35,223 research outputs found

    Laser induced THz emission from femtosecond photocurrents in Co/ZnO/Pt and Co/Cu/Pt multilayers

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    The ultrashort laser excitation of Co/Pt magnetic heterostructures can effectively generate spin and charge currents at the interfaces between magnetic and nonmagnetic layers. The direction of these photocurrents can be controlled by the helicity of the circularly polarized laser light and an external magnetic field. Here, we employ THz time-domain spectroscopy to investigate further the role of interfaces in these photo-galvanic phenomena. In particular, the effects of either Cu or ZnO interlayers on the photocurrents in Co/X/Pt (X = Cu, ZnO) have been studied by varying the thickness of the interlayers up to 5 nm. The results are discussed in terms of spin-diffusion phenomena and interfacial spin-orbit torque.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Gauge fields in a string-cigar braneworld

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    In this work we investigate the properties of an Abelian gauge vector field in a thin and in a smoothed string-like braneworld, the so-called string-cigar model. This thick brane scenario satisfies the regularity conditions and it can be regarded as an interior and exterior string-like solution. The source undergoes a geometric Ricci flow which is connected to a variation of the bulk cosmological constant. The Ricci flow changes the width and amplitude of the massless mode at the brane core and recover the usual thin string-like behavior at large distances. By numerical means we obtain the Kaluza-Klein (KK) spectrum for both the thin brane and the string-cigar. It turns out that both models exhibit a mass gap between the massless and the massive modes and between the high and the low mass regimes. The KK modes are smooth near the brane and their amplitude are enhanced by the string-cigar core. The analogue Schr\"odinger potential is also tuned by the geometric flow.Comment: The discussion about the Kaluza-Klein spectrum of the gauge field was improved. Numerical analysis was adapted to the conventional notation on Kaluza-Klein number. Some graphics were modified for considering other notation. Results unchanged. References added. Corrected typos. 17 pages. 6 figures. To match version to appears in Physics Letters

    Bottom-Up Control of Macrobenthic Communities in a Guanotrophic Coastal System

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    Soft bottom macrobenthic communities were studied seasonally in three coastal ponds (Marinello ponds, Italy) at increasing distances from a gull (Larus michahellis) colony to in- vestigate the effect of seabird-induced eutrophication (i.e. guanotrophication) on macro- benthic fauna.We hypothesized that enhanced nutrient concentration and organic load caused by guano input significantly alter the trophic and sedimentological condition of ponds, affecting benthic fauna through a bottom-up control. The influence of a set of envi- ronmental features on macrobenthic assemblages was also tested. Overall, the lowest macrobenthic abundances and functional group diversity were found in deeper sites, espe- cially in the pond characterised by severe guanotrophication, where the higher disturbance resulted in a decline in suspension feeders and carnivores in favour of deposit feeders. An increase in opportunistic/tolerant taxa (e.g. chironomid larvae and paraonids) and totally azoic sediments were also found as an effect of the harshest environmental conditions, re- sulting in a very poor ecological status. We conclude that macrobenthic assemblages of the Marinello coastal system display high spatial variability due to a synergistic effect of trophic status and the geomorphological features of the ponds. Themacrobenthic response to gua- notrophication, which was a clear decrease in abundance, diversity and trophic functional groups, was associated with the typical response to severe eutrophication, magnified by the geomorphological features

    A 450-day light curve of the radio afterglow of GRB 970508: Fireball calorimetry

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    We report on the results of an extensive monitoring campaign of the radio afterglow of GRB 970508, lasting 450 days after the burst. The spectral and temporal radio behavior indicate that the fireball has undergone a transition to sub-relativistic expansion at t~100 days. This allows us to perform "calorimetry" of the explosion. The derived total energy, ~5\times 10^{50} erg, is well below the ~5\times 10^{51} erg inferred under the assumption of spherical symmetry from gamma-ray and early afterglow observations. A natural consequence of this result, which can also account for deviations at t<100 days from the spherical relativistic fireball model predictions, is that the fireball was initially a wide-angle jet of opening angle ~30 degrees. Our analysis also allows to determine the energy fractions carried by electrons and magnetic field, and the density of ambient medium surrounding the fireball. We find that during the sub-relativistic expansion electrons and magnetic field are close to equipartition, and that the density of the ambient medium is ~1/cm^3. The inferred density rules out the possibility that the fireball expands into a strongly non-uniform medium, as would be expected, e.g., in the case of a massive star progenitor.Comment: 33 pages, including 7 figures, submitted to Ap

