22,868 research outputs found

    Controle de podridões-radiculares na cultura do feijoeiro: eficácia da aplicação de fungicidas no sulco de plantio.

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    O controle de podridões-radiculares via tratamento de sementes tem sido errático, com históricos de sucesso e insucesso em diversas regiões produtoras de feijão. A pulverização de fungicidas no sulco de plantio, já utilizada em outras culturas, como o algodão e a batata, surge como alternativa a este tratamento padrão. Por este motivo, diversos fungicidas foram testados quanto a sua eficiência no controle de podridões radiculares via pulverização no sulco de plantio do feijoeiro.bitstream/CNPAF/19135/1/doc_118.pdfConvênio: Embrapa Arroz e Feijão e Hokko do Brasil

    Compatibilidade de fungicidas e inseticidas no tratamento de sementes do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) associadas ou não a polímeros: relatório técnico.

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    Tratamento de sementes do feijoeiro com inseticida; Revestimento de sementes do feijoeiro tratadas com inseticidas e fungicidas; Experimento I - Qualidade fisiológica e sanitária; Experimento II - Teste de campo; Experimento III - Avaliação da eficiência de controle de adultos da mosca branca, Bemisia argentifolii; Conclusão; Referências bibliográficas; Anexos..bitstream/CNPAF/19141/1/doc_125.pdfCooperação técnica: Embrapa Arroz e Feijão & Bayer S/A

    Efeito da mistura de fungicidas aplicados via fungigação no controle do mofo-branco do feijoeiro comum.

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    Procurando otimizar a eficácia de controle, este trabalho objetivou determinar o efeito preventivo e residual de fungicidas utilizados em mistura e aplicados via fungigação para o controle do mofo-branco do feijoeiro.bitstream/CNPAF/19129/1/pqfoco62.pd

    The Power Spectrum of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe

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    We compute the power spectrum of galaxy density fluctuations in a recently completed redshift survey of optically-selected galaxies in the southern hemisphere (SSRS2). The amplitude and shape of the SSRS2 power spectrum are consistent with results of the Center for Astrophysics redshift survey of the northern hemisphere (CfA2), including the abrupt change of slope on a scale of 30-50Mpc/h; these results are reproducible for independent volumes of space and variations are consistent with the errors estimated from mock surveys. Taken together, the SSRS2 and CfA2 form a complete sample of 14,383 galaxies which covers one-third of the sky. The power spectrum of this larger sample continues to rise on scales up to ~ 200Mpc/h, with weak evidence for flattening on the largest scales. The SSRS2+CfA2 power spectrum and the power spectrum constraints implied by COBE are well-matched by an Omega*h ~ 0.2, Omega+lambda_0=1 CDM model with minimal biasing of optically-selected galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Sept. 23, 1994. 10 pages uuencoded compressed postscript, including two figures. JHU-9410200

    Characterizing neuromorphologic alterations with additive shape functionals

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    The complexity of a neuronal cell shape is known to be related to its function. Specifically, among other indicators, a decreased complexity in the dendritic trees of cortical pyramidal neurons has been associated with mental retardation. In this paper we develop a procedure to address the characterization of morphological changes induced in cultured neurons by over-expressing a gene involved in mental retardation. Measures associated with the multiscale connectivity, an additive image functional, are found to give a reasonable separation criterion between two categories of cells. One category consists of a control group and two transfected groups of neurons, and the other, a class of cat ganglionary cells. The reported framework also identified a trend towards lower complexity in one of the transfected groups. Such results establish the suggested measures as an effective descriptors of cell shape

    What are the Best Hierarchical Descriptors for Complex Networks?

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    This work reviews several hierarchical measurements of the topology of complex networks and then applies feature selection concepts and methods in order to quantify the relative importance of each measurement with respect to the discrimination between four representative theoretical network models, namely Erd\"{o}s-R\'enyi, Barab\'asi-Albert, Watts-Strogatz as well as a geographical type of network. The obtained results confirmed that the four models can be well-separated by using a combination of measurements. In addition, the relative contribution of each considered feature for the overall discrimination of the models was quantified in terms of the respective weights in the canonical projection into two dimensions, with the traditional clustering coefficient, hierarchical clustering coefficient and neighborhood clustering coefficient resulting particularly effective. Interestingly, the average shortest path length and hierarchical node degrees contributed little for the separation of the four network models.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Análise da divulgação e comercialização do Curadermite: uma tecnologia gerada pela Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros.

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    O estudo mostra que o conhecimento dos produtores e extensionistas acerca dos aspectos diferenciais do Curadermite se restringiu, praticamente, à Bahia e Sergipe, estados de maior proximidade geográfica com a Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros, produtora do Curadermite. Por outro lado, o esforço de divulgação da tecnologia não obteve êxito nos meios acadêmico e científico onde o curadermite é praticamente desconhecido. O trabalho tem como resultado um conjunto de indicativos que podem ser utilizados na reorientação da política de divulgação e marketing de tecnologias na Embrapa.bitstream/CPATC/19761/1/bp-28.pd

    2D pattern evolution constrained by complex network dynamics

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    Complex networks have established themselves along the last years as being particularly suitable and flexible for representing and modeling several complex natural and human-made systems. At the same time in which the structural intricacies of such networks are being revealed and understood, efforts have also been directed at investigating how such connectivity properties define and constrain the dynamics of systems unfolding on such structures. However, lesser attention has been focused on hybrid systems, \textit{i.e.} involving more than one type of network and/or dynamics. Because several real systems present such an organization (\textit{e.g.} the dynamics of a disease coexisting with the dynamics of the immune system), it becomes important to address such hybrid systems. The current paper investigates a specific system involving a diffusive (linear and non-linear) dynamics taking place in a regular network while interacting with a complex network of defensive agents following Erd\"os-R\'enyi and Barab\'asi-Albert graph models, whose nodes can be displaced spatially. More specifically, the complex network is expected to control, and if possible to extinguish, the diffusion of some given unwanted process (\textit{e.g.} fire, oil spilling, pest dissemination, and virus or bacteria reproduction during an infection). Two types of pattern evolution are considered: Fick and Gray-Scott. The nodes of the defensive network then interact with the diffusing patterns and communicate between themselves in order to control the spreading. The main findings include the identification of higher efficiency for the Barab\'asi-Albert control networks.Comment: 18 pages, 32 figures. A working manuscript, comments are welcome

    Labels for non-individuals

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    Quasi-set theory is a first order theory without identity, which allows us to cope with non-individuals in a sense. A weaker equivalence relation called ``indistinguishability'' is an extension of identity in the sense that if xx is identical to yy then xx and yy are indistinguishable, although the reciprocal is not always valid. The interesting point is that quasi-set theory provides us a useful mathematical background for dealing with collections of indistinguishable elementary quantum particles. In the present paper, however, we show that even in quasi-set theory it is possible to label objects that are considered as non-individuals. We intend to prove that individuality has nothing to do with any labelling process at all, as suggested by some authors. We discuss the physical interpretation of our results.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Controle da mela do feijoeiro com uma estrobirulina.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a eficiência de uma nova molécula de fungicida do grupo das estrobirulinas para o controle da mela do feijoeiro.bitstream/CNPAF/17258/1/pqfoco43.pd