24 research outputs found

    Annual Report CEAB 2020

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    Annual Report 2019 CEAB-CSIC

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    During 2019 different CEAB teams have had high visibility in relevant international activities (COST Action European sentinel centres for Invasive Mosquitoes, COP25 Actions for Climate, FAO meeting on deep-sea fisheries and conservation of biodiversity in the deep ocean, European Parliament special session on Blue Carbon) and in leading international journals mostly on marine topics (several Nature Communications papers on Blue Carbon habitats loss, inorganic carbon burial rates in seagrass meadows, and unveiled reversal trend for declining of seagrass in Europe, and a paper in Nature Climate Change on coral bleaching). In addition, we have been appointed by one of the leading international companies in lithium mining from Salar de Atacama (Chile) for an external and independent environmental impact assessment. During 2019 we have potentiated key research infrastructures (improved analytic chemistry service and otholith research lab, new equipment for the in the Urban River Lab facility. Our publishing rate in top journals (Q1) is maintained as well as our widespread internationalization and scientific collaboration. We have been also very active in outreach activities, and mentoring and activities for students. CEAB has also been very active in Citizen Science programmes and in promoting the role of women scientists in research.We believe in an inclusive and collaborative science, that is, high quality science for and with society, also working to improve outreach activities and promote knowledge dissemination, addressing the most pressing environmental issues. Several performance indicators show that we are consistently progressing to reach these goalsN

    Memòria CEAB 2018

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    Logo CEAB

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    Memoria CEAB 2013

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    Annual Report CEAB 2016

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    Annual Report CEAB 2017

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    Memòria CEAB 2011

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    Memoria CEAB 2012

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    Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes. Macròfits Pirineu

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    Estos dates forman parte del seguimiento de la evolución de la Flora acuática de lagos y aguas estancas del Pirineo. Periódicamente se re-visitan los distintos sistemas así como se tiene una cartografía detallada con datos no solo de presencia y ausencia sino también de abundancia de las distintas especies y comunidades de vegetación de un 10% de los sistemas aquí representados. Cada dato tiene acoplado un registro de variables ambientales de la composición físico- química del agua del sistema en el momento del registro de los datos de Flora, y para el 10% de los sistemas comentados se tiene información exhaustiva de la composición y textura del sedimento y agua intersticial sobre el que se asentan las distintas comunidades de plantas acuáticas. Note: this dataset was previously orphaned. It has been rescued by ① extracting it from the GBIF.org index (see GBIF Download in External Data) and ② republishing it on this IPT data hosting centre as version 1.0