16 research outputs found

    Еженедельник советской юстиции. 1928. № 12

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    0|1|За создание единого аппарата по расследованию преступлений. / М. Кожевников [c. 1]0|2|За следственно-розыскную милицию / Ефимов [c. 2]0|3|Бездушный формализм или слепое преклонение перед буквой закона / Балабанович [c. 3]0|5|Обязательные постановления низовых органов власти. / А. Турубинер [c. 5]0|7|Разграничение компетенции президиума и пленума местные судебные органов. / Г. Ш-н [c. 7]0|9|Закон и колдоговор / О. Енохина [c. 9]0|10|Упрощение гражданского процесса и предложения НК РКИ / Абрамов [c. 10]0|12|Арендная плата за земельные участки, сдаваемые по праву застройки, и рентное обложение. / Вс. Соколов [c. 12]0|14|Итоги борьбы с растратами за 1 полугодие 1927 г. / Н. Лаговиер [c. 14]0|18|Советское законодательство / М. Брагинский [c. 18]0|21|В Совнаркоме РСФСР [c. 21]0|22|В институтах и общества / Л.В. [c. 22]0|23|Вопросы НОТ'а / Зверев [c. 23]0|25|Хроника [c. 25]0|27|Библиография / А. Герцензон [c. 27]0|29|ОФИЦИАЛЬНАЯ ЧАСТЬ [c. 29]1|29|Циркуляры НКЮ. [c. 29]2|29|Народных Комиссариатов Внутренних Дел, Здравоохранения и Юстиции по применению ст. 1 постановления Совета Народных Комиссаров РСФСР «О мероприятиях по жилищному хозяйству в городских поселениях от 15 ноября 1927 года» («С. У.» 1927 г. № 118, ст. 800). [c. 29]2|29|Об ответственности за нарушения, допускаемые при производстве строительных работ. [c. 29]2|30|Из протокола N° 4 заседания Пленума Верхсуда от 6 февраля 1928 года [c. 30

    Systolic peak detection in acceleration photoplethysmograms measured from emergency responders in tropical conditions

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    Photoplethysmogram (PPG) monitoring is not only essential for critically ill patients in hospitals or at home, but also for those undergoing exercise testing. However, processing PPG signals measured after exercise is challenging, especially if the environment is hot and humid. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm that can detect systolic peaks under challenging conditions, as in the case of emergency responders in tropical conditions. Accurate systolic-peak detection is an important first step for the analysis of heart rate variability. Algorithms based on local maxima-minima, first-derivative, and slope sum are evaluated, and a new algorithm is introduced to improve the detection rate. With 40 healthy subjects, the new algorithm demonstrates the highest overall detection accuracy (99.84% sensitivity, 99.89% positive predictivity). Existing algorithms, such as Billauer's, Li's and Zong's, have comparable although lower accuracy. However, the proposed algorithm presents an advantage for real-time applications by avoiding human intervention in threshold determination. For best performance, we show that a combination of two event-related moving averages with an offset threshold has an advantage in detecting systolic peaks, even in heat-stressed PPG signals.Mohamed Elgendi, Ian Norton, Matt Brearley, Derek Abbott, Dale Schuurman

    Hypertension and cardiovascular risk in young adult life: insights from CAVI

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    1 in 17 adults below the age of 40 years are hypertensive with higher rates in those with particular predispositions such as a familial history or developmental exposures to pregnancy hypertension or preterm birth. Hypertension in early life significantly increases the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease before the age of 50 years and, to reduce this disease burden, interventions that target the distinct physiological mediators of blood pressure control in young people are required. This review highlights recent studies that have used a deep phenotyping approach to characterise the key phenotypic differences in vascular structure and physiology in young people that may be amenable to intervention

    Hypertension and cardiovascular risk in young adult life: insights from CAVI

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    1 in 17 adults below the age of 40 years are hypertensive with higher rates in those with particular predispositions such as a familial history or developmental exposures to pregnancy hypertension or preterm birth. Hypertension in early life significantly increases the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease before the age of 50 years and, to reduce this disease burden, interventions that target the distinct physiological mediators of blood pressure control in young people are required. This review highlights recent studies that have used a deep phenotyping approach to characterise the key phenotypic differences in vascular structure and physiology in young people that may be amenable to intervention

    Predicting the future with echocardiography: Looking outside the heart?

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    Predicting the future is a fundamental requirement of cardiovascular prevention practice. Identification of individuals who we predict to be at risk of future events allows us to target interventions and potentially change the future. Cardiovascular risk scores based on modifiable factors such as cholesterol level, blood pressure, smoking history and presence of diabetes remain our simplest but most robust prediction tools1. However, alongside these traditional tools there have been consistent efforts to identify better markers, particularly through the use of imaging. Visualisation of blood vessels is potentially a powerful means to quantify directly vascular disease burden or stability. Ultrasound, CT and MR have all developed independent means to stratify risk for examples as coronary artery calcium scoring2 or carotid wall and plaque imaging3. However, many structural imaging techniques have failed to substantially modify or add to the information provided by traditional risk scores and it may be necessary to use imaging in more sophisticated ways

    Two-dimensional echocardiography estimates of fetal ventricular mass throughout gestation.

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    Introduction Two dimensional (2D) ultrasound quality has improved in recent years. Quantification of cardiac dimensions is important to screen and monitor certain fetal conditions. We assessed feasibility and reproducibility for fetal ventricular measures using 2D echocardiography, reported normal ranges from our cohort and compared estimates to other modalities. Materials and Methods Mass and end-diastolic volumes were estimated by manual contouring in the four-chamber view using TomTec Image Arena 4.6 in end-diastole. Nomograms were created from smoothed centiles of measures, constructed using fractional polynomials after log-transformation. Results were compared to previous studies using other modalities. Results 294 scans from 146 fetuses were included from 15+0 to 41+6 weeks gestation. 7% of scans were unanalysable and intraobserver variability was good (Intraclass Correlation Coefficients for left and right ventricular mass 0.97 (0.87-0.99) and 0.99 (0.95-1.0) respectively). Mass and volume increased exponentially showing good agreement with 3D mass estimates up to 28 weeks gestation. There was good agreement with 4D volume estimates for the left ventricle. Discussion Current state-of-the-art 2D echocardiography platforms provide feasible and reproducible fetal ventricular measures across gestation which appear to be in good agreement with previously published data from other datasets using newer modalities.</p