48 research outputs found

    Cellular aspects of wound healing

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    O processo cicatricial compreende uma sequência de eventos moleculares e celulares que interagem para que ocorra a restauração do tecido lesado. Desde o extravasamento de plasma, com a coagulação e agregação plaquetária até a reepitelização e remodelagem do tecido lesado o organismo age tentando restaurar a funcionalidade tecidual. Assim, este trabalho abrange os diversos aspectos celulares envolvidos no processo cicatricial, bem como os principais medicamentos utilizados no tratamento de patologias relacionadas às deficiências na cicatrização. São abordados também, os aspectos econômicos referentes, sobretudo, às feridas crônicas de pés diabéticos.Wound healing is a dynamic interactive process that involves a sequence of molecular and cellular events. Recent advances in cellular and molecular biology have greatly expanded our understanding of the biological process involved in wound repair and tissue regeneration. From plasma extravasation, with coagulation and platelet aggregation, to reepithelialization and remodeling of injured tissue, the organism acts by trying to restore functionality tissue. Thus, the present study encompasses several cellular aspects involved in the wound healing process, as well as the main drugs used in treating the pathology related to wound healing complications. Economic aspects are also addressed, mainly related to chronic wounds of diabetic feet.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)(FAEPA) Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Assistênci

    Enxerto de látex natural na cicatrização de esclerectomias lamelar e penetrante em coelhos

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    The objective of study was to investigate the effects of natural latex with 0.1% of polylysine on lamellar and penetrating scleroctomies in rabbits. Two groups of twelve rabbits each (lamellar GI and penetrating GII) were studied. Scleral square incisions near the limbus were performed on the left eye of each animal. The latex biomembrane was fixed to the recipient sclera and it covered with a conjunctival flap. The clinical evaluations were followed for 60 days. Aplannation tonometry, binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy and slit-lamp biomicroscopy were performed during evaluation. Bright field microscopy and polarization microscopy were employed. Blepharospasm, graft infection, mucoid ocular discharge and chemosis were not observed in either treatment group. The conjunctival hyperemia varied from moderate to hardly noticeable. The postoperative IOP was not statiscally significant, comparing to the preoperative IOP, for GI and GII. The histopathology by polarization microscopy showed that the neoformed tissue was primarily dependent on adjacent vascularized tissues and was constituted by collagen type III. Both groups presented optimum graft adhesion to the receiving sclera. The natural latex biomembrane with 0.1% polylysine constitutes a new alternative for scleral reconstruction. Furthermore, this is a durable material, easy to obtain and manipulate.Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos do látex natural com polilisina a 0,1% na cicatrização de esclerectomias lamelar e penetrante em coelhos. Foram estudados dois grupos de 12 coelhos (GI - lamelar e GII - penetrante). As esclerectomias foram realizadas no olho esquerdo de cada animal. A biomembrana de látex foi fixada à esclera receptora e foi recoberta com conjuntiva bulbar. As avaliações clínicas foram realizadas durante 60 dias. Para tal, empregaram-se a tonometria de aplanação, a oftalmoscopia indireta binocular e a biomicroscopia em lâmpada de fenda. Realizou-se análise histopatológica das escleras em microscopia de luz e sob luz polarizada. Não houve blefarospasmo, secreção ocular mucóide, quemose ou sinais de infecção do enxerto em ambos os grupos. A hiperemia conjuntival variou de moderada a tênue. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a pressão intraocular do período pós-operatório e do período pré-operatório, para o GI e o GII. A histopatologia por microscopia de polarização demonstrou que o tecido neoformado foi oriundo de tecidos vascularizados adjacentes e constituídos por colágeno do tipo III. Os dois grupos apresentaram ótima adesão do enxerto de látex à esclera receptora. A biomembrana de látex natural com polilisina a 0,1% representa uma alternativa para a reconstrução escleral, além de apresentar fácil obtenção, manuseio e durabilidade

