15,334 research outputs found

    Modelling crystal aggregation and deposition\ud in the catheterised lower urinary tract

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    Urethral catheters often become encrusted with crystals of magnesium struvite and calcium phosphate. The encrustation can block the catheter, which can cause urine retention in the bladder and reflux into the kidneys. We develop a mathematical model to investigate crystal deposition on the catheter surface, modelling the bladder as a reservoir of fluid and the urethral catheter as a rigid channel. At a constant rate, fluid containing crystal particles of unit size enters the reservoir, and flows from the reservoir through the channel and out of the system. The crystal particles aggregate, which we model using Becker–Döring coagulation theory, and are advected through the channel, where they continue to aggregate and are deposited on the channel’s walls. Inhibitor particles also enter the reservoir, and can bind to the crystals, preventing further aggregation and deposition. The crystal concentrations are spatially homogeneous in the reservoir, whereas the channel concentrations vary spatially as a result of advection, diffusion and deposition. We investigate the effect of inhibitor particles on the amount of deposition. For all parameter values, we find that crystals deposit along the full length of the channel, with maximum deposition close to the channel’s entrance

    White Dwarf Cosmochronology in the Solar Neighborhood

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    The study of the stellar formation history in the solar neighborhood is a powerful technique to recover information about the early stages and evolution of the Milky Way. We present a new method which consists of directly probing the formation history from the nearby stellar remnants. We rely on the volume complete sample of white dwarfs within 20 pc, where accurate cooling ages and masses have been determined. The well characterized initial-final mass relation is employed in order to recover the initial masses (1 < M/Msun < 8) and total ages for the local degenerate sample. We correct for moderate biases that are necessary to transform our results to a global stellar formation rate, which can be compared to similar studies based on the properties of main-sequence stars in the solar neighborhood. Our method provides precise formation rates for all ages except in very recent times, and the results suggest an enhanced formation rate for the solar neighborhood in the last 5 Gyr compared to the range 5 < Age (Gyr) < 10. Furthermore, the observed total age of ~10 Gyr for the oldest white dwarfs in the local sample is consistent with the early seminal studies that have determined the age of the Galactic disk from stellar remnants. The main shortcoming of our study is the small size of the local white dwarf sample. However, the presented technique can be applied to larger samples in the future.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Solar modulation and interplanetary gradients of the galactic electrons flux, 1977 - 1984

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    The flux of electrons with energy from approx. 10 to 180 MeV measured with the electron telescope on the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft in the heliocentric radial range 1 - 22 AU between 1977 and 1984 is reported. Jovian electrons were clearly observable between 1978 and 1983 (radial range 2 - 12 AU) at energies below approx. 50 MeV. Above approx. 50 MeV the electron intensity exhibited temporal variations generally related to the 11 year modulation of protons 75 MeV. The overall magnitude of the electron intensity changes between the maximum intensity observed in 1977 and the minimum intensity in 1981 was a factor approx. 2, also comparable to that observed for 75 MeV protons. By early 1985 the electron intensity had apparently recovered to the level observed in 1977 whereas the proton intensity was still about 20% lower. A detailed interpretation of these electron variations in all energy channels depends on an accurate subtraction of background induced by energetic protons of a few 100 MeV. This subtraction is facilitated by calibration results at several energies

    Transmission loss predictions for dissipative silencers of arbitrary cross section in the presence of mean flow

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    A numerical technique is developed for the analysis of dissipative silencers of arbitrary, but axially uniform, cross section. Mean gas flow is included in a central airway which is separated from a bulk reacting porous material by a concentric perforate screen. The analysis begins by employing the finite element method to extract the eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors for a silencer of infinite length. Point collocation is then used to match the expanded acoustic pressure and velocity fields in the silencer chamber to those in the inlet and outlet pipes. Transmission loss predictions are compared with experimental measurements taken for two automotive dissipative silencers with elliptical cross sections. Good agreement between prediction and experiment is observed both without mean flow and for a mean flow Mach number of 0.15. It is demonstrated also that the technique presented offers a considerable reduction in computational expenditure when compared to a three dimensional finite element analysis

    Anomalous Cosmic Rays: The Principal Source of High Energy Heavy Ions in the Radiation Belts

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    Recent observations from SAMPEX have shown that "anomalous cosmic rays" are the principal source of high energy (> 10MeV/nuc) heavy ions trapped in the radiation belts. This component of interplanetary particles is known to originate from interstellar atoms that has been accelerated to high energies in the outer heliosphere. The mechanism by which anomalous cosmic rays with ~1 to ~50 Me V/nuc are trapped in a radiation belt at L ≈ 2 has now been verified. We discuss models for accelerating and trapping anomalous cosmic rays and review observations of their composition, energy spectra, pitch angle distribution, and time variations. Extrapolation of the fluxes observed at ~600 km to higher altitude and other time periods is also discussed

