness of the design of single chamber CCMs for the production of bioelectricity, providing an eco-friendly solution with the environment and society

    Generation of bioelectricity through grape waste [Generación de bioelectricidad mediante desechos de uvas]

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    Los residuos de uva causan grandes pérdidas comerciales y medioambientales debido a las perdidas económicas y malos olores que emiten al descomponerse, debido a esto este trabajo da una forma innovadora de generar electricidad para el beneficio de la sociedad. Las celdas de combustible microbiana fueron utilizadas como tecnología para la generación de electricidad, las cuales de fabricaron de bajo costo utilizando electrodos de grafito y zinc; mientras que un frasco de 500 mL se utilizó como cámara recolectora de sustrato (residuos de uva). Se logro generar valores de máximos de 0.87 ± 0.064 V y 2.1± 0.45 mA, mientras que los valores de pH aumentaron desde el primer 3.6 hasta 5.25 ± 0.32. Mientras que los grados Brix disminuyeron lentamente desde el primer día. El valor de la densidad de potencia máxima fue de 3.08 ± 0.0345 W/cm2 en una densidad de corriente de 274.17 mA/cm2 en un voltaje máximo de 0.81 ± 0.13 V. Finalmente las micrografías del electrodo anódico muestra la modificación de una superficie lisa (en su estado inicial) a superficie rugosa (el último día de monitoreo). Esta investigación da una nueva forma de la utilización de los residuos de uva para la generación de bioelectricidad.Grape waste causes great commercial and environmental losses due to economic losses and bad odors that they emit when decomposing, due to this this work gives an innovative way to generate electricity for the benefit of society. Microbial fuel cells were used as a technology for the generation of electricity, which were manufactured at low cost using graphite and zinc electrodes; while a 500 mL bottle was used as a substrate collection chamber (grape residues). It was possible to generate maximum values of 0.87 ± 0.064 V and 2.1 ± 0.45 mA, while the pH values increased from the first 3.6 to 5.25 ± 0.32. While the Brix degrees slowly decreased from the first day. The value of the maximum power density was 3.08 ± 0.0345 W / cm2 at a current density of 274.17 mA / cm2 at a maximum voltage of 0.81 ± 0.13 V. Finally, the micrographs of the anode electrode show the modification of a smooth surface ( in its initial state) to a rough surface (the last day of monitoring). This research gives a new way of using grape waste for the generation of bioelectricity

    Antimicrobial Potential of Tara Hydroalcoholic Extract (<i>Caesalpinia spinosa</i>) against <i>Streptococcus</i> Associated with Strep Throat

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    Antibiotics are often prescribed to treat infections caused by group B Streptococcus; however, inappropriate use of antibiotics can develop resistance. Because of this, the research was carried out with the aim of evaluating the in vitro effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) Kuntze known as Taya or Tara on the viability of β-hemolytic streptococci; an experimental investigation of increasing stimulation was carried out. The hydroalcoholic extract of C. spinosa pods was worked in concentrations of 250, 500, 750, and 1000 mg/mL, which were placed on filter paper discs to perform the sensitivity test following the Kirby–Bauer method. The greatest inhibition of bacterial viability was observed in the penicillin control group (GPT-01) followed by the TCT-04 group (hydroalcoholic Tara extract 1000 mg/mL). In addition, it was found that these groups are statistically different from the rest (p C. spinosa (Molina) Kuntze affects the viability of β-hemolytic streptococci associated with strep pharyngitis and that this antimicrobial activity is due to the presence of tannins, steroidal flavonoid, and alkaloids. Likewise, the tested concentrations of hydroalcoholic Tara extract were found to have better antibacterial activity than erythromycin (15 µg/mL) against β-hemolytic streptococci. These results are hopeful for the traditional or herbal medicine field. However, future in vivo research is needed to determine its effectiveness in humans