19,058 research outputs found

    Perfil de suscetibilidade antimicrobiana e comportamento de Listeria monocytogenes em queijo Minas Frescal.

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    Análise de nitrogênio total em amostras de tecido vegetal pelos métodos de Dumas e Kjeldahl.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar os resultados obtidos pelos dois métodos utilizados para análise de nitrogênio total (Nt), que são os métodos de Kjeldhal e Dumas, em algumas amostras de tecido vegetal e grãos normalmente analisadas na rotina do laboratório

    Prevalence of Salmonella on tomatoes from organic and conventional production in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

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    Outbreaks of salmonellosis associated with tomatoes have been related over the past fifteen years. Tomatoes may become surface contaminated with Salmonella spp. from production of consumption. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of Salmonella spp. on tomatoes surface from organic and conventional production. Samples were collected in the street cendors and supermarkets, and analzed by two methods; the mini-VIDAS SLM assay a specific enzyme-linked fluorescent immonoassay (ELFA) rapid method and the conventional FDA-BAM. Methods: A total of 263 tomatoes were collected during a two-year (2010-2012) survey. A hundred twenty-seven were from organic production, 61 from supermarkets and 66 from street vendors. From conventional production 136 samples were collected, being 84 from supermarkets and 52 from street vendors. All samples were simultaneously surface analyzed by mini-VIDAS SLM and FDA BAM. Results: Salmonella spp. was not detected by the conventional method and two false positives were found by mini-VIDAS SLM. Significance: Surface tomatoes from organic and conventional production analyzed in the city of Rio de Janeiro showed no potential Salmonella risk to their consumption

    Colliding Kaluza-Klein Bubbles

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    We construct an exact solution describing the collision of two Kaluza-Klein "bubbles of nothing" in 3+1 dimensions. When the bubbles collide, a curvature singularity forms which is hidden inside an event horizon. However, unlike the formation of ordinary black holes, in this case the spacetime resembles the entire maximally extended Schwarzschild solution. We also point out that there are inequivalent bubbles that can be constructed from Kerr black holes.Comment: 20 pages, v2: minor error correcte

    Diagnose e perdas na cadeia produtiva da manga causadas por Neofusicoccum parvum.

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    Considerada uma das principais culturas do poloagrícola Petrolina, PE/Juazeiro, BA, a mangueira éresponsável por grande parte da absorção de mão-de-obra e de geração de divisas para a região. Este polocontribui com mais de 90% da exportação nacional demanga (ARAÚJO; CORREIA, 2004; PINTOet al.,2004). Entretanto, diferentes patógenos têm colocadoem risco o agronegócio da manga, a exemplo daspodridões causadas por fungos. Agentes de doençasque possuem a fase quiescente podem comprometer acredibilidade de produtores e fornecedores da fruta emrelação ao mercado consumidor. Podridões podemafetar a cultura da manga, e dentre os agentes causaispodem-se destacar os fungos Colletotrichumgloeosporioides, Alternariaalternata, Lasiodiplodiatheobromae(CHOUDHURY; COSTA, 2004) e o maisrecente, Neofusicoccum parvum (COSTA, 2008). Alémde podridão mole e/ou peduncular em manga, oNeofusicoccum parvum pode causar morte descendentee queima de inflorescência (SAAIMAN, 1997; PLOETZ;FREEMAN, 2009), ocasionando grandes perdas naprodução de manga.bitstream/item/17590/1/Comunicado-Neofusicoccum.pd

    Caracterização e avaliação de frutos de tucumã (Astrocaryum Vulgare MART.) oriundos de coletas em São Caetano de Odivelas - PA.

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    Astrocaryum vulgare MART. conhecida por tucumã é uma palmeira oleaginosa com grande potencial econômico para frutos e artesanatos. Recentemente, o óleo da polpa e da amêndoa de seus frutos tem sido indicado para a produção de biocombustíveis. O trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar e avaliar amostras de frutos de matrizes de tucumã coletadas no município de São Caetano de Odivelas ? PA. Amostras de cinco frutos em maturação completa de 17 matrizes foram submetidas à caracterização e avaliação morfológica para dezesseis caracteres. Os frutos apresentaram diâmetros longitudinal e transversal de 40,76 mm e 34, 72 mm, respectivamente, e peso médio de 30,44g, com a polpa pesando 18,88 g. De um modo geral, os caracteres mais variáveis foram peso da polpa, peso da semente, espessura da polpa e peso do fruto com mais de 24% de variabilidade. Os frutos de tucumã dessa localidade apresentam considerável parte comestível e variações para vários caracteres e predominância da coloração alaranjada, além de fornecerem indícios de alta qualidade para o consumo in natura e para a indústria de processamento de polpa

    Factors controlling spatio-temporal variation in carbon dioxide efflux from surface litter, roots, and soil organic matter at four rain forest sites in the eastern Amazon

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    [1] This study explored biotic and abiotic causes for spatio-temporal variation in soil respiration from surface litter, roots, and soil organic matter over one year at four rain forest sites with different vegetation structures and soil types in the eastern Amazon, Brazil. Estimated mean annual soil respiration varied between 13-17 t C ha(-1) yr(-1), which was partitioned into 0-2 t C ha(-1) yr(-1) from litter, 6-9 t C ha(-1) yr(-1) from roots, and 5-6 t C ha(-1) yr(-1) from soil organic matter. Litter contribution showed no clear seasonal change, though experimental precipitation exclusion over a one-hectare area was associated with a ten-fold reduction in litter respiration relative to unmodified sites. The estimated mean contribution of soil organic matter respiration fell from 49% during the wet season to 32% in the dry season, while root respiration contribution increased from 42% in the wet season to 61% during the dry season. Spatial variation in respiration from soil, litter, roots, and soil organic matter was not explained by volumetric soil moisture or temperature. Instead, spatial heterogeneity in litter and root mass accounted for 44% of observed spatial variation in soil respiration (p < 0.001). In particular, variation in litter respiration per unit mass and root mass accounted for much of the observed variation in respiration from litter and roots, respectively, and hence total soil respiration. This information about patterns of, and underlying controls on, respiration from different soil components should assist attempts to accurately model soil carbon dioxide fluxes over space and time