46,175 research outputs found

    Correlations between pressure and bandwidth effects in metal-insulator transitions in manganites

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    The effect of pressure on the metal-insulator transition in manganites with a broad range of bandwidths is investigated. A critical pressure is found at which the metal-insulator transition temperature, TMI_{MI}, reaches a maximum value in every sample studied. The origin of this universal pressure and the relation between the pressure effect and the bandwidth on the metal-insulator transition are discussed

    Pressure Induced Reentrant Electronic and Magnetic State in Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 Manganite

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    In Pr0.7_{0.7}Ca0.3_{0.3}MnO3_{3}, pressure induces reentrant magnetic and electronic state changes in the range 1 atm to \sim 6 GPa. The metal-insulator and magnetic transition temperatures coincide from \sim1 to 5 GPa, decouple outside of this range and do not change monotonically with pressure. The effects may be explained by pressure tuned competition between double exchange and super exchange. The insulating state induced by pressure above \sim5 GPa is possibly ferromagnetic, different from the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phase-separated insulating state below \sim0.8 GPa

    Amplifying ultraweak transitions in collective systems via quantum interference

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    We investigate laser-induced quantum interference phenomena in superradiance processes and in an ensemble of initially excited Λ\Lambda-type closely packed three-level emitters. The lower doublet levels are pumped with a coherent laser field. Due to constructive quantum interference effects, the superradiance occurs on a much weaker atomic transition which is not the case in the absence of the coherent driving. This result may be of visible relevance for enhancing ultraweak transitions in atomic or atomic-like systems, respectively, or for high-frequency lasing effects.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Carrier-envelope phase dependence in single-cycle laser pulse propagation with the inclusion of counter-rotating terms

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    We focus on the propagation properties of a single-cycle laser pulse through a two-level medium by numerically solving the full-wave Maxwell-Bloch equations. The counter-rotating terms in the spontaneous emission damping are included such that the equations of motion are slightly different from the conventional Bloch equations. The counter-rotating terms can considerably suppress the broadening of the pulse envelope and the decrease of the group velocity rooted from dispersion. Furthermore, for incident single-cycle pulses with envelope area 4π\pi, the time-delay of the generated soliton pulse from the main pulse depends crucially on the carrier-envelope phase of the incident pulse. This can be utilized to determine the carrier-envelope phase of the single-cycle laser pulse.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Non-Thermal Dark Matter from Cosmic Strings

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    Cosmic strings can be created in the early universe during symmetry-breaking phase transitions, such as might arise if the gauge structure of the standard model is extended by additional U(1) factors at high energies. Cosmic strings present in the early universe form a network of long horizon-length segments, as well as a population of closed string loops. The closed loops are unstable against decay, and can be a source of non-thermal particle production. In this work we compute the density of WIMP dark matter formed by the decay of gauge theory cosmic string loops derived from a network of long strings in the scaling regime or under the influence of frictional forces. We find that for symmetry breaking scales larger than 10^10 GeV, this mechanism has the potential to account for the observed relic density of dark matter. For symmetry breaking scales lower than this, the density of dark matter created by loop decays from a scaling string network lies below the observed value. In particular, the cosmic strings originating from a U(1) gauge symmetry broken near the electroweak scale, that could lead to a massive Z' gauge boson observable at the LHC, produce a negligibly small dark matter relic density by this mechanism.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, added discussion about boosted decay products from loop cusp

    Stability of a Fully Magnetized Ferromagnetic state in Repulsively Interacting Ultracold Fermi Gases

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    We construct a variational wave function to study whether a fully polarized Fermi sea is energetically stable against a single spin flip. Our variational wave function contains sufficient short-range correlation at least to the same level as Gutzwiller's projected wave function. For Hubbard lattice model and continuum model with pure repulsive interaction, we show a fully polarized Fermi sea is generally unstable even when the repulsive strength becomes infinite. While for a resonance model, ferromagnetic state is possible if the s-wave scattering length is positive and sufficiently large, and the system is prepared in scattering state orthogonal to molecular bound state. However, we can not rule out the possibility that more exotic correlation can destabilize the ferromagnetic state.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Maximum likelihood based estimation of frequency and phase offset in DCT OFDM systems under non-circular transmissions: algorithms, analysis and comparisons

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    Recently, the advantages of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) based orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) have come to the light. We thus consider DCT- OFDM with non-circular transmission (our results cover circular transmission as well) and present two blind joint maximum- likelihood frequency offset and phase offset estimators. Both our theoretical analysis and numerical comparisons reveal new advantages of DCT-OFDM over the traditional discrete Fourier transform (DFT) based OFDM. These advantages, as well as those already uncovered in the early works on DCT-OFDM, support the belief that DCT-OFDM is a promising multi-carrier modulation scheme