45 research outputs found

    Atherosclerosis and Alzheimer - diseases with a common cause? Inflammation, oxysterols, vasculature

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    Parameters of Left Ventricular Mass and Dementia

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    Children's perceptions of their disabled siblings: She's different but it's normal for us

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    This paper reports on a two-year study exploring children's understandings of disability. It focuses on findings from interviews conducted with 24 children, aged 6 to 19, who had disabled siblings, exploring their perceptions of impairment, disability and difference. Most were very aware of their sibling's impairment but the majority did not see that as making their siblings different. Where difference was perceived, this was sometimes attributed to their siblings' experience of disability - unequal treatment and the hostile attitudes of others. Most children saw their disabled sibling as holding various identities and their shared biographies, as members of the same family, may have taken precedence over any perceived differences

    Implante de placa de silicone na substituição parcial da parede traqueal em caninos The sylicon slab implant in substitution of partial canine tracheal wall

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    Foram operados seis cães, SRD, no intuito de testar a viabilidade do uso de placa de silicone em casos de perda parcial da parede traqueal. Esses animais, submetidos a anestesia volátil, sofreram remoção de um terço da circunferência de três anéis traqueais a nível da região cervical média. No local dessa abertura foi implantada uma placa de silicone com dimensões compatíveis à mesma, fixada a cartilagem traqueal circunvizinha. Os cães foram observados num período de trinta dias, ao final do qual foram realizadas as necropsias com avaliação macro e microscópica do local do implante. Foi detectada a substituição do tecido removido, assim como a sua epitelização.<br>Six dogs were submitted to an operation to test the viability of sylicon slab in partial replecement of tracheal wall. These animais were anesthetized and had removed a third part with compatible dimension of the circunference of three tracheal rings at mid cervical region. At this place a sylicon slab was implanted and fixed to the surrounding tracheal cartilage. The dogs were observed during thirty days. At post morten, they were evalueted by gross and microscopic examination. It was detected the tissue replacement and the growing of the epithelium