    Dispersal Dynamics in a Wind-Driven Benthic System

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    Bedload and water column traps were used with simultaneous wind and water velocity measurements to study postlarval macrofaunal dispersal dynamics in Manukau Harbour, New Zealand. A 12-fold range in mean wind condition resulted in large differences in water flow (12-fold), sediment flux (285-fold), and trap collection of total number of individuals (95-fold), number of the dominant infaunal organism (84-fold for the bivalve Macomona liliana), and number of species (4-fold). There were very strong, positive relationships among wind condition, water velocity, sediment flux, and postlarval dispersal, especially in the bedload. Local density in the ambient sediment was not a good predictor of dispersal. Results indicate that postlarval dispersal may influence benthic abundance pat- terns over a range of spatial scales

    The Energy Spectrum of Jovian Electrons in Interplanetary Space

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    The energy spectrum of electrons with energies approx 10 to approx 180 MeV measured with the electron telescope on the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft in interplanetary space from 1978 to 1983 is studied. The kinetic energy of electrons is determined by double dE/dx measurements from the first two detectors (D sub 1, D sub 2) of a stack of eight solid state detectors and by the range of particle penetration into the remaining six detectors (D sub 3 to D sub 8) which are interleaved with tungsten absorbers. From 1978 to 1983 (radial range approximately 2 to a pproximately 12 AU) electrons of Jovian origin were clearly observable for electrons stopping in D(sub 3(E approximately greater than 4 MeV)) and in D(sub 4 (E approximately greater than 8 MeV)). For electrons stopping in D(sub 5(E approximately greather than 12 MeV)), the jovian flux dominated the galactic electron flux for a period of approximately one year near the encounter with Jupiter. Jovian electrons were also observed in D(sub 6(E approximately greater than 21 MeV)) but not in D(sub 7(E approximately greater than 28 MeV)). A detailed interpretation of the electron variations in all energy channels depends on an accurate subtraction of background induced by energetic protons of a few 100 MeV. This substraction is facilitated by laboratory calibration results at several energies. Further results on the differential energy spectrum of Jovian electrons and limits on the maximum detected energies will be reported

    Multiply Charged Anomalous Cosmic Rays Above 15 MeV/nucleon

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    Ionic charge states of anomalous cosmic ray nitrogen, oxygen, and neon with kinetic energies above 15 MeV /nucleon have been measured using the geomagnetic field as a rigidity filter. Data from the MAST instrument on the polar-orbiting SAMPEX satellite taken during the period from 1992 to 1996 show that all three elements are predominantly multiply charged at high energies, confirming the earlier result for oxygen alone based on a smaller data set. Energy spectra of the singly charged and multiply charged components of each element are compared with model predictions

    Observations of Geomagnetically Trapped Anomalous Cosmic Rays by SAMPEX

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    he first detailed measurements of a belt of geomagnetically trapped heavy ions that originated as interplanetary anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) are being made by the polar orbiting satellite SAMPEX. The singly ionized interplanetary ACRs are trapped after losing electrons in the upper atmosphere. Their subsequent lifetime against energy loss by ionization of the atmosphere allows them to reach a substantially higher intensity than in interplanetary space. The ACR composition, which includes only elements with high first ionization potentials, is reflected in the trapped ACRs with some bias due to the trapping mechanism. The elements O, N, and Ne are present, while the lower atomic number elements, He and C, are either absent or substantially depleted relative to their interplanetary abundances. The trapping mechanism also determines the location of the ACR belt, which is confined to a narrow region near L=2, and the pitch‐angle distribution of the trapped ACRs, which is nearly isotropic except for the well‐defined loss cones. The intensities of the trapped and interplanetary ACRs have been measured by SAMPEX since its July, 1992 launch. Both have been steadily increasing with the approach of the minimum of the solar sunspot cycle

    The Field White Dwarf Mass Distribution

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    We revisit the properties and astrophysical implications of the field white dwarf mass distribution in preparation of Gaia applications. Our study is based on the two samples with the best established completeness and most precise atmospheric parameters, the volume-complete survey within 20 pc and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) magnitude-limited sample. We explore the modelling of the observed mass distributions with Monte Carlo simulations, but find that it is difficult to constrain independently the initial mass function (IMF), the initial-to-final-mass relation (IFMR), the stellar formation history (SFH), the variation of the Galactic disk vertical scale height as a function of stellar age, and binary evolution. Each of these input ingredients has a moderate effect on the predicted mass distributions, and we must also take into account biases owing to unidentified faint objects (20 pc sample), as well as unknown masses for magnetic white dwarfs and spectroscopic calibration issues (SDSS sample). Nevertheless, we find that fixed standard assumptions for the above parameters result in predicted mean masses that are in good qualitative agreement with the observed values. It suggests that derived masses for both studied samples are consistent with our current knowledge of stellar and Galactic evolution. Our simulations overpredict by 40-50% the number of massive white dwarfs (M > 0.75 Msun) for both surveys, although we can not exclude a Salpeter IMF when we account for all biases. Furthermore, we find no evidence of a population of double white dwarf mergers in the observed mass distributions.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA