9 research outputs found

    The presence of dermatophytes in infected pets and their household environment

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to diagnose dermatophytosis in pets and investigate the presence of dermatophytes in their home environment. Samples from hair coat were collected from 70 pets: 47 dogs, 19 cats, three guinea pigs and one rabbit. After mycological culture, 188 samples were collected from the household environments in 26 homes: 78 from places were of predominantly used by the tutors, 66 from places used by the animals, 44 from flooring, and 24 samples from contactees. Samples were seeded on Mycosel agar, incubated at 25°C, and the colonies were identified by their macro-and-microscopic characteristics. Dermatophytes were found in 37.1% of the samples originating from the sick animals. Microsporum canis was the most prevalent species, isolated in 12 dogs and eight cats; Trichophyton quinckeanum in three guinea pigs, Microsporum gypseum in two dogs and Trichophyton mentagrophytes in one cat. Dermatophytes were found in 69.2% of the surveyed homes; 29.5% of the places/objects predominantly used by the tutors, 42.4% mainly used by the animals, 31.8% from floors, and 50% from contactees. The meeting of dermatophytes in animals and in the household environment confirms the possibility of transmission by direct or indirect contact and their importance in public health

    Molecular characterization of Malassezia sympodialis and Malassezia furfur from cattle with and without otitis Caracterização molecular de isolados de Malassezia sympodialis e Malassezia furfur provenientes de bovinos com e sem otite externa

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    A molecular study of Malassezia strains isolated from cattle with or without otitis was carried out by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (RAPD). DNA was extracted and purified from nine strains of Malassezia sympodialis and fourteen of Malassezia furfur. These microorganisms were collected from eight different bovine herds in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The RAPD analysis and phenograms did not show the formation of genetically distinct groups among the strain isolated from cattle with or without otitis raised in the same herds. Genetic heterogeneity was observed among Malassezia strains from different geographic origins. These data suggest that genetically similar M. sympodialis and M. furfur strains found as members of the normal ear microbiota could become opportunistically active in the inflammatory process in cattle.<br>A caracterização molecular de amostras de Malassezia spp., isoladas de bovinos com e sem otite, foi realizada por meio da técnica do DNA polimórfico amplificado ao acaso (RAPD). DNAs de nove amostras de Malassezia sympodialis e quatorze de M. furfur foram extraídos e purificados. Essas amostras foram provenientes de oito diferentes rebanhos bovinos no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. A análise de RAPD e os fenogramas não revelaram a formação de grupos geneticamente distintos entre amostras isoladas de bovinos, criados no mesmo rebanho, com ou sem otite. Heterogeneidade genética foi observada entre amostras de diferentes origens geográficas. Os dados sugerem que isolados geneticamente semelhantes e membros da microbiota normal do ouvido podem participar, como oportunistas, no processo inflamatório do conduto auditivo externo de bovinos

    Isolamento de bactérias aeróbias e sua sensibilidade a antimicrobianos em processos de osteomielite canina Aerobic bacterial isolates and susceptibility to antimicrobial agents in canine osteomyelitis

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a presença de bactérias aeróbias em 20 cães com osteomielite, decorrente de exposição óssea. Na identificação das bactérias utilizou-se o sistema API-Bio Mérieux e testou-se a sensibilidade dos microrganismos in vitro, pelo método de difusão em ágar, frente a 14 diferentes antibacterianos. O osso mais acometido pela infecção foi a tíbia (35%). Isolaram-se 68,3% de bactérias Gram positivas e 31,7% de Gram negativas. Staphylococcus spp, Streptococcus spp e Enterococcus spp foram os gêneros mais freqüentes, representando respectivamente 34,1%, 14,6% e 14,6% do total de bactérias (41 cepas). Enterobactérias foram isoladas em 26,8% das amostras. Os cocos Gram positivos apresentaram maior sensibilidade à amoxicilina associada ao ácido clavulânico. Os microrganismos Gram negativos, tanto as bactérias da família Enterobacteriaceae como as do gênero Pseudomonas, apresentaram altos índices de resistência.<br>The aim of this work was to detect aerobic bacteria in osteomyelitis process in dogs with bone exposure. The API-Bio Mérieux Identification System was used to identify the bacteria. Susceptibility in vitro was verified by the agar diffusion method, to 14 different antibiotics. The most frequent bone involved was tibia (35%). Gram positive cocci represented 68.3% from isolates and the Gram negative bacteria 31.7%. Staphylococcus spp, Streptococcus spp and Enterococcus spp were the most frequent genus, representing, respectively, 34.1%, 14.6%, and 14.6% of the total bacteria strains (41 strains). Enterobacteria were isolated in 26.8%. Cocci Gram positive presented good susceptibility to amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid. Gram negative microorganisms, the enterobacteria and Pseudomonas sp, showed high resistance profile