60 research outputs found

    Use of Vesicular - Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) as Biofertilizer for Horticultural Plants in Developing Countries

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    Mycorrhiza is the product of an association between a fungus and plant root. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) is formed by the symbiotic association between certain phycomycetous fungi and angiosperm roots. The fungus colonizes the root cortex forming a mycelial network and characteristic vesicles (bladder-like structures) and arbuscules (branched finger-like hyphae). The mycelia are aseptate or septate ramifying intercellularly thus causing little damage to tissues. The arbuscules are the most characteristic structures, formed intracellularly and probably having an absorptive function. The vesicles are terminal swellings of hyphae formed inter and intracellularly having a storage function. There are six genera of fungi belonging to Endogonaceae which have been shown to form mycorrhizal associations: Glomus, Gigaspora, Acaulospora, Entrophospora Sclerocystis and Scutellospora. These are mainly identified by their characteristic spores and sporocarps which are formed mostly in the soil surrounding the roots and rarely inside the roots. The identification of VAM fungi directly from roots has been difficult. One of the striking features of VAM fungi is their very wide host range which includes angiosperm species belonging to almost all the families. Even the roots of some aquatic plants are colonized by VAM fungi

    Anti‑algal activity of the 12‑5‑12 gemini surfactant results from its impact on the photosynthetic apparatus

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    A rapid amplification of algal population has a negative impact on the environment and the global economy. Thus, control of algal proliferation is an important issue and effective procedures which reduce algal blooms and control algal fouling are highly desired. Gemini surfactants are considered to have a low environmental impact, therefore they seem to be a promising group of detergents which could reduce algal blooms in water systems. Furthermore, due to their emulsifying properties they could replace algaecides added to antifouling paints and decrease algae adhesion to various surfaces. In this study the toxic effect of the 12-5-12 gemini surfactant was investigated on Chlorella cells and close attention was paid to a potential mechanism of its action. At the high cell density (10.05 × 107 cells/mL) a dose-dependent cell death was found and the IC50 value was reached at the concentration of 19.6 µmol/L after 72-h exposure to the surfactant. The decrease in chlorophyll autofluorescence shows that the photosynthetic apparatus seems to be the target of the tested compound. The presented studies indicate that gemini surfactants could effectively reduce algal blooms in water systems, and if added to paints, they could decrease algal growth on external building walls or other water immersed surfaces

    Nutrient responses and macronutrient composition of some Trifolium repens × Trifolium uniflorum interspecific hybrids

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    Interspecific hybridisation is being utilised in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) breeding programs to overcome factors currently restricting productivity and persistence. Valuable new traits that may be introduced from the wild relative T. uniflorum include root characteristics and other adaptations to its natural, Mediterranean habitat. This study examined the effect of hybridisation on growth and macronutrient composition of white clover compared with T. uniflorum and T. repens×T. uniflorum backcross 1 (BC1) hybrids in two glasshouse sand culture experiments. Shoot and root dry weights of BC1 hybrids were greater than of white clover in low-concentration nutrient treatments but not in a more concentrated treatment. Decreases in dry weight with decreasing nutrient treatment strength were also smaller for some BC1 hybrids compared with white clover and other hybrid families. Most foliar macronutrient levels were adequate for white clover growth, but mean shoot or leaf phosphorus (P) concentrations were below published critical levels. Higher dry matter production under these low internal P concentrations suggests that some T. repens×T. uniflorum BC1 hybrids may be more tolerant of lower soil P levels than white clover. Such adaptations are likely to have been inherited from T. uniflorum. However, transgressive segregation may also be occurring, as T. uniflorum was larger than white clover in some, but not all, cases of low nutrient supply. © 2014 CSIRO

    Implications of grass–clover interactions in dairy pastures for forage value indexing systems. 6. Cross-site analysis and general discussion

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    Herbage accumulation (HA) data from four sites were combined to (1) address the hypothesis that adjustments to the New Zealand Forage Value Index to account for grass–clover interactions are not required and (2) explore the main effects of clover and nitrogen (N) fertiliser treatments on pasture productivity. In summer and autumn, pastures based on mid-season heading ryegrass cultivars consistently supported a greater clover content than pastures based on late heading cultivars. However, the clover × cultivar interaction was significant in only 2 of 17 HA data sets available for analysis. Thus, the hypothesis is supported. Compared with ryegrass monocultures, mixtures yielded an additional 2.4 (in the Low-N treatment) and 1.2 (High-N treatment) t DM/ha/year. Apparent N transfer from clover to grass was 79 (Low N) and 27 (High N) kg N/ha/year, derived from estimated N fixation efficiencies of 66 (Low N) and 50 (High N) kg N/t clover DM grown