    Redshift-Distance Survey of Early-Type Galaxies. IV. Dipoles of the Velocity Field

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    We use the recently completed redshift-distance survey of nearby early-type galaxies (ENEAR) to measure the dipole component of the peculiar velocity field to a depth of cz ~ 6000 km/s. The sample consists of 1145 galaxies brighter than m_B=14.5 and cz < 7000 km/s, uniformly distributed over the whole sky, and 129 fainter cluster galaxies within the same volume. Most of the Dn-sigma distances were obtained from new spectroscopic and photometric observations conducted by this project, ensuring the homogeneity of the data over the whole sky. These 1274 galaxies are objectively assigned to 696 objects -- 282 groups/clusters and 414 isolated galaxies. We find that within a volume of radius ~ 6000 km/s, the best-fitting bulk flow has an amplitude of |vbulk| =220 +/- 42 km/s in the CMB restframe, pointing towards l=304 +/- 16 degrees, b=25 +/- 11 degrees. The error in the amplitude includes statistical, sampling and possible systematic errors. This solution is in excellent agreement with that obtained by the SFI Tully-Fisher survey. Our results suggest that most of the motion of the Local Group is due to fluctuations within 6000 km/s, in contrast to recent claims of large amplitude bulk motions on larger scales.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, ApJL, accepted (updated results; matches accepted version

    Resistência do tipo antixenose em cultivares de Capsicum spp. em relação ao afídeo Aphis gossypii.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar fontes de resistência do tipo antixenose em cultivares de Capsicum spp. ao pulgão Aphis gossypii. Para isso dois ensaios de preferência foram realizados, em 2008, em condições de casa de vegetação com 14 cultivares comerciais sendo avaliadas. As plantas foram infestadas 60 dias após o plantio com a liberação de dez adultos de A. gossypii por planta. Os resultados mostraram diferenças significativas no número médio de A. gossypii entre as cultivares, aos dez dias após a infestação. A cultivar Cambuci foi uma das menos preferidas. Para testar a hipótese que a resistência era do tipo antixenose, bioensaios comportamentais foram conduzidos com A. gossypii usando compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs) coletados da cultivar não-preferida Cambuci e da preferida All Big. Os pulgões foram significativamente repelidos somente pelos COVs da cultivar Cambuci infestado. Além disso, a análise de cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa (CG-EM) dos COVs liberados por plantas antes e após a infestação por A. gossypii revelou que a cultivar não preferida Cambuci emitiu nove compostos a mais, após a infestação, incluindo 6-metil-5 hepten-2-ona, um semioquímico de defesa de planta envolvido em interações entre plantas e pulgões. Estes resultados sugerem que semioquímicos liberados por cultivares não-preferidas têm potencial para ser usado em programas de melhoramento visando à produção de cultivares de Capsicum spp resistentes ao A. Gossypii

    Influence of wall material concentration and core-to-wall material ratio on the encapsulation of pomegranate seed oil by complex coacervation.

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    Pomegranate seed oil (PSO) is rich in bioactive compounds, such as conjugated linolenic acids (CLnA). Encapsulation is a packing technology that enables the application of highly oxidizable oils in food matrices. Technological properties of particles produced by this method are highly influenced by wall material (WM) concentration and core:WM ratio. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the WM concentration and the core:WM ratio in the microencapsulation of PSO by complex coacervation.SLACA, 12. De 4 a 7 de Novembro de 2017. Ref. 71235

    Modelling a Particle Detector in Field Theory

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    Particle detector models allow to give an operational definition to the particle content of a given quantum state of a field theory. The commonly adopted Unruh-DeWitt type of detector is known to undergo temporary transitions to excited states even when at rest and in the Minkowski vacuum. We argue that real detectors do not feature this property, as the configuration "detector in its ground state + vacuum of the field" is generally a stable bound state of the underlying fundamental theory (e.g. the ground state-hydrogen atom in a suitable QED with electrons and protons) in the non-accelerated case. As a concrete example, we study a local relativistic field theory where a stable particle can capture a light quantum and form a quasi-stable state. As expected, to such a stable particle correspond energy eigenstates of the full theory, as is shown explicitly by using a dressed particle formalism at first order in perturbation theory. We derive an effective model of detector (at rest) where the stable particle and the quasi-stable configurations correspond to the two internal levels, "ground" and "excited", of the detector.Comment: 13 pages, references added, final versio