113 research outputs found


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    The Ambivalent Role of Mimetic Behaviors in Proximity Dynamics: Evidences on the French “Silicon Sentier”

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    This articles examines the peculiar role of mimetic behaviors in co-location processes. We start showing that geographical proximity between agents and/or firms is not a sufficient nor necessary condition for the collective performance of clusters. Other types of socio-economic proximities characterize clusters, and our purpose is to show that, among the several ways to analyze the complex links between proximities and clusters, the theoretical outlook on the role played by mimetic interactions in co-location processes are certainly one of the most promising. Mimetic behaviors of location (in economics and sociology) are introduced in order to demonstrate that co-location processes can be the result of sequentiality, uncertainty, legitimacy and non market interactions, rather than full rational and isolated decisions and pure strategic market interactions. According to the type of mimetic behavior at work in the clustering process, the nature of socio-economic proximity can differ and have a strong influence of the “evolutionary stability” of clusters. All these theoretical considerations are illustrated through the emblematic French case of “Silicon Sentier”, cluster which has gathered together three hundred firms of the French net-economy (the famous “dotcom”) during the Internet bubble swelling.cluster, mimetic interactions, proximity, stability, Silicon Sentier

    A Soft Budget Constraint Explanation for the Venture Capital Cycle

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    We explore why venture capital funds limit the amount of capital they raise and do not reinvest the proceeds. This structure is puzzling because it leads to a succession of several funds financing each new venture which multiplies the well known agency problems. We argue that an inside investor cannot provide a hard budget constraint while a less well informed outsider can. Therefore, the venture capitalist delegates the continuation decision to the outsider by ex ante restricting the amount of capital he has under management. The soft budget constraint problem becomes the more important the higher the entrepreneur’s private benefits are and the higher the probability of failure of a project is

    Breast Amyloidosis: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Amyloidosis is an uncommon disorder characterized by extracellular accumulation of misfolded proteins in tissues. We report a unique case of localized breast amyloidosis in an asymptomatic 56-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus, presented as suspicious microcalcifications without mass on mammography. Vacuum biopsy confirmed amyloidosis, producing the typical apple-green birefringence under polarized light after staining with Congo-red. Further workup and follow-up to exclude development into systemic amyloidosis or hematologic malignancy is recommended. If negative, the prognosis is very good, thus no further treatment is needed. A brief review of the literature revealed more about the typical findings and recommended management

    Avaliação de compostos alternativos para controle de lagartas de Chabuata major<i/> (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

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    A família Noctuidae destaca-se entre os principais grupos de mariposas pela grande diversidade, especialmente na região Neotropical. Suas espécies relacionam-se com diversos ambientes e seus recursos, especialmente durante o período larval. Algumas espécies que se alimentam de plantas cultivadas constituem-se pragas de extrema importância econômica. Atualmente além das pragas chave da cultura da macieira como a mosca-das-frutas (Anatrepha fraterculus ) e a grafolita (Grapholita molesta), existe uma diversidade de espécies de lepidópteros comumente chamados de "grandes lagartas" que vem causando preocupação no setor produtivo quanto a estratégias de controle. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a mortalidade de lagartas de Chabuata major entre segundo e terceiro ínstar quando tratadas com produtos alternativos.Resumo

    Actes du Semdoc 2016 du réseau Iris

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    Les actes du séminaire doctoral 2016 du réseau Iris sont disponibles en texte intégral. Vous pouvez les retrouver dans la rubrique Eustochia du carnet de recherche de l'AJC Crem et accéder directement aux communications du séminaire via les liens ci-dessous. Accès aux textes Enjeux éthiques de l'observation netnographique, Nicolas Peirot De l'appropriation d'un contexte de recherche composite à l'émergence d'un terrain, Aurélie Pourrez Méthodologie de la constitution et de l’exploitati..

    Soutenance de thèse Rémi Cayatte

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    Rémi Cayatte a le plaisir de vous inviter à la soutenance publique de sa thèse de doctorat en sciences de l’information et de la communication intitulée : Les jeux vidéo américains de l’après 11 septembre 2001 : la guerre faite jeu, nouveau terrain de propagande idéologique ? Sous la direction de Sébastien Genvo (CREM, Metz) et André Kaenel (IDEA, Nancy) Le Jeudi 20 octobre 2016 à 14h00, à l’Université de Lorraine (Metz) Salle du Conseil de l’UFR Sciences Humaines et Sociales (D206, 2ème étag..

    Agenda de l'AJC-Crem 2018/2019

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    Séminaire du 30 janvier 2019 : Discours numérique et émergence d’une communauté discursive : le cas des témoignages sur les violences conjugales. Lieu : Metz, Île du Saulcy, UFR-SHS, D308, 14h-16h Par Samira Messaoudi Séminaire du 28 février : Le verbal et le non verbal dans le jugement coutumier Kabiyè (Togo). Lieu : Metz, Île du saulcy, UFR-ALL, A40, 14h-16h Par Athanase Belei Séminaire du 19 mars : Les représentations féminines dans les télévisions du monde arabe : état des li..

    La radio en Afrique : discours, langues et contextes de diffusion. Le cas du Niger

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    Idé Haman, Doctorant en Sciences du langage (3ème année) à l’Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Laboratoire ELLIADD, pôle CCM. Sous la direction d’Andrée Chauvin-Vileno (PRSc. du langage) et de Séverine Equoy-Hutin (MCF Sc. de l’information et de la communication). La radio en Afrique : discours, langues et contextes de diffusion. Le cas du Niger Depuis leur création, les radios publiques en Afrique ont été considérées comme des médias d’État (Perret, 2010) et ont joué le rôle d’outils de..
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