14,169 research outputs found

    Shadows and strong gravitational lensing: a brief review

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    For ultra compact objects (UCOs), Light Rings (LRs) and Fundamental Photon Orbits (FPOs) play a pivotal role in the theoretical analysis of strong gravitational lensing effects, and of BH shadows in particular. In this short review, specific models are considered to illustrate how FPOs can be useful in order to understand some non-trivial gravitational lensing effects. This paper aims at briefly overviewing the theoretical foundations of these effects, touching also some of the related phenomenology, both in General Relativity (GR) and alternative theories of gravity, hopefully providing some intuition and new insights for the underlying physics, which might be critical when testing the Kerr black hole hypothesis.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures; Review paper in the General Relativity and Gravitation (GRG) Topical Collection "Testing the Kerr spacetime with gravitational-wave and electromagnetic observations" (Guest Editor: Emanuele Berti); v2: Typo corrected and two references adde

    Inspection and diagnosis tests for structural safety evaluation: A case study

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    Diagnosis and assessment of existing structures is a developing area due to the appearance of a high number of building defects, structural and non-structural deterioration and precocious loss of quality, and, consequently, lower expected durability. With the aim of verifying the viability of rehabilitation or the need to demolish an existing fifteen year old parking building, several inspections and diagnostic non-destructive and destructive testing, visual inspection, were carried out to evaluate the structural safety conditions

    Melting temperature of screened Wigner crystal on helium films by molecular dynamics

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    Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, we have calculated the melting temperature of two-dimensional electron systems on 240 240\AA-500 500\AA helium films supported by substrates of dielectric constants ϵs=2.211.9 \epsilon_{s}=2.2-11.9 at areal densities nn varying from 3×109 3\times 10^{9} cm2^{-2} to 1.3×1010 1.3\times 10^{10} cm2^{-2}. Our results are in good agreement with the available theoretical and experimental results.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    A thorough analysis of the short- and mid-term activity-related variations in the solar acoustic frequencies

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    The frequencies of the solar acoustic oscillations vary over the activity cycle. The variations in other activity proxies are found to be well correlated with the variations in the acoustic frequencies. However, each proxy has a slightly different time behaviour. Our goal is to characterize the differences between the time behaviour of the frequency shifts and of two other activity proxies, namely, the area covered by sunspots and the 10.7cm flux. We define a new observable that is particularly sensitive to the short-term frequency variations. We then compare the observable when computed from model frequency shifts and from observed frequency shifts obtained with the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) for cycle 23. Our analysis shows that on the shortest time-scales the variations in the frequency shifts seen in the GONG observations are strongly correlated with the variations in the area covered by sunspots. However, a significant loss of correlation is still found. We verify that the times when the frequency shifts and the sunspot area do not vary in a similar way tend to coincide with the times of the maxima of the quasi-biennial variations seen in the solar seismic data. A similar analysis of the relation between the 10.7cm flux and the frequency shifts reveals that the short-time variations in the frequency shifts follow even more closely those of the 10.7cm flux than those of the sunspot area. However, a loss of correlation between frequency shifts and 10.7cm flux variations is still found around the same times.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the relation between activity-related frequency shifts and the sunspot distribution over the solar cycle 23

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    The activity-related variations in the solar acoustic frequencies have been known for 30 years. However, the importance of the different contributions is still not well established. With this in mind, we developed an empirical model to estimate the spot-induced frequency shifts, which takes into account the sunspot properties, such as area and latitude. The comparison between the model frequency shifts obtained from the daily sunspot records and those observed suggests that the contribution from a stochastic component to the total frequency shifts is about 30%. The remaining 70% is related to a global, long-term variation. We also propose a new observable to investigate the short- and mid-term variations of the frequency shifts, which is insensitive to the long-term variations contained in the data. On the shortest time scales the variations in the frequency shifts are strongly correlated with the variations in the total area covered by sunspots. However, a significant loss of correlation is still found, which cannot be fully explained by ignoring the invisible side of the Sun when accounting for the total sunspot area. We also verify that the times when the frequency shifts and the sunspot areas do not vary in a similar way tend to coincide with the times of the maximum amplitude of the quasi-biennial variations found in the seismic data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the Joint TASC2 - KASC9 Workshop - SPACEINN - HELAS8 Conference "Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars 2016: Using Today's Successes to Prepare the Future". To be published by the EPJ Web of Conference

    Características físico-químicas de raízes de mandioca brava (Manihot esculenta Crantz).

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    A caracterização e avaliação do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma (BAG) de mandioca é fundamental para a sua utilização mais eficiente nos trabalhos de melhoramento genético, portanto o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar 15 genótipos de mandioca brava pertencentes ao BAG da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. A caracterização físico-química é fator preponderante para a seleção de genótipos, pois permite definir quais genótipos apresentam características desejáveis. Após a colheita das raízes, estas passaram por lavagem, descasque e armazenamento até o momento de utilização nas analises físico-químicas percentual de proteínas variou de 0,1-0,7%; lipídios 0,3-2,1%; umidade 58,0- 65,2%; cinzas de 0,1-1,0%; fibras 0,9-1,9%, carboidratos 13,9-39,4%; acidez 1,1-2,7%; ph 6,3-6,8 e SST de 0,8-1,2. As diferenças encontradas nos resultados podem contribuir para seleção de genótipos promissores a serem utilizados em programas de melhoramento genético

    Spin-polarized transport in ferromagnetic multilayered semiconductor nanostructures

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    The occurrence of inhomogeneous spin-density distribution in multilayered ferromagnetic diluted magnetic semiconductor nanostructures leads to strong dependence of the spin-polarized transport properties on these systems. The spin-dependent mobility, conductivity and resistivity in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs,(Ga,Mn)N/GaN, and (Si,Mn)/Si multilayers are calculated as a function of temperature, scaled by the average magnetization of the diluted magnetic semiconductor layers. An increase of the resistivity near the transition temperature is obtained. We observed that the spin-polarized transport properties changes strongly among the three materials.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    New Constraints on the Variable Equation of State Parameter from X-Ray Gas Mass Fractions and SNe Ia

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    Recent measurements are suggesting that we live in a flat Universe and that its present accelerating stage is driven by a dark energy component whose equation of state may evolve in time. Assuming two different parameterizations for the function ω(z)\omega(z), we constrain their free parameters from a joint analysis involving measurements from X-Ray luminosity of galaxy clusters and SNe type Ia data.Comment: paper, 6 pages, 1 figure Accepted by Int. Journal of Modern Physics D (IJPMD