    Natural latex (Hevea brasiliensis) mold for neovaginoplasty

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar a utilização do molde de látex natural (Hevea brasiliensis) como modificação à neovaginoplastia de McIndoe e Bannister em pacientes portadoras da síndrome de Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH). MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva de nove pacientes com o diagnóstico de síndrome de MRKH, submetidas à neovaginoplastia pela técnica de McIndoe e Bannister com molde de látex natural. Foram avaliadas epitelização, amplitude e profundidade das neovaginas, ocorrência de coitos bem como satisfação e complicações cirúrgicas. RESULTADOS: após cinco semanas do procedimento, oito pacientes apresentavam neovaginas epitelizadas, com profundidade de 7 a 12 cm. Houve um caso de estenose neovaginal completa em decorrência do uso incorreto do molde pela paciente no pós-operatório. Após seguimento mínimo de um ano, todas as pacientes mantinham neovaginas com profundidade de 4 a 8 cm e capacidade para o coito, com 66,7% de satisfação. Uma paciente apresentou fístula retovaginal precoce e episódios tardios de fistulização uretrovaginal. Duas pacientes apresentaram estenose distal das neovaginas a longo prazo. Uma delas e a paciente com fístulas foram submetidas a novo procedimento. CONCLUSÕES: o uso do molde de látex natural como modificação à técnica clássica de neovaginoplastia permitiu a criação de neovaginas morfológica e funcionalmente similares ao órgão normal em pacientes com estenose vaginal.PURPOSE: to evaluate the use of natural latex mold (Hevea brasiliensis) as a modification of McIndoe and Bannister neovaginoplasty in patients presenting Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MKRH) syndrome. METHODS: we retrospectively included nine patients presenting MKRH syndrome, who had been submitted to McIndoe and Bannister neovaginoplasty modified by the use of natural latex mold. Neovaginal epithelization and depth, coitus occurrence and satisfaction, and surgical complications were evaluated. RESULTS: five weeks after the procedure, eight patients presented an epithelized 7 to 12 cm deep neovagina. There was one case of complete neovaginal stenosis, because of incorrect use of the mold. After at least one year, the others maintained 4 to 8 cm deep neovaginas and capacity for intercourse, with 66.7% satisfaction. One woman presented precocious rectovaginal fistula and late episodes of uretrovaginal fistulae. Two patients presented distal neovaginal stenosis in long-term follow-up. One of these and the patient with fistulae were submitted to a new procedure. CONCLUSIONS: the use of natural latex mold as a modification of classic neovaginoplasty technique allows the creation of neovaginas morphologically and functionally similar to the normal vagina in patients with vaginal agenesis

    Intoxication by star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) in 32 uraemic patients: treatment and outcome

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    Abstract Background. Clinical symptoms and outcomes of uraemic patients ingesting star fruit are quite variable and may progress to death. The purpose of the present report was to discuss the neurotoxic effects of star fruit intoxication in uraemic patients and to present the efficacy of different therapeutic approaches. Methods. We studied a total of 32 uraemic patients who had ingested star fruit. Before the intoxication episodes, 20 patients were on regular haemodialysis, eight were on peritoneal dialysis and four were not yet undergoing dialysis. Two patients were analysed retrospectively from their charts, 17 were directly monitored by our clinic and 13 were referred by physicians from many areas throughout the country, allowing us to follow their outcome from a distance. Intoxicated patients were given different therapeutic approaches (haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and supportive treatment), and their outcomes were analysed. Results. The most common symptoms were persistent and intractable hiccups in 30 patients (93.75%), vomiting in 22 (68.7%), variable degrees of disturbed consciousness (mental confusion, psychomotor agitation) in 21 (65.6%), decreased muscle power, limb numbness, paresis, insomnia and paresthesias in 13 (40.6%) and seizures in seven (21.8%). Patients who were promptly treated with haemodialysis, including those with severe intoxication, recovered without sequelae. Patients with severe intoxication who were not treated or treated with peritoneal dialysis did not survive. Conclusions. Haemodialysis, especially on a daily basis, is the ideal treatment for star fruit intoxication. In severe cases, continuous methods of replacement therapy may provide a superior initial procedure, since rebound effects are a common event. Peritoneal dialysis is of no use as a treatment, especially when consciousness disorders ensue

    Oral treatment with Hev b 13 prevents experimental arthritis in mice

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    Hev b 13 is an allergenic esterase obtained from the rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis, which has been shown recently to induce human monocytes to release interleukin (IL)-10 in vitro, and to exert a potent anti-inflammatory effect in vivo. Moreover, Hev b 13 has been shown to reduce clinical signs of inflammation and also histological damage to the distal colon of mice with 2,4,6-trinitrobenze sulphonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis after its oral administration. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Hev b 13 on human mononuclear cells, as well as its therapeutic use in the methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) model of antigen-induced arthritis. Five days before the intra-articular challenge, and daily thereafter for 8 days, Hev b 13 was administered by oral gavage. In mice treated with a dose of 0.5 mg/kg of Hev b 13, the severity of oedema, leucocyte infiltration, pannus formation and cartilage erosion were reduced significantly. These findings underscore the anti-inflammatory activity suggested previously for Hev b 13, an activity speculated to be related to its interaction with monocytes/macrophages and the consequent stimulation of IL-10 release and reduction of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) release. The study also opens a wide range of possible applications in the field of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases.FAEPA (Foundation for the Support of Instruction, Research and Treatment)FINEP through Pele Nova Biotecnologia S/ACAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel

    andM.Mulato, “Angiogenic properties of natural rubber latex biomembranes and the serum fraction of Hevea brasiliensis

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    The angiogenic properties of natural rubber were evaluated in this work. We have used the chick chorioallantoic membrane assay (CAM) as a model to investigate the influence of the heating on biological activity in rubber membranes and in non rubber fraction as well. Results showed that natural rubber membranes can induce vascularization. It was observed that angiogenesis activity was maximum when membranes were heated in temperatures between 65 o C and 85 o C, considering a range from 55 o C to 105 o C. The same behavior was observed for non rubber fraction and it indicates that this serum fraction may be responsible for angiogenesis. When infrared spectroscopy was performed in the cast films of non rubber fraction samples, as a function of heating, no structural changes was observed. The results obtained shown that natural rubber latex films produced by casting induce the vessel growth in the CAM and it can be considered as a potential biomaterial