31 research outputs found

    Experimental methodology for characterizing flame emissivity of small scale forest fires using infrared thermography techniques

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    An experimental methodology based on thermography techniques has been developed and implemented with the aim of finding emissivity values of forest fuel flames. In this paper, previous works by different authors are discussed and theoretical fundamentals of heat transfer by radiation and of infrared thermography on which experimental method relies are briefly described. Then, designed methodology, equipments, devices and experimental tests are detailed in depth. Finally, analysis procedure is pointed out and some conclusions from the study of theresults are announced.Postprint (published version

    Towards Zero Emissions CO2-Reduction in Mediterranean Social Housing

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    An in-depth study of the construction, use and deconstruction of a 60 apartment social housing complex to be built close to Barcelona revealed the importance of the application of life-cycle analysis, as the materials’ embodied energy showed to be responsible for half of the building’s life-cycle emissions. A 72% energy reduction compared to conventional housing projects is expected by implementation of centralised HVAC and DHW systems, based on ground source heat pumps and solar thermal energy, introducing an in Catalonia innovative facility management approach where energy and flow meters are installed in each flat for internet-based control of energy consumption, invoicing and supervision of the installation. A second study showed that up to 90% CO2 reduction considering the overall lifecycle is feasible at reasonable cost by giving priority to organic building materials like wood (CO2 storage effect), minimizing underground construction and increasing energy supply based on renewable energies

    Challenges and perspectives for improved management of HIV/Mycobacterium tuberculosis co-infection

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    HIV and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) are two widespread and highly successful microbes whose synergy in pathogenesis has created a significant threat for human health globally. In acknowledgement of this fact, the European Union (EU) has funded a multinational support action, the European Network for global cooperation in the field of AIDS and TB (EUCO-Net), that brings together experts from Europe and those regions that bear the highest burden of HIV/MTB co-infection. Here, we summarise the main outcome of the EUCO-Net project derived from an expert group meeting that took place in Stellenbosch (South Africa) (AIDS/TB Workshop on Research Challenges and Opportunities for Future Collaboration) and the subsequent discussions, and propose priority areas for research and concerted actions that will have impact on future EU calls

    Mármoles escultóricos romanos del patrimonio de Aragón. Nuevas aportaciones arqueométricas

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    En esta contribución se contextualiza el estudio arqueométrico del mármol escultórico romano, particularizando en los hallados en el Patrimonio de Aragón. Se realiza una exposición de las etapas y difcultades que conlleva este estudio hasta llegar a determinar la cantera de procedencia del mármol usado. Se puntualiza la necesidad de utilizar una aproximación multi-método donde se contemplen técnicas contrastadas por diversos laboratorios, como son la espectrometría de masas de relaciones isotópicas de C y O, y la catodoluminiscencia. Igualmente el descubrimiento reciente de canteras imperiales en Asia Menor, lleva a desconfar de las determinaciones realizadas anteriormente usando solo métodos tradicionales (visu y petrografía). Esta perspectiva proporciona una panorámica del trabajo realizado y del que queda aún por contrastar, a la vez que descubre la presencia de mármoles hispanos en Caesar Augusta hasta ahora no detectados. Finalmente se realiza la revisión arqueométrica de la identifcación de procedencia del mármol usado en el sarcófago de Turiaso.In this contribution, the archaeometric study of Roman sculptural marble is put into context , with particular attention in those of the Heritage of Aragon. The stages and dificulties associated with the study of the marble quarry provenance are exposed. It points out the need to use a multi-method approach where several techniques reported by different laboratories are applied, such as the mass spectrometry to determine the C and O isotopic signature and the cathodoluminiscence. Also the recent discovery of Imperial quarries in Asia Minor, leads to doubt of the determinations previously made using only traditional methods (visu and petrography). This perspective provides an overview of the work carried out and which is yet to compare, and to discover the presence of Hispanic marbles in Caesar Augusta until now undetected. Finally, the archeometric revision of the marble identification used in the sarcophagus of Turiaso, is considered

    Local stones and marbles found in the territory of “Alto Aragón” (Hispania), in Roman times

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    The territory of “Alto Aragon” closely matches the current province of Huesca in the northeast of Spain. Its geographic location between the Pyrenean range and the Ebro basin, offers a wide variety of stone as raw materials. After the area came under Roman rule, around 200 BC, several Roman cities and villas were established in the territory. Local sandstone and limestone were used for buildings and pedestals. Limestone from several other locations, including Santa Tecla quarry (Tarraco) was used as marmora. A small sculpture carved from Giallo antico, has also been found in excavations of ancient Osca. For reasons unknown, local marble outcrops from the Spanish central Pyrenees were not exploited during Roman times. However a small but significant, number of archaeological pieces, mostly of white marble, were found. A combination of archaeometric techniques has been used to determine the source of the raw materials: optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence, carbon and oxygen stable isotopes. A number of pieces were carved from French Pyrenean marbles and from the Classical quarrying areas of Luni-Carrara, Paros, Proconnesos and Pentelikon

    Estudio arqueométrico de mármoles procedentes del Teatro Romano de Huesca

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    El presente artículo muestra los resultados del estudio arqueométrico de tres piezas romanas procedentes del teatro romano de Huesca, y de una moldura de una domus romana ubicada junto al mismo, pero cronológicamente anterior. Se ha realizado un análisis mediante estudio petrográfico macroscópico y microscópico, completado con el análisis de catodoluminiscencia. Los resultados sugieren que los materiales proceden de canteras próximas a las ciudades romanas de Tarraco, Simitthus y Docimium.The present paper shows the results of the archeometric study of three Roman pieces from the Roman theatre of Huesca, and one molding from a Roman domus located near the theatre but chronologically earlier. An analysis has been performed by a macroscopic and microscopic petrographic study, completed by a thermoluminescence analysis. The results suggest that the materials were from quarries near the Roman cities of Tarraco, Simitthus and Docimium

    Discriminating criteria of Pyrenean Arties marble (Aran Valley, Catalonia) from Saint-Béat marbles: Evidence of Roman use

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    The “Val d’Aran” is a valley situated on the Atlantic sideof the Pyrenees. Located in the northwest corner of Cat-alonia, has easy connection with France by the course ofthe Garonne River, which forms the main communica-tion route, flows over land Aquitaine and empties intothe Atlantic Ocean near Bordeaux. Under Roman con-trol, the Aran Valley was part of the Novempopulaniaprovince.Five of the most significant archaeological artefactsfound in the Valley have been analyzed to investigatethe provenance of the marble used for their manufac-ture. These archaeological pieces dated from 2ndto 5thcentury AD, are currently deposited in the “Musèu deraVal d’Aran”. A combination of techniques with OpticalMicroscopy, Cathodoluminescence (CL) and Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry was applied to know theirmarble source.To carry out the comparative study with quarry mar-bles, local outcrops were examined and sampled. Mar-bles from the quarry of Arties were specially taken intoaccount since, at least from the medieval times, wereused with building purposes. The nearby Roman quar-ries of Saint-Béat have also been taken into considera-tion. The analytical results after applying the samemethodology to both marble samples, artefacts andquarries, allow differentiating the two marble sources,Arties and Saint-Bé