1 research outputs found

    Esne-gazuratik eratorritako film biodegradagarriak

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    Cheese factories in Euskadi produce a significant amount of whey and its discharge can cause important environmental damages. Therefore, the objective of this study was to prepare biodegradable films using whey protein. In this way, the films prepared with proteins obtained from agroindustrial bio-waste not only will reduce the amount of food waste, but also may help increase the shelf life of foodstuffs. Among different film manufacturing techniques, compression moulding was selected to produce films based on whey protein with the aim of reducing production time and promoting more sustainable processes. After optimising the film manufacturing process, the physical, chemical, barrier, optical and mechanical properties of the films were assessed. In addition to the properties of the films, an environmental impact study of the samples was conducted as well.; Euskadiko gaztandegietan esne-gazur ugari sortzen da eta haren isurketak kalteak eragin ditzake ingurumenean. Horregatik, ikerketa honen helburua film biodegradagarriak ekoiztea da, esne-gazuraren proteina erabiliz. Elikagaien industriako bio-hondakinetatik datorren proteinan oinarritutako elikadura-ontzien bidezko irtenbide honek, hondakinen kopurua murrizteaz gain, elikagaien bizitza erabilgarria handitzea du helburu. Esne-gazuraren proteinan oinarritutako filmak sortzeko, hainbat prozesatze-metodo erabil daitezke eta, lan honetan, konpresioa aukeratu da, ekoizpen-denborak murrizteko eta prozesu iraunkorragoak sustatzeko. Filmen eraketa-prozesua optimizatu ondoren, lortutako filmen propietate fisiko-kimikoak, optikoak, mekanikoak eta hesi-propietateak aztertu dira. Horretaz gain, filmen ingurumen-inpaktuaren azterketa egin da