12,869 research outputs found

    The Field White Dwarf Mass Distribution

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    We revisit the properties and astrophysical implications of the field white dwarf mass distribution in preparation of Gaia applications. Our study is based on the two samples with the best established completeness and most precise atmospheric parameters, the volume-complete survey within 20 pc and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) magnitude-limited sample. We explore the modelling of the observed mass distributions with Monte Carlo simulations, but find that it is difficult to constrain independently the initial mass function (IMF), the initial-to-final-mass relation (IFMR), the stellar formation history (SFH), the variation of the Galactic disk vertical scale height as a function of stellar age, and binary evolution. Each of these input ingredients has a moderate effect on the predicted mass distributions, and we must also take into account biases owing to unidentified faint objects (20 pc sample), as well as unknown masses for magnetic white dwarfs and spectroscopic calibration issues (SDSS sample). Nevertheless, we find that fixed standard assumptions for the above parameters result in predicted mean masses that are in good qualitative agreement with the observed values. It suggests that derived masses for both studied samples are consistent with our current knowledge of stellar and Galactic evolution. Our simulations overpredict by 40-50% the number of massive white dwarfs (M > 0.75 Msun) for both surveys, although we can not exclude a Salpeter IMF when we account for all biases. Furthermore, we find no evidence of a population of double white dwarf mergers in the observed mass distributions.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Large periodic time variations of termination shock particles between ~0.5-20 mev and 6-14 mev electrons measured by the crs experiment on Voyager 2 as it crossed into the heliosheath in 2007: An example of freshly accelerated cosmic rays?

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    We have examined features in the structure of the heliosheath using the fine scale time variations of termination shock particles (TSP) between ~0.5 - 20 MeV and electrons between 2.5-14 MeV measured by the CRS instrument as the V2 spacecraft crossed the heliospheric termination shock in 2007. The very disturbed heliosheath at V2 is particularly noteworthy for strong periodic intensity variations of the TSP just after V2 crossed the termination shock (2007.66) reaching a maximum between 2007.75 and 2008.0. A series of 42/21 day periodicities was observed at V2 along with spectral changes of low energy TSP and the acceleration of 6-14 MeV electrons. Evidence is presented for the acceleration of TSP and electrons at the times of the 42/21 day periodicities just after V2 crossed the HTS. Spectra for TSP between 2-20 MeV and electrons between 2.5-14 MeV are derived for three time periods including the time of the HTS crossing. The energy spectra of TSP and electrons at these times of intensity peaks are very similar above ~3 MeV, with exponents of a power law spectrum between -3.0 and -3.6. The ratio of TSP intensities to electron intensities at the same energy is ~500. The electron intensity peaks and minima are generally out of phase with those of nuclei by ~1/2 of a 42 day cycle. These charge dependent intensity differences and the large periodic intensity changes could provide new clues as to a possible acceleration mechanism

    Transmission loss predictions for dissipative silencers of arbitrary cross section in the presence of mean flow

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    A numerical technique is developed for the analysis of dissipative silencers of arbitrary, but axially uniform, cross section. Mean gas flow is included in a central airway which is separated from a bulk reacting porous material by a concentric perforate screen. The analysis begins by employing the finite element method to extract the eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors for a silencer of infinite length. Point collocation is then used to match the expanded acoustic pressure and velocity fields in the silencer chamber to those in the inlet and outlet pipes. Transmission loss predictions are compared with experimental measurements taken for two automotive dissipative silencers with elliptical cross sections. Good agreement between prediction and experiment is observed both without mean flow and for a mean flow Mach number of 0.15. It is demonstrated also that the technique presented offers a considerable reduction in computational expenditure when compared to a three dimensional finite element analysis

    Design Methodology for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Team Coordination

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems, despite having no onboard human pilots, currently require extensive human involvement to accomplish successful mission operations. Further, successful operations also require extensive colalboration between mission stakeholders, including operators, mission commanders, and information consumers (e.g. ground troops relying on intelligence reports in their area). Existing UAV system interfaces provide little to no support for collaboration between remote operators or for operators to collaborate with information consumers. As reliance on UAVs continues to increase in military and civilian operations, this lack of support for collaboration will likely become a substantial limitation of existing UAV systems. In order to introduce effective collaboration support to UAV system interfaces, it is essential to understand, and be able to derive system design requirements that address, the necessary group interactions that occur in UAV task enviroments. However, few collaborative requirements analysis methods exist, and to our knowledge, no method exists that captures design requirements for collaborative decision making in complex, time-critical environments. This report describes the development of a new design requirements analysis method for deriving information and functional requirements that address the collaboration needs of UAV (and other complex task) operators, and the needs of stakeholders interacting with these operators. More specifically, theis method extends a recently developed requirements analysis method, called the Hybrid Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) method, which enables the generation of information and functional requirements for futuristic UAV system interfaces. The original Hybrid CTA method focused on deriving single user system interface requirements. This work extends this method by introducing analytic steps to identify task and decision-making dependencies between different UAV operations collaborators. This collaborative extension to the Hybrid CTA utilizes the notion of boundary objects, an analytic construct commonly used in the study of group work. Boundary objects are physical or information artifacts that cross the task boundaries between members of distinct groups. Identifying boundary objects in complex task operations help the analyst to identify task and decision-making dependencies between local and remote collaborators. Understanding these dependencies helps to identify information sharing requirements that the UAV system should support. This report describes the analytic steps of the collaborative extension, and provides background information on the original Hybrid CTA method and the boundary object construct. The report also describes a project in which the new design requirements method was used to revise a proposed set of UAV operator displays.Prepared For Boeing Phantom Work

    Evolution of an elliptical bubble in an accelerating extensional flow

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    Mathematical models that describe the dynamical behavior of a thin gas bubble embedded in a glass fiber during a fiber drawing process have been discussed and analyzed. The starting point for the mathematical modeling was the equations presented in [1] for a glass fiber with a hole undergoing extensional flow. These equations were reconsidered here with the additional reduction that the hole, i.e. the gas bubble, was thin as compared to the radius of the fiber and of finite extent. The primary model considered was one in which the mass of the gas inside the bubble was fixed. This fixed-mass model involved equations for the axial velocity and fiber radius, and equations for the radius of the bubble and the gas pressure inside the bubble. The model equations assumed that the temperature of the furnace of the drawing tower was known. The governing equations of the bubble are hyperbolic and predict that the bubble cannot extend beyond the limiting characteristics specified by the ends of the initial bubble shape. An analysis of pinch-off was performed, and it was found that pinch-off can occur, depending on the parameters of the model, due to surface tension when the bubble radius is small. In order to determine the evolution of a bubble, a numerical method of solution was presented. The method was used to study the evolution of two different initial bubble shapes, one convex and the other non-convex. Both initial bubble shapes had fore-aft symmetry, and it was found that the bubbles stretched and elongated severely during the drawing process. For the convex shape, fore-aft symmetry was lost in the middle of the drawing process, but the symmetry was re-gained by the end of the drawing tower. A small amount of pinch-off was observed at each end for this case, so that the final bubble length was slightly shorter than its theoretical maximum length. For the non-convex initial shape, pinch-off occurred in the middle of the bubble resulting in two bubbles by the end of the fiber draw. The two bubbles had different final pressures and did not have fore-aft symmetry. An extension of the fixed-mass model was considered in which the gas in the bubble was allowed to diffuse into the surrounding glass. The governing equations for this leaky-mass model were developed and manipulated into a form suitable for a numerical treatment

    Plasma Edge Kinetic-MHD Modeling in Tokamaks Using Kepler Workflow for Code Coupling, Data Management and Visualization

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    A new predictive computer simulation tool targeting the development of the H-mode pedestal at the plasma edge in tokamaks and the triggering and dynamics of edge localized modes (ELMs) is presented in this report. This tool brings together, in a coordinated and effective manner, several first-principles physics simulation codes, stability analysis packages, and data processing and visualization tools. A Kepler workflow is used in order to carry out an edge plasma simulation that loosely couples the kinetic code, XGC0, with an ideal MHD linear stability analysis code, ELITE, and an extended MHD initial value code such as M3D or NIMROD. XGC0 includes the neoclassical ion-electron-neutral dynamics needed to simulate pedestal growth near the separatrix. The Kepler workflow processes the XGC0 simulation results into simple images that can be selected and displayed via the Dashboard, a monitoring tool implemented in AJAX allowing the scientist to track computational resources, examine running and archived jobs, and view key physics data, all within a standard Web browser. The XGC0 simulation is monitored for the conditions needed to trigger an ELM crash by periodically assessing the edge plasma pressure and current density profiles using the ELITE code. If an ELM crash is triggered, the Kepler workflow launches the M3D code on a moderate-size Opteron cluster to simulate the nonlinear ELM crash and to compute the relaxation of plasma profiles after the crash. This process is monitored through periodic outputs of plasma fluid quantities that are automatically visualized with AVS/Express and may be displayed on the Dashboard. Finally, the Kepler workflow archives all data outputs and processed images using HPSS, as well as provenance information about the software and hardware used to create the simulation. The complete process of preparing, executing and monitoring a coupled-code simulation of the edge pressure pedestal buildup and the ELM cycle using the Kepler scientific workflow system is described in this paper

    Ariel - Volume 6 Number 3

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    Editors Mark Dembert J.D. Kanofsky Frank Chervenak John Lammie Curt Cummings Staff Ken Jaffe Bob Sklaroff Halley Faust Jim Burke Nancy Redfern Hans Weltin Photographer Larry Glazerman Overseas Editor Mike Sinason Humorist Jim